You. Are. Not. Real.

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A/N: this idea literally struck me in the middle of fourth period English gah how I get anything done in class is absolutely shocking. Anyway thanks for reading.
Comment and Vote if you'd like...pretty please ;) hehehehe.
Alex felt fuzzy as hell, like someone had dunked him head first into a cloud.
God what'd Snake given him, he could barely remember his own name. That was not a good thing under any circumstances.
Alex fought against his mushy brain and opened his eyes to pitch black, huh night already?
He blinked fuzzily, adjusting to the darkness.
He looked up at the ceiling expecting to meet blank space, instead he found himself staring into a pair of cold blue eyes.
Oh hell no....this, this was not happening.
"Hello Alex."
Alex blinked dumbly at the the guy he knew was dead, this was not happening it was just a hallucination..yeah a fever driven hallucination.
"You. Are. Not. Real." Alex said rather maniacally, rising up on the bed gingerly.
"Now, now Alex do you really believe that? You know as much as I do that I'm real," Yassen said coldly.
"You died, you were shot. This is just my mind trying to be a dick." Alex muttered moving away from Yassen's towering figure.
"Language." Yassen commented leaning against the wall on the right of Alex's bed.
"Don't talk to it, it'll go away," Alex muttered to himself.
"So now I'm an it? I'm offended boy." Yassen said dryly.
"It's just a hallucination Alex, just an imaginary person."
"I'm very, very real Alex." Yassen muttered, moving forwards a step.
"I'm done Fox go cheat on Eagle. You have the rest of the pizza I'll check on Alex."
Alex sighed in relief when he heard Wolf's voice outside the door.
"Oh look Alex mother dearest is coming to pay a visit," Yassen said sarcastically.
"Shut up." Alex whisper/shouted.
"Alex who are you talking to?" Wolf asked stepping through the doorway.
Alex went white as he realised he'd said that aloud.
"Aww he's concerned for you, how sweet." Yassen said voice dripping with venom.
"Stop talking. YOU ARE NOT REAL!" Alex shouted.
Wolf's eyes widened as Alex screamed at nothing.
"Alex are you okay?" Wolf asked edging slowly towards Alex.
"Just peachy," Alex muttered.
"Okay, I'm pretty sure you need some more medicine," Wolf said moving closer towards the bed, wincing at the heat he could feel radiating off Alex.
"I'm fine," Alex mumbled staring at the blank space on the wall.
"Ah yeah and I'm the queen of England, I just saw you shout at a blank wall I'm pretty sure that is not a good sign" Wolf said picking up a random medicine bottle and reading the label.
Wolf watched resigned as Alex glared at the wall, maybe they should've checked up on him sooner.
Alex edged towards the end of the bed eyes widening as another figure appeared next to Yassen.
"Tom. What are you doing here?" Alex hissed glaring at his friend who had just appeared out of thin air...shirtless.
"Thought I'd pop in for a visit, show off my glorious physique." Fake Tom said completely serious.
"This is not happening," Alex mumbled repeatedly ignoring Wolf's entire existence.
Wolf groaned aloud wondering if he should've grabbed Snake on the way up, he grabbed the fever reducer and some other thing Snake had left bypassing the cough syrup completely.
Alex mumbled aloud over and over screaming at what Wolf saw as nothing but what Alex saw as his best friend and a dead assassin.
Wolf hurried in dissolving the tablets into the glass of water by Alex's bed, he contemplated how he would get the water into Alex.
Alex's eyes widened as Tom took a step closer towards him, Alex was practically falling off the bed by now.
"Why don't we give Wolf a show darlin, you and me?" Tom asked in a sickly sweet voice.
Alex barely held in the bile that was climbing up his throat.
"But I thought you liked me," Tom said pouting.
"Oh god no," Alex said sweating heavily, he barely registered Wolf shoving Alex towards the centre of the bed.
"Okay Alex here's how this is going to go down, you are going to drink this and then you are going to go back to bed," Wolf ordered.
Alex jolted being kicked out of his hallucinations, he gratefully accepted the water Wolf handed him.
He ignored the bitter tasting water in favour of watching Yassen and Tom closely as they sat on the edge of his bed.
Alex handed the glass back to Wolf who placed it on the bed side table. Alex had expected Wolf to leave soon after instead the big softy grunted before sitting heavily beside Alex.
"Wolf what are you doing?" Alex mumbled dazed feeling nauseous and drowsy at the same time.
"Waiting for you to go to sleep," Wolf grumbled as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.
"Why?" Alex asked curling up under the blankets trying to ignore Yassen's and Tom's flickering figures.
"Because I'd rather not come back up here to realise you'd jumped out the window or something," Wolf answered simply.
"Oh okay then," Alex said.
"Alex," Wolf asked
"Go to sleep."
Alex mumbled Incoherently before burrowing down further beside the SAS soldier and falling asleep.
Wolf waited a moment before carefully standing up and walking softly towards the door.
Okay they officially needed like a rotational schedule he thought to himself.
"grandes estrategas estaban." Great strategists they were.

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now