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Alex groaned, a literal teenage pissy groan. Really, could they not have worse timing?

Soldiers dressed in black army gear line the perimeter from what he could see, obviously they were armed with guns.

Alex knew they were new SCORPIA recruits by their utter arrogance.

Alex surveyed the soldiers in the room, four to be exact the leader stood at the front of the room.

He had dark reddish brown hair, he was short 5"7 roundabouts, his physique spoke little muscle man with a too big ego.

"I wouldn't really know, it depends on your level of skill for this mass murder wouldn't it mr?"

"Meade, Frederick Meade" the man glanced at Alex briefly, scoffing inwardly at Alex's sickly appearance.

Good Alex thought to himself the man doubted his level of skill.

"Well as I was saying it really does depend on your level of skill Mr Meade, now on a fine day like this you need a skilful massacre, I can tell you're here just for bloodshed am I right?" Alex asked cockily ignoring Snake's glare.

"Pray tell Mr Rider what led you to this conclusion?" Mr Meade asked venomously.

"Well I mean it's all in the way your set out, I mean really only four of you that's just pure laziness. You only really count on two of you to what maybe maim a few while the other two try to what would you say contain me." Alex said hoping snake got the hint to get the others out safely.

"Really Mr Rider, you think you can get past us, we are SCORPIA not some gang ring."

"Well now if you'd read my file you would know what you're up against" Alex said ignoring the shivers that raked through his body.

"And what am I up against?" Meade asked scornfully.

Surprisingly it was Snake who answered the question.

"Terror Mr Meade, pure terror", Snake nodded to Alex and in a flash hell rained down in the small drama room.

Snake shouted at the kids to get out of the class, and find cover.

Alex ducked avoiding the gunfire aimed at his head by one of the guards, in retaliation he sent a rather heavy hardcover maths book he'd found on the ground at his head sending him to the floor unconscious.

One down three to go.

One of the more stupid guards decided he could take Alex on, Alex side stepped the uppercut aimed at his temple; he then deliver three swift blows to three of the man's pressure points leaving him paralysed on the ground.

Two down two to go.

Snake had appeared back in the room with Eagle by his side seeming Eagle was the closest, Alex snickered as he watched them round in on the remaining guard, taking him down with a scary ease.

Alex turned to face Meade who stood their rather shell shocked, Alex snickered at the man's stuttering.

"Honestly you have to be the worst SCORPIA agent I've ever encountered, Yassen Gregorovich could do better dead." Alex said cracking his knuckles.

Meade snarled enraged at the use of the dead assassins name, he sent a well executed kick to Alex's chest.

Alex flipped back, landing smoothly he swung round and gave a swift kick to the shorter mans face.

Meade looked on the verge of exploding, he spat blood onto the floor and raised his gun up pointing it directly at Alex's head, as if he'd only just noticed he was holding a gun.

"For all your fancy moves Rider, you'll always end up at the point of a gun."

Alex stood like a statue, nodding discreetly at Snake and Eagle's approaching footsteps.

"Goodbye Mr Rider."

The sound of a bullet hitting flesh flooded Alex's ears.

Alex looked down expecting to feel pain and see blood on his chest, instead he saw Meade collapse to the ground a bullet lodged in his neck.

"Whoops," Wolf said plainly.

Alex's eyebrows rose up surprised at Wolf's sudden appearance in the room.

He smiled awkwardly before placing a hand on the wall for support, the onrush of adrenaline left him weak and shivering.

Black spots filled his vision, he leaned over to the side losing all means of balance.

Alex fell to floor with a thud darkness consuming his vision.


Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now