That the best you can do?

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"Really the least you could do is be nice Cub," Fox growled annoyed crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on the teachers desk.

Alex pushed out his chair and walked over to Fox clearly pissed off.

"You tell me to be nice you sneaky git" Alex growled, dumping his bag beside him with a thump.

Fox raised his hands in surrender grinning.

"Look I'm sorry for dumping it on you like this, but it was necessary look I don't have time to explain this to, you have p.e next right good wolf's your new teacher, here's a note in case you're late and don't give me that look" Fox said glaring right back at him.

Alex mumbled a few choice expletives under his breathe as Fox handed him the green slip.

"Shut up and get out of here."

Alex ignored the looks he got from the year elevens outside as he walked out of his classroom and pushed open the doors with a grunt.

Thanks to the stupidity of the school he had to get from level five all the way to Gym A2 in under two minutes even with the stupid pass from Fox.

He broke into a sprint as soon as he reached ground level, he noiselessly ran towards the boys changing rooms, running through the doors just as the bell rang.

He shoved the pass slip into Wolfs hands, slipping past noiselessly he dumped his bag in an empty spot.

He ignored wolfs seething glare and quickly changed into his p.e gear, a navy loose shirt and some black shorts that probably weren't school regulation.

Alex zipped up his bag and grabbed his running shoes pulling them on one at a time.

He stood up and glared at wolf.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say, it's enough I have to stay through this lesson. I'm warning you Wolf, don't stuff this up because it won't just rebound on you."

With that said Alex shoved past wolf and jogged onto the running track seeing Tom chatting up some girl he didn't recognise, Tom said something to the girl before walking up to Alex and glancing at him confused.

"So why exactly is your guardian our new P.E teacher?" Tom asked crossing his pale bony arms across his chest.

"Look if I knew I would tell you" Alex said, looking reproachfully at Tom.

"Look I'm sorry mate, just been a strange day" Alex said, he heard a loud cough from behind him, Alex turned to see his Hispanic guardian glaring at the whole 10Ta class.

"I'm Mr De La Fuente, it's not my choice to be here so don't push my limits of patience, I'm not here to coddle you either."

Alex rolled his eyes at Wolfs attitude, these poor kids didn't know the half of it.

"As part of the new regimen you will be pushed beyond your limits, it's a test of strategy, agility and endurance I expect nothing but the best now we'll start of with ten laps of the track."

Alex was the first one to start not wanting to be on receiving end of Wolf's anger Tom jogged behind him, Alex winced as he heard Wolf screaming at his classmates.

"Are you deaf? I told you to run!"

Alex ran next to Tom silently one hundred thoughts flying through his head per minute, he forced himself to slow down as he neared the end of his ten laps ignoring the daggers Wolf was sending at him.

He sat down on the ground watching as most students completed their eighth lap, Tom was heavy breathing next to him, looking green.

"What is wrong with this guy?" Tom gasped out, watching in amusement as Wolf screeched out at the designated school bully Isaiah Jameson.

"Try running with him in the morning, he's a robot I swear" Alex said breathing lightly as Wolf moved to stand beside them.

He looked at him with a half glare.

"I know for a fact you can do better than that Rider" Wolf said gruffly.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about Mr D," Alex said curtly.

Wolf opened his mouth to reply before thinking better of it, he huffed out a breath and bent down to Alex's level.

"Fox may be understanding but I won't Cub so quit whatever this is and start acting your age" Wolf said venomously before standing up to resume his screaming at 10ta.

"What was that about?" Tom whispered, staring at Alex slightly miffed.

"That was Wolf's nice side."

By the end of the lesson Alex was done with this school thing.

Just to spite him it had started raining halfway through the shuttles Wolf had them doing, and no it hadn't dissuaded the man in fact Alex swore it made him angrier, shouting at them to move faster than the corpse of his dead grandmother.

He grinned devilishly as everyone collapsed exhausted into the changing room.

Welcome to hell, may I take your coat?

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now