Trouble Brewed With the Coffee

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 The alarm blared in Doc's ears. Monday mornings aren't anyone's favorite but for Doc, they were the definition of painstaking. He quickly turned off his alarm and groaned as he rolled out of bed. He made his way to the kitchen and started a pot of black coffee on the stove. He was gonna need caffeine if he wanted to get through classes.

Doc knew Iskall had left earlier for work, and with Etho out of the house that left Doc to a quiet morning by himself. Etho had messaged him saying he had made it safely so Doc felt a whole lot better. No more stress, just coffee.

Doc got ready for school as the pot boiled. It was time to leave and the coffee still wasn't quite done. The warm pot was taunting him. Doc sighed and checked his phone, looking over all his messages. Nothing new from Iskall, nothing new from Etho. Etho... wait....HIS ENGLISH PROJECT! Doc bolted to Etho's room. He really didn't have time to make his coffee and get to school in time to turn in Etho's project but He'd have to make it work. Now where did Etho say he left it? Doc thought hard.

"Gosh darn you Etho where did you leave it?!?!?" Doc vaguely remembered Etho saying if he forgot to put it out it would be in his desk drawers. Not seeing a paper on top of his desk, Doc threw open the drawers. 'Who was the letter even to? Dr. Seuss right? I thought he was dead.' Doc opened the bottom drawer and found a slightly crumpled folded note. He pulled back the corner just a bit and read the revealed letters:

'Dear D'

Bingo. Doc heard his coffee pot finishing up in the other room. He quickly shoved Etho's note into his pocket and made a mental note to clean up the mess he'd made looking for it when he got home from school. It was Etho's fault for storing the letter in the bottom of his drawer anyway. Doc ran to the kitchen, poured himself a steaming cup of black coffee and bolted out the door.

Doc's truck pulled into the school parking lot right on time by some miracle. He sighed, parking and locking his car. With his backpack slung over his shoulder and his coffee in hand, Doc made his way to his locker where he was met by Bdubs and Rendog.

"DOC! What is up my dude!" Ren playfully shouted. Doc just shook his head and smiled as he did his locker combo and disposed of unneeded books.

"Hey guys! Can't chat for long, gotta go turn some stuff in for Etho." Bdubs piped up.

"Is he enjoying his trip?"

"I don't know, haven't really heard from him. Etho's not much of a texter."

"You can say that again!" Bdubs said. Ren punched him in the shoulder.

"Of course you'd want to talk to Etho more! Don't think I didn't see that stunt you pulled

at his birthday party! You were definitely flirting my dude." Bdubs turned bright red, stuttering.

"I D-DIDN'T.... I WASN'T...I... AH! You're one to talk! I see all the people you flirt with Ren!" Doc giggled at that. Ren just shrugged.

"Alright guys, as much as I love watching Bdubs' face go red, I really gotta go turn this in for Etho. See you guys at lunch?"

"Definitely! Hopefully Bdubs' face won't be as red as the spaghetti sauce they serve in the cafeteria by then." Before he could hear Bdubs protest, Doc walked swiftly toward the English hall.

Doc knocked on the classroom door and entered. Etho's English teacher was sitting at her desk, prepping for a long day of teaching.

"Hello Doc, what brings ya here?"

"Etho's out of town and asked me to turn in his writing project for him." Doc fished, taking the note out of his pocket and handed it to the teacher.

"What a good friend you are! Thank you. Enjoy your day." She placed the note onto a stack of papers to be graded later and went back to typing lesson plans on her computer. Doc swiftly exited her classroom and made his way to his first period class right before the bell rang. Starting the week off with Math wasn't his favorite, but Doc had enough coffee to get him through the day until lunch. Everything was looking up, especially for a Monday. But all good things must come to an end eventually...


Double post today because I'm gonna be out of town next week so I might not get any writing done. Hope you're enjoying the show! Because everything only goes downhill from here! (At least for Doc, not for you guys though ;) ) Question for the chapter: Who can make Bdubs the most flustered?!?!? Oki love ya'll take care of yourselves drink water you dehydrated slices of mozzarella cheese. See y'all when I return! 

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