Cough syrup gone wrong

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A/N: ermehgerd All the states in the U.S finally legalised marriage equality that is so awesome, so many people can be who they want to be over there now (I only really just found out living in New Zealand.) this is a step forwards in the right direction :-D

"I am your worst nightmare."
"I am a killer."
"I am death."
"I am you."
"You know you cannot escape yourself, can you Alex?"

Alex was pulled from his nightmares by an insistent tapping at his window, he groaned knowing it was probably Tom.
Alex pointedly ignored his aching muscles and trudged towards the window, he could see Tom's face grinning manically through the window.
Ugh to think ten minutes could go so fast...
To think he could've been sleeping right now, Alex thought to himself. But no instead he was sitting cross legged explaining to his friend about yet another bad SCORPIA plan.
"Seriously Alex why does the worlds shit get served to you on a silver platter?" Tom asked.
"I have no bloody clue, I like to think it's my charm," Alex answered sarcastically.
Tom spluttered indignantly looking at Alex strangely.
Tom opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Wolf's shout from downstairs,
"you okay Alex?"
"Yes." He shouted.
"Okay, you think you can handle pizza for dinner?"
"Yes, you might want extra Tom's up here,"
"Seriously what the actual hell is wrong with that kid and doors..never mind Hawaiian good?"
"Yes!" Alex and Tom screamed in unison.
"Okay then."
Alex flopped onto his bed as Tom moved to sit on his desk chair.
"So what do you want to do?" Tom asked swinging his legs backwards and forwards.
"Sleep," Alex mumbled into his pillow.
"We could always swap Eagle's conditioner for gl-"
"NO." Alex shouted rising up on his elbows.
"No I am not cleaning the entire bathroom again because of one of your schemes." Alex said rubbing his aching temples.
"Fine." Tom said pouting.
"Gah just let me sleep for awhile, go annoy Wolf or something" Alex said laying back down.
"It doesn't matter, your sick I'll go tell Wolf to hold off on the pizza, I've got homework to finish at home anyway," Tom said standing up.
"Sorry Tom, I just feel really shitty," Alex said croakily.
"It's alright, I'll text you later, and I'll tell Fox or whatever to check up on you," Tom said shouldering his school bag.
"No.." Alex mumbled half heartedly.
"Dude I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here."
Alex grunted in response and burrowed into his blankets, falling asleep to Tom shutting his bedroom door quietly.

1 hour later:
Alex was done.
Done with life, done with the whole entire bloody universe.
All he wanted to do was sleep, was that to much to ask?
He had suffered through SCORPIA invading his school, Tom's short visit and now? Now he was about to be poked and prodded by none other then Snake, he'd coughed once and the guy had bloody decided to do a full body exam...why?
Alex leaned against his headboard, staring up at his ceiling; muttering every curse known to man.
He glared at Snake's approaching figure, as if his stare would do anything.
"It's just a cold," Alex croaked out.
"Mmhm I know that, I'm seriously only doing this to pacify Wolf and his motherhenning ." Snake said placing the over flowing medicine container on Alex's bedside table.
"Now shirt off," Snake said gesturing with his arm.
"Godamnit," Alex mumbled shrugging off his school shirt, which he'd failed to change out of before.
He suffered through Snake taking his temperature and pulse, then checking his ears, eyes and throat just to state the obvious. The smart ass than went on to then check his neck glands for swelling, poked his stomach for tenderness and surprisingly completely bypassed the bullet wound above his heart.
Alex leaned further into the pillows as Snake rifled through the medicine kit, chucking out various bottles and bandages.
He groaned when Snake pulled out two familiar bottles and one not so familiar.
"Now is this going to go down the easy way or the hard way?" Snake asked brandishing the three bottles.
"Well wouldn't you like to know?"
2 minutes later:
"FREAKING HELL Alex it's just cough syrup!" Snake shouted, struggling to catch Alex's surprisingly leith body.
"You know for a fact it's never just cough syrup," Alex retorted backing towards the door fumbling for the door knob.
"Come on Alex, do you really want me to call the others?" Snake asked quietly.
"Bring. It. On." Alex said stubbornly.
"WOLF WE HAVE A PROBLEM," Snake shouted as Alex ducked out of the door.

A few moments later:
"Really Alex?" Wolf asked holding down Alex's arms while Fox and Eagle held down his legs and torso.
Alex glared at him as Snake measured out 10 mL of cough syrup, getting ready to force it down Alex's throat.
Alex locked his lips shut as Snake thrust the medicine towards his lips.
"Come on Alex, seriously?" Snake asked tiredly, he sighed before prying Alex's jaw open roughly and pouring the contents into his mouth.
Snake then proceeded to clamp a hand over Alex's mouth and pinch his nose shut waiting for Alex to swallow.
Alex huffed in indignation but swallowed the "strawberry" cough syrup, deciding he didn't really want to pass out from lack of air.
"Now are you going to be good and take the rest?" Snake asked waving two bottles, one sloshing about the other rattling like a pill bottle.
"What do you think?" He croaked out.
Alex grimaced as they all tightened there grips and Snake unscrewed both bottles.

A few more moments later:
"See this is why he never takes medicine like normal kids," Wolf grumbled carrying an unconscious Alex up the stairs.
"You always bloody well end up slipping in some kind of drug to knock him on his ass."
"Well it's better then having to haul his fevered butt back home again." Snake huffed.
"I'm not going to make a comment about that, cause I really, really don't want to know." Wolf said kicking the door open.
"That's a wise choice" Snake said, pulling the blankets over the kid as Wolf placed him on the bed.
"He's going to kill us when he wakes up," Wolf said watching curiously as Snake arranged the right medicine bottles on the bedside table.
"That is why they invented sedatives," Snake said as if it was the most normal thing ever.
"Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now