Frosting and Feelings

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"Happy Birthday dear ETHOOOooooo~! Happy birthday to youuuuuu~!!!!" Everyone cheered as the song ended and Etho blew out the candles on the cake. He impressively blew out 17 of the 18 candles. Bdubs didn't know how Etho had the lung capacity for that.

It was nice to see Etho enjoying himself. He probably hadn't taken time to take a break in a while. Bdubs was happy to celebrate with him.

Beef cut the cake and people all crowded around to have a piece. It was a simple chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, decorated with green and blue letters spelling out "Happy Birthday Etho!". The pretty cake didn't last long though, and soon read "Hap Et" as the pieces were taken away.

Bdubs had waited for the crowd to clear out before getting a piece of cake. Usually he'd shove his way to the front to get first pick, but something in his bones told him to wait. So, once the line had gone, Bdubs made his way over and happily accepted the "E" slice from Beef before reclaiming his spot in the corner of the room where he and Tango had wrapped Etho's gift. Bdubs sighed, watching all his friends messily eat cake. It was at that moment that he noticed that he hadn't even talked to the birthday boy at all! Bdubs couldn't have that!

Still holding his plate of cake, Bdubs marched around the apartment until he found the man of the hour, talking with Doc and Cleo. Oh he looks busy, you should come back later, he might not even want to talk to y...

"Bdubs! How are ya man?!?!" Doc draped an arm around his shoulder and messed with his hair. Bdubs quickly pushed him off and rolled his eyes. He couldn't stay annoyed at Doc though, especially not when Etho was laughing at the two of them.

"Doc, don't make him drop his cake! Then we'll have an angry dwarf on our hands."

"ETHO! I'M NOT THAT SHORT!!!" It was Doc's turn to laugh, with Cleo joining in. Bdubs pouted and shoved a forkful of cake into his mouth, chewing angrily.

"Aww look what you've done Etho, now he's angry anyway." Cleo playfully punched Etho on the shoulder. Bdubs scowled.

"If it wasn't your birthday I'd shove this cake in your face." Etho grinned at that remark.

"A threat from Bdoubleo himself? You wouldn't touch me even if it wasn't my birthday! You couldn't even reach my face short stack." That was the final straw. Bdubs turned swiftly to face Etho, smiled evilly, and then shoved his half eaten slice of cake into Etho's face.

Etho stood there shocked while Cleo and Doc burst into laughter. Beef caught sight of the situation and joined in, followed by Tango and Impulse. Soon, the whole room of people was giggling at the frosting covered birthday boy.

Etho, the resident introvert, was not too pleased with the attention, and Bdubs was very embarrassed. Without another word, Bdubs grabbed Etho's hand and strolled out of the crowded room. The laughter echoed through the halls and followed them all the way to Etho's room. Bdubs shut the door, and everything was quiet. Etho shook his head, smiling.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it."

"Well you called me short!"

"You are short dubs."

"Says the one with frosting on his face." Etho rolled his eyes and smiled. He pulled a towel out of his hamper and promptly wiped his face off.

"There. No more frosting." Bdubs snickered.

"You missed a spot stupid." He walked over to Etho and used his thumb to wipe the small remaining bit of frosting off Etho's cheek.

"There. NOW no more frosti.." Bdubs paused. They were standing close. Really close. And Bdubs had just pulled whatever stunt that was. Etho's face was red. Gosh B you've done it again! You're probably making him uncomfortable! But... He looks kinda hot this clo.. NO! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! AHH! Pull yourself together! He's your friend! This isn't some silly romcom book!

Bdubs stepped away, turning his head to hide his growing blush.

"Hey uhhh, we should probably get back to the party..." Etho seemed to instantly snap out of whatever trance he was in at the mention of the other people in his house.

"Yeah, uhh, definitely."

So, the two made their way back to the rest of the party. And if Bdubs looked a little red in the face, he was just sunburned from spending a day at the park with Keralis yesterday. And if he couldn't help but stare at the remains of the white frosting on the cake, it was just because he was admiring Beef's baking. And if he stole one too many glances at the silver haired birthday boy, it was just because it was Etho's birthday. And if Bdubs felt the slightest bit attracted to Etho... he at least wouldn't admit it out loud. 


Hello! How are y'all today? I'm personally great now that this chapter is done. Rewrote it like 4 times because I had a really hard time getting ideas ;-; but anywayyyyyy...... Here's the question for today! Which party guest do you think tried to "taste test" the cake before Etho blew out the candles? Thats it guys! Take care and I'll see ya all whenever I update next. Back to Etho's pov next chapter so stay tuned! Love you all :)))) 

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