Of Massacres and Madmen

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Alex let out a relieved sigh as the bell rang, he'd sat through enough introductions to last a lifetime not to count Fox's constant annoying remarks.

"Remember no homework this week, have a good day" Fox said formally, half leaning on his desk.

Alex put his english books away and shouldered his bag, giving Fox a mock salute on the way out.

Alex grinned as he heard Fox's growl from the stairs.

Okay he thought to himself drama next surely K-unit didn't take that class over, this was probably the only time Alex was thankful for picking drama as an option.

Alex made a left on the ground floor, he dumped his books in his locker and searched for the least crowded exit.

Alex practically skipped to the art block in joy, he shook his head briefly as his ears started buzzing.

He'd deal with the cold thing at home Alex told himself only two more periods and lunch left till he was home free, what could go wrong?

He walked into A1 with a smile, he dumped his bag by the wall and kicked his shoes off.

Alex spotted one of his friends Oliver leaning awkwardly on the blue walls, Oliver grinned at him and Alex walked over to Oliver.

"You got any new teachers yet?" Alex asked, moving to slide down against the wall.

"You could say that, the new p.e teacher for the advanced classes, god he's a demon" Oliver said shuddering.

"He wouldn't happen to be Mr De La Fuente, would he?" Alex asked eyes widening at the thought.

"Yeah, how'd you know that?" Oliver asked, sliding down next to Alex.

"Oh I had him for normal P.E but your telling me he runs the A.P class as well?" Alex said his brain turning to mush.

"Yup" Oliver said emphasising the P.

"Oh shit I'm screwed, I have A.P tomorrow second period with Tom" Alex said.

"Sorry I'm late guys, some kid had a breakdown in the goddamn hallway anyway I'm Mr Anders the new Drama teacher."

Alex's eyes practically popped out of his head as he recognised the man walking through the door.

Why? Why would Snake pick drama of all things, Alex put his head in his hands and let out a shaky breathe.

This was going to be a long, long day.

"Alright so where'd you guys leave off with your last teacher?" Snake, well Mr Anders asked sitting on one of the random chairs scattered around the room.

"Yes, sorry what's your name?" Mr Anders asked pointing to the queen bee Melanie Harcourt.

Alex grimaced as her high pitched voice vibrated through his thudding brain.

"Melanie sir, anyway our last teacher Mrs Callahan was getting us sorted for the school production Romeo and Juliet, she was directing it sir."

Alex almost laughed at way Snake's eyes widened into saucers, emphasis on the almost laughed.

"Wait she was directing it?" Snake squeaked out.

"Yes, sir really it would've been Mr Banks job but well he's having a midlife crisis so I guess since neither of them are here it's up to you sir" Melanie said bluntly.

"Oh flipping hell" Snake muttered aloud, running a hand through his hair.

"If you'd like we could show you what we've got so far" Melanie volunteered.

"Ah yes that would be good, it says here though that there's been a change in casting though" Snake said waving a piece of paper in the air.

Oliver glanced at him worriedly as Alex's eyes nearly exploded recalling the conversation Mrs Callahan had, had with the two of them before.

"But she said she wouldn't" Oliver muttered to Alex, tearing at his black hair as if it'd change what he knew would happen.

"As if Ollie that women has a mind of her own," Alex said, massaging his temples.

"You do know that means you're probably going to be Romeo" Oliver said timidly

"No shit Sherlock" Alex muttered.

Snake turned over the paper snickering slightly, as he saw Alex's eyes bulge out of his head.

"Yeah It says here Oliver Veres and Alex Rider to swap roles, it appears Alex you're to be Romeo and Oliver is to take your old role as Mercutio."

Alex barely contained his scream as Snake stood up and told them to show him what they had so far.

By act 2 scene 3 Alex was ready to throw a fit of epic disproportions, toddler tantrum and all.

Alex's head was pounding, his body literally couldn't stop shaking and on top of that he had to keep track of the goddamn lines.

He sat down next to his bag with a sigh, he pulled off his blazer and leant against the wall.

He groaned as he saw Snake's bleary figure walking towards him, Alex opened his mouth to tell him to piss off but was interrupted.

"Look I don't want to fight, Cub you look like crap" Snake said plainly crouching down to his level.

"Ohh yeah I hadn't noticed" Alex retorted, putting his head on his knees.

"Well as unit medic it's my job to make sure you're okay, you don't have to stay through this why don't I call in and take you back to Wolf's place," Snake offered.

"Yeah and the teachers wouldn't be the least bit suspicious, look thanks for the offer but I'm not interested" Alex said standing up on shaky legs.


"Hello Brookland year tens, Now isn't it a lovely day for a mass murder to take place; what would you say Mr Rider?"

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now