Forgotten Friends

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Etho had always been somewhat of a morning person, even if he had to shove caffeine down his throat to stay awake. He liked the quiet streets when no one was awake and the fact that he could be the first in line to get his coffee. Sure, Bdubs told him he was crazy for waking up anytime before 8:00 on a saturday, but Etho always deemed himself a little crazy anyways.

He didn't truly know where he was going, he just walked, occasionally sipping the warm drink in his hands. The weather was getting cooler. Every aspect of the city whispered that autumn was on the horizon. Etho didn't mind that it was getting colder, he actually quite enjoyed it. And now that he had a boyfriend, autumn seemed even more magical.

They could take walks through the park when the leaves changed. They could carve pumpkins on halloween. They could hold hands to keep the chill away. Etho liked the sound of all of that. 

It was odd for him. He had never had a boyfriend, he had never even thought about doing any of that stuff. Something about Bdubs just made him feel soft. He couldn't quite place it but whatever it was, he was thankful for it. Thankful for him.

Etho found himself walking into 'Stress's Sweet Sundaes'. Despite being an ice cream shop, it also sold pastries, which made it a breakfast hot spot for locals. It also explained why on earth it would be open at 6am. Etho wasn't there for the pastries however, he was there for the person behind the counter.

The little bell on the door sang, pulling Stress's attention from the newspaper she was reading. She looked tired, but her smile was still wide. You could tell just by looking at her that her shop meant everything to her.

"Etho luv! Hello! What brings you here at this hour?"

"Hey Stress! Thought I'd just stop by and say hello like old times."

"Well I'm glad you did! Things have been pretty slow this morning. It'll be nice to have some company. Come take a seat!" Stress motioned for Etho to sit on one of the stools at the counter. He obliged and smiled. Just like old times.

"So, what's new?" Etho shrugged.

"I got a boyfriend."

"So I've heard! And how's that?"

"Amazing." Etho blushed slightly. Stress smiled.

"I knew you two would get together sooner or later. Now if only Ren and Doc would do the same..." Etho laughed.

"Those two are oblivious as anything."

"Well to be fair, so were you and Bdubs." Etho smiled and shook his head.

"I guess you're right." Stress sighed happily.

"I missed this Etho. Just chatting with ya. I feel like it's been ages since you've been in the shop."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. Life likes to keep me on my heels."

"I know. I don't blame ya. I think Beef does though."

"Beef? What does he blame me for?" Stress's tone changed to be melancholy. She sighed.

"I mean, you lot used to come to the parlor after school every week. It's been a month and Beef's just been coming on his own. He misses you ya know? Worries that you won't have time for him now that you have a boyfriend to worry about." Etho let that sink in. He truly hadn't talked to Beef since the birthday party. Etho fidgeted with his hands.

"I didn't mean to leave him alone. And I still have time for him."

"Then you might wanna tell him that." Etho hadn't known why he had come to see Stress this morning. He just knew she'd have something to say. She always had something to say. And it was always exactly what he needed to hear.

"Thank you. I'll talk to him." Stress shot Etho a smile, "I best be going." 

"Of course luv, feel free to stop by anytime. And say hi to Beef for me when you get the chance!"

Etho exited the shop and started back to his apartment. Stress was right. He'd ignored his friend. He unlocked his phone and opened his messaging app. He typed out a simple message:

Hey, sorry I've been distant. Coffee?

Etho frowned at the text. He had never meant to ghost his friend. He needed to make things right. He pushed send. As he went to put his phone in his pocket, a text came through. He looked at his phone, expecting a reply. The text wasn't from Beef though...

E! I know it's only been a few weeks but I booked a flight. I'm coming to see you in a month!


Lil baby chapter. Bitty baby chapter. We're bringing back Beef baby! But he isn't the important character teased last chapter. For that you'll have to wait for the next update! (And I promise it wont take me ages to upload again) also we getting back to that IOU next chapter so stay tuned!

QOTC: Is Etho a bad friend for abandoning Beef for a month?

Much love for y'all <3 

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