Its a prank, but it isnt

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^I just had to find the creepiest one^
With his gun held high in front of him, analysing the house for threats, Alex walked into the house knowing very few outcomes would be hospitable to him.
He'd accounted for every outcome, assessed every possible avenue.
Yet no one could expect the unexpected.
"You've come for revenge haven't you?" Dimitri shouted pitifully." Then pull the trigger, I have nothing, you took her from me. Pull. The. God. Damn. Trigger!"
"This-this is all wrong," Alex muttered, pulling at his hair harshly.
"What's wrong? I'm here aren't I? You've got the gun in your hands, shoot me!" Dimitri half begged, looking at Alex in pure insanity.
"You! You're a billionaire psychopath, you don't give up." Alex said slowly, his mind going into overdrive to work out the puzzle.
Alex eyes widened as slow clapping sounded from what was once left of his kitchen.
"Well done Alex, very well done."
"Ian Rider," Alex said coldly, turning round to face his 'uncle', "You finally realised he wasn't going to get you anywhere."
"Ha. You thought I was working for him? Why dear nephew, I'm appalled you think so lowly of me." Ian said sardonically, before pulling out a gun and shooting the pitiful man straight through the head.
"You are no family member of mine. Ian Rider died the day Yassen Gregorovich shot him," Alex said, his voice steely cold.
"Would the bullet wound suffice to show you proof?" Ian said sarcastically, "You are right though, I wouldn't dare be related to something that resembles my brother so closely."
"What do you mean by that?" Alex asked, raising his gun up to shoot Ian should he advance any closer.
"You really are thick aren't you? My brother betrayed me, he betrayed SCORPIA." Ian ranted, "You think Ash your Godfather was the only one in on your mother and father's death? Well say hello to the Man who watched gleefully as his brother and wife burned to death, Ash isn't innocent, but neither am I."
"You killed them! YOU SON OF A B*TCH." Alex shouted barrelling into his uncle.
"Tsk, tsk Alex, didn't they ever teach you to reign in your emotions?" Ian said as Alex punched him repeatedly. He simply lay there laughing insanely as his nephew beat him.
"You're naive if you think I'm the only one prepared to watch you die. There's a bigger game afoot and I'm sad I won't get to see you crash and burn."
Alex stopped his punching abruptly, just in time to watch his uncle put his gun to his head and shoot himself.
"No! Dammit no." Alex shouted, sinking down next to his uncle's creepily smiling body.
He looked up to see the TV in the lounge flicker on, an image from a bad cctv camera coming on.
Alex choked as he realised what was being played, it was his mother singing to him when he was a baby.
The video was most likely from the day when his parents had been murdered.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat."
Alex watched as his mother smiled at him trying to stop his wailing by rocking him.
"What's all this huh? Is your ear sore? Is that it? Aww come on Al, it's alright. I'm here," She said trying to soothe him.
The video stopped abruptly a message popping up.
She isn't here anymore Alex, neither is your father. Who will protect you now?
Ludum Valet.
Alex fell back against the wall, the world spinning around him.
He watched absentmindedly as K-Unit ran in, Oliver shouting about the prank, Ben pretending to be dead, everyone already knowing about Dimitri. The body Alex had been holding was a mannequin, a very lifelike one.
Oliver stopped abruptly as Kaidan, James and Ben pushed past him sinking to their knees beside him. There shouts were muffled, as if his head had been submerged under water.
"Alex, can you hear me?"
"Alex what's happened?"
"Are you okay?"
Are you okay? Such a simple question with so many meanings and answers.
He wasn't okay, he'd never be okay.
For an organisation that had been dead for 70 years, wanted his name on a plaque in a cemetery, sitting next to the graves of his parents.
Mordem was right.
Who would protect him now?
Because he sure as hell couldn't protect himself.
Alex numbly let himself be led out of the room by James and Kaidan, Oliver and Ben apologising profusely after him.
He was sat on the concrete outside his house, watching policemen and women run in the house, agents from MI6 scouting the area with earpieces.
"I knew somewhere that Ben's death had been a prank." Alex muttered quietly.
"Yeah?" James questioned, crouched in front of him worriedly.
"It was to easy, you accepted my explanation as if you had already been briefed on it." Alex chuckled darkly.
"You know it's weird, but the prank doesn't change anything I'm still going to die," Alex mumbled, almost psychotically.
"Who's going to kill you the huh?" Jame's asked, looking up at Kaidan worriedly.
"Dimitri was a chess piece, a pawn." Alex mumbled, "Mordem is after me, they're the second player."
"Death?" Kaidan questioned quietly.
"How could I have been so stupid? I should've seen it, it was right in front of me! The SCORPIA agents, Ian." Alex shouted, standing up abruptly.
"Woah there cowboy sit down, take a minute," James said grabbing his shoulders tightly.
"Death is finally going to catch up with me."

Translations from Latin:
Ludum Valet: the game prevails
Mordem: Death.

A/N: Our first story comes to a close.
It started out with a bonding fic, and now we've got an association worse then SCORPIA on our hands.
Be prepared for more..well death in the next story.
Don't worry I won't leave you hanging, you can put away your pitch forks and shovels.
Thank you all for reading commenting and voting, I sincerely  hope you continue to in the next story.
I love you guys so much for giving this story a chance.
*internet cookies and pizza for everyone*
Well, see you in the next tale:
Death is only the beginning.
Look out for it, I'll try not to disappoint.

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