Just shake it off

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A/N- so my updating schedule just got pulled through the blender... I blame The messed up communications Teachers have with Students and failing to mention tests -_-
Songs used:
Uma Thurman ~ Fall Out Boy
Shake it off ~ Taylor Swift

~Wolfs P.O.V~

Teaching P.E was something he was never ever going to again.

Who knew teenagers could be so unfit? And this was the goddamn advanced P.E class.

How on earth did Alex survive?

Well at least he could have a break. Thank god he had period four empty, that meant an empty staff room and the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee, thank god.

He packed away the rock climbing gear away in the shed, seriously he thought to himself what high school has a rock climbing wall?

Wolf locked the shed and practically skipped out of the gym, the fact that he had a year 13 gymnastics exam to observe completely forgotten.

He ignored the chatter from the girls behind him as he opened the doors to the staff room.

He made a beeline to the coffee machine and grabbed a classic teacher mug placing it on the bench.

Wolf grumbled as the coffee machine took too long, the gurgle slow and rather off putting.

Just as his mug was slowly filling with coffee a lone gun shot rang through his ears.

Wolf didn't hesitate in dropping his mug and sprinting out of the staff room towards the direction of the noise.

The scene before him in the drama room did not shock him, but to see Alex struggling in a fight was a strange thing.

But a man with a gun against a teenager didn't prove to be good odds.

Wolf shook his head at the mistakes this Mr Meade was making, you don't stand and give a monologue before shooting someone it's basically broadcasting your death.

He didn't hesitate before pulling his own firearm and aiming directly at the man's jugular vein, essentially letting him bleed out.

He smirked as Alex looked at him warily.

Wolf glanced worriedly at Alex as he staggered around, a pallor consuming his skin tone, His eyes widened as Alex filled sideways and fell to the ground completely still.

"Oh shit."

Wolf being the leader he was took charge of the situation, he called Fox telling him to deal with the police and explain the situation about Alex.

Meanwhile Eagle called MI6 and told Blunt to basically get off his lazy ass and deal with SCORPIA.

Snake leaned down by Alex, checking his vitals and such.

Snake beckoned for Wolf to come over,looking slightly pissed.

"He's caught the bloody flu no thanks to you," Snake said practically snarling.

Wolf's eyes widened, okay P.E in the rain was probably a bad idea; but how the hell had Snake figured out about that?

"Okay let's not blame me right now, how should we get him home?" Wolf asked looking a little ashamed.

"Ben's dealing with the principal and the police I'm thinking we could just sneak him out through the teachers car park" Snake said shrugging his shoulders.

"And that won't look suspicious at all."

"Do I see you coming up with any better ones?" Snake asked angrily.

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now