Let the revenge ensue.

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Wednesday 11 o'clock in the morning.
His revenge would be swift and painful.
Nobody would see him coming...not even Wolf himself.
Alex at the current moment was rummaging through the bathroom cabinet, he had found as the list followed:
-Anti-inflammatory cream stuff
-Shaving cream
Alex knew what he was looking for but whether they had it or not was a question yet to be answered.
He was about to give up and shove everything back in when he found it, the rather dusty white bottle or pills.
This would just be too good, Alex thought to himself.
Now to set his plan into action.

Alex walked down the stairs leaning heavily on the rail, ignoring Snake's piercing gaze from the lounge.
The pill bottle was inconspicuously hidden in his hoodie pocket.
Now step one he thought to himself, offer Eagle a drink.
He walked into the kitchen grabbing the bottle of OJ from the fridge and setting it on the bench.
He began getting the cups out and crushing the pills into each cup, he then poured the juice into each one; keeping it concentrated to hide the taste.
"Hey anyone want a drink?" He called from the kitchen, leaning on the bench slightly to keep upright.
There was a chorus of grunts before Fox and Eagle walked in to grab the groups drinks.
"What about you Al?" Fox asked suspiciously noticing Alex hadn't poured one for himself.
"Oh I was just going to have some water, orange juice doesn't go well with my stomach" Alex said using his usual sick excuse.
Fox raised his eyebrow suspiciously, before following Eagle out into the lounge.
Alex merely grinned evilly to himself before wobbling up the stairs to his room, remembering his history essay he had to finish.
He was nearly 100% sure the group would be feeling the effects of the pills in the next hour.

20 minutes later:
Alex smiled as he heard numerous groans coming from downstairs before footsteps were thundering across the floor and doors were being slammed shut.
"ALEXANDER RIDER I WILL KILL YOU!" Wolf screamed while his stomach rebelled against him.
Alex laughed softly before simply turning his music up louder, stomach tied in knots by sleeping with the sirens blasting through his ears.
He knew it'd probably come back to bite him in the ass later, but still it was worth it to see them suffer.
Who knew laxative pills worked so fast?

15 minutes or so later...
"Eagle was the one who broke your iPad why'd you take revenge out on us as well!" Fox moaned clutching his stomach in a death grip.
"Meh" Alex replied shrugging his shoulders while continuing to read through his WWII essay on Winston Churchill.
"Meh? THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY!" Wolf practically screamed from his leaning position on the door.
Alex raised his eyebrow in response at Wolf's rant, I mean what else did the man expect? Alex thought to himself.
"You know what this means" Snake called from across the hall.
"What?" Alex asked quietly.
"You've initiated a revenge war," Fox said paling at the prospect of another household war.
"Like you could beat the master!" Alex scoffed, regretting it when the throbbing in his head made itself known.
"You won't be saying that by tomorrow," Wolf muttered darkly.
"Bring the war on I say!" Alex said putting down his history homework.
"Bring your best Cub, we will merely repay you back in kind." Eagle shouted darkly from his room.
"Fine." Alex said.
"Fine." Wolf replied.
"Good now that's settled could some one get him to take his pills?" Snake called having realised the time and automatically going into his *mother hen mode*
Alex rolled his eyes as Wolf grunted and grabbed the numerous bottles.
He shoved three pills at Alex, watching him closely as he took them, before giving him the cough syrup.
Alex for once in his life was being an agreeable person, to K-Unit's shock.
"What?" Alex mumbled grimacing at the *bubblegum* flavoured cough syrup.

Gah I'm still a terrible person...I haven't updated in like three weeks.
Yeah school started..again and I had a tooth ache...which resulted in root canal therapy..which resulted in me being unable to concentrate.
Yeah..I know doesn't really warrant in not updating.
Forgive me? *offers a pizza slice*
You can blame my previous dentist who botched up my old filling.
Yes let's blame him!
We are close to 900 reads *dances like an insane person*
"live long and prosper guys"

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now