Its a game of chess.

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A/N: omg I haven't updated in so long and it's the holidays, gosh guys I'm sorry. I had writers block ( THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!) for awhile but ya know inspiration struck again and here I am. On a different topic GUESS WHO FINISHED READING THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS AND WANTS TO CRY IN A CORNER, yeah me. I ship SOLANGELO So hard they are my OTP. Anyway don't forget to
And enjoy,

"Alex get up," James said staring down at him with bloodshot eyes.
Alex grunted in response, instead choosing to lay his head on the table with tear stained cheeks.
"Come on Cub, get up," James tried again, looking for some sort of response.
Alex looked up, pain lacing his features.
"Don't call me that please," Alex asked softly.
James stepped back, slightly shocked to hear Alex's voice after so long.
"Why?" James asked.
"Because I don't deserve that name," Alex responded fiddling with his hands.
"How could you not deserve that name? You have done so much, why would you think that?" James growled out.
"Please, it's my fault he's dead damnit! I might as well have pulled that trigger, not my uncle." Alex seethed coldly.
"But you didn't pull that trigger so it's not your fault." James said calmly, running a hand through the greasy, matted mess he called hair.
"You wouldn't understand," Alex mumbled into his elbow.
"Try me?" James offered weakly, pulling up a chair besides Alex.
"Just leave me be, stop trying, I'm not worth it." Alex replied, looking up at James with pleading eyes.
"I'm your guardian mate, I can't just leave you be." James said putting a hand on Alex's shoulder.
"My uncle is a vindictive son of a gun," Alex started, sitting up slightly.
"He enjoys puzzles, always has," Alex mumbled "he's given me a week to figure out why he's killing off everyone I love."
"Shit Alex why haven't you told us this?" James asked, his voice sounding strained.
"I wasn't planning to, but knowing you, you won't leave me alone." Alex said.
"Do you know why he's doing this?" James asked quietly.
"I have a fair idea, it happened about a year ago, it's really nothing to with him but well money drives him." Alex answered stretching his back out with a crack.
"Well do you know how to stop him?" James said trying for a less vague answer.
"Yes and no." Alex murmured.
"For the love of god kid stop being so vague!" James boomed, blowing a gasket.
"Yes I can stop him, my uncle. But no, not the real person behind it, not without significant consequences." Alex said.
"How can there be consequences if you kill him?" James said slightly confused.
"That's the thing you don't understand! You can't kill a man who's planned every single second of every day, who can remain dead but still carry on. There would be no point in killing him because you and the others will still die!" Alex shouted his voice cracking as he fisted his eyes angrily.
"What are you saying then?" James asked.
"It's just a game to him, killing him would be like knocking off another pawn in chess, mildly helpful but meaningless. Don't you see what I did? It drove him insane. The game doesn't end till everyone dies and someone calls checkmate..or," Alex mumbled quietly.
"Or?" James questioned.
"Or until a player backs out, or in this case the player dies."
"A player dies..." James muttered under his breathe, his eyes widening as realisation struck him.
"Your the player, aren't you?" James asked rhetorically.
"I can stop this, I can save you!" Alex muttered standing up abruptly.
"Woah no, hold your horses Alex. Nobodies going to be doing any self sacrificing if I can help it, so sit your ass on the chair right now." James said sternly staring Alex down.
"But it makes so much sense, he wants it to end like this, he wants to see me give up," Alex mumbled ignoring James's order.
"God dammit stop! If this is the only way he planned then dammit we'll make another one! You are not about to go and say hey to this guy whoever he is, and get shot in the skull!" James screeched, waking up the whole household and sending them running down the stairs.
"What the hell are you doing James?" Oliver screeched, stumbling down the stairs as he pulled down his shirt.
"God shout louder why don't you? I don't think the Prime minister of Australia could quite hear you!" Kaidan growled stumbling after Eagle.
"Who cares about the prime minister of Australia this numb skull thinks the only way to save the world (again) is to go and sacrifice himself (again)" James screeched, earning another glare from everyone.
"But it is the only way! This guy he's not your usual serial killer, he's a bloody master mind with an intelligence level that surpasses Sherlock Holmes," Alex seethed.
"I don't care if he's freaking Albert Einstein, we will find another way. We barely even know the whole story, you haven't taken the time to explain it to me or them." James said, a vein pulsing on his forehead as he motioned to Kaidan and Oliver behind him.
"Fine if you insist on wasting time I'll explain it to you, but you might want to sit down this will take awhile." Alex said motioning to the two standing up, before sitting down himself.
Oliver and Kaidan obliged, slightly confused at the scene they had walked in on.
Kaidan took time to grab the grape juice from the fridge and chug it down before the story, which earned a few raised eyebrows from the others.
"Well it started like this, unfortunately."

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now