Pack Your Bags

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 Etho stared at the blue wrapping paper in front of him. Everyone watched, desperately waiting for him to tear into the gift. Etho peeled the paper, revealing the prize beneath. He smiled. New paints! It had been forever since he painted! The room stayed quiet, all eyes still fixed on him. He had already opened the gift, what were they waiting for?

Etho finished pulling the paints out of their wrapped prison and examined them. They were nice watercolors, they'd be good for landscapes. He threw the wrapping aside and out of the way of his amazing gift. Suddenly, a white flash caught his eye. What was that? A piece of paper fell out of the wrapping paper he was trying to discard. All the eyes in the room fixated on the paper. Etho took a breath. Everything seemed so suspenseful. It was a gift for heaven's sake! What was with the odd tension? He carefully picked up the paper and flipped it over. He saw people holding their breath. On the paper was scrawled one short sentence.

'Pack your bags, you're going to Hawaii.'

Etho sat stunned, expressionless. Everyone glanced around worried, waiting for a reation. Etho stood up and crossed the room to Doc and Iskall. He still showed no signs of emotion. Out of nowhere he lunged at the two and wrapped them in a hug.

"Guys! What the heck!!! Thank you!" Iskall smiled and returned the hug. Doc struggled to keep his 'stone cold creeper' expression but eventually joined in the hug with a smile anyway. Everyone seemed to cheer and smile. The room erupted with happy chatter.

"Don't just thank us, everyone pitched in!" Iskall shouted. With that everyone smiled even wider, some even coming over to join the group hug. Doc wiggled out of the hug with minimum struggle and spoke.

"Uhhh Etho? I hate to be a buzzkill but, it might be a good idea to listen to the note and start packing..."

"How soon is the flight?"

"Umm... 8:00 tomorrow morning?" Etho froze. The rest of the room froze with him.

"Doc... We have school!" The rest of the crowd stood there worriedly. Iskall piped up.

"Don't worry about that Etho! We'll take care of picking up all your assignments and stuff. Plus, it's only a week long trip. You've missed school longer than that for being sick." Etho thought for a minute, smiled and shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh alright! What the heck! Yolo I guess!" Once again all the party guests cheered. Etho was going to Hawaii! And he sure as heck was gonna paint the scenery!


After everyone had left, Doc, Etho, and Iskall took to pulling all the streamers off the walls and taking down the numerous pictures of Jellie. Plates were washed and trash was taken out to the dumpster. Once all the work was done, the three plopped down on the sofa.

"You guys are the best, you know that right?" Iskall smiled and replied.

"Yeah, yeah, We're just happy you're excited!"

"And don't worry about your schoolwork" Doc added, "I can turn in all the assignments you've done. We just want you to have a stress free week ok? Can you do that?"

"Promise." The three sat together in comfortable silence for a few more minutes. Iskall fell asleep so Etho quietly vacated the couch to go pack, Doc followed shortly after to help.

Etho's brain buzzed with excitement as he and Doc threw clothing into his small green suitcase. He made sure to pack plenty of outfits and his shiny new paints, as well as some other art supplies. He had never traveled on his own but Etho wasn't really nervous. He couldn't wait for the flight.

With the last of his belongings packed, Etho sighed and sat on his bed. Doc followed suit sitting in the desk chair. They smiled at each other.

"Gosh Eth, I know you're only gonna be gone for a week but what are we gonna do without you?"

"I don't know, but the house will surely be a lot messier." Doc chuckled at the remark.

"I'll drive ya to the airport tomorrow, that way you won't have to worry about paying for airport parking or any crap like that." Etho nodded. Silence grew around them for a few moments. It was a peaceful silence. Silence of two best friends, soon to be separated, enjoying each others company. Both content to just simply exist.



"Thank you. So much. You are the the most amazing friend a guy could ask for."

"Whaaaat? Etho being sentimental? Since when?!?!" Etho scoffed.

"Just take the compliment you dummy!" Doc laughed and smiled.

"Thanks. And you deserve this. You've been working nonstop lately. Haven't even seen you paint in ages."

"Yeah... guess I have been busy."

"Yeah." Etho seemed to get lost in thought for a few minutes. He suddenly spoke up.

"Ok, I promised to relax on this vacation so there's something I need you to do for me. I've got this big English assignment that needs to be turned in on Monday. I'll try to remember to set it out before we leave but if I forget it should be in my desk drawers. It's a letter. It should be addressed to Dr. Seuss. Could you turn it in for me? If you can do that I promise I will take a break and enjoy my trip." Doc rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Of course I'll turn it in for you. But no work on your trip! Only waves from the sea, no waves of anxiety!"

"Thanks Doc." The two yawned simultaneously.

"It's pretty late Etho, and you've got a big day tomorrow. It might be wise to get some rest."

"Yeah, guess you're right."

"See ya bright and early tomorrow morning!"

"Night Doc!" And with that Doc stood and left the room, leaving Etho on his own to dream about his adventure, and the beaches that he'd paint just a plane ride away.


Another successful chapter posted. I'm really happy with this one! Doc and Etho friendship makes me happy :) Question of the chapter: If Etho forgot to pack an item, what item would it be? Have a wonderful day, night, or whatever. See ya next time! 

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