Sweet Words, Bitter Aftertaste

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Grian took a breath and knocked on the door. If Bdubs wasn't home, his whole plan was toast. Even if it was breaking the rules, Grian knew that Doc, Iskall, and Stress would thank him later. And besides, there was no other way to set up Bdubs and Etho in two days. Not without Bdubs being able to read how Etho felt about him. So Grian was justified in his actions. Or at least he told himself he was.

The door opened to reveal a very tired looking Bdubs. He was wearing his signature green hoodie. As he opened the door he yawned. Grian smiled. The sleepier Bdubs was, the better. When he was sleepy, he was usually more agreeable. Grian hoped that that would be true tonight.

"Grian? What the heck are you doing over here? It's like, 9:00." Grian chuckled.

"Bdubs, most people don't sleep until midnight. Chill." Bdubs grumbled in disapproval.

"So, what do you want?" Grian smirked.

"I just came to deliver this letter to ya!" He stuck out the folded note to Bdubs, who just stared at it hesitantly.

"Who's it from? And why didn't they just shoot me a text? Letters are like... super old school..."

"Its.. uh..." Grian thought for a moment. How to word it? "Well, you know that project you were telling me about in your English class? Its one of those but it's written to you."

"Gri the point of that assignment was that it was written to a dead author. And we turned those in a few days ago. Stop pulling my leg. Who's it from and what is it?" Grian sighed.

"Look. The person who wrote it was inspired by the assignment and wrote this to you."

"Well how did you get it? And who is sending it?"

"I stole it! You aren't supposed to see it but I think you need to ok? It's important!" Bdubs looked horrified at that answer.

"Grian! That's someone's personal property! If I'm not supposed to see it then I don't want to look at it! I don't want anything to do wit-"

"Its from Etho." Bdubs stopped his yelling and looked at Grian, eyes wide.

"Wha- What did you say?"

"I said it's from Etho." Bdubs cautiously grabbed the letter out of Grian's hands.

"And you said it was addressed... to me?" Grian nodded. Bdubs stared at the folded note in his hands. Why wouldn't Etho want me to see this? Did he write something mean? Maybe he secretly hates me. Oh heck he hates me doesn't he! He total- Grian noticed the worried look on Bdubs's face growing and quickly spoke, cutting off his thoughts.

"It's not anything bad I swear!" Bdubs visibly relaxed. He cautiously started to unfold the paper. Grian took that as his cue to leave. He turned to walk away but stopped himself to give one more remark.

"Oh and Bdubs? Keep in mind that once you read that, there's no going back... Ok see ya later enjoy!" With that Grian ran back to his car leaving a very confused and scared Bdubs on the porch.

Once Grian's car was out of sight, Bdubs re-entered his house. He unfolded the paper fully and sat down on his couch. Can't go back once I read it huh? Do I really want to do this? Etho probably didn't want me seeing this but... well no turning back now. Curse you Grian for making me so curious!

With a deep breath, he started reading the note that he was never supposed to see. The note that once he read, there was no going back. The note that Etho wrote to him.

Dear DoubleO,

If nothing else, I want you to know I'm helplessly in love with you.

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