Love, Etho

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The bells on the coffee shop door jingled as Etho walked through. He didn't have to look long before spotting the person he was looking for. 


Etho made his way over and sat down at the booth across from him. It had been a long time, yet it didn't feel awkward. It felt right.

"Hey Beefers. Long time no see."

"Yeah. It has been a bit, hasn't it?" Beef chuckled, "I already ordered us coffee."

"I figured as much. How ya been?" Beef shrugged and smiled.

"Been alright. Just the same old stuff as always. What about you?"

"I've been good." Etho smiled brightly. Beef returned the look.

"I missed ya you know."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I've been kinda a jerk..." Beef laughed.

"Yeah you have, but that's ok. I forgive ya."

"That's a relief." The two laughed together. It was familiar. A waitress brought over their coffee, and they sipped it in silence. Etho smiled when he realized that Beef had remembered his favorite coffee. It was just like old times. Beef set his cup down and looked at Etho knowingly.

"Ya wanna know something Etho?"


"You seem a lot happier." Etho chuckled, sipping his coffee before speaking.

"I am a lot happier."

"I've never seen you this relaxed, ya know? You've always been so anxious and socially awkward. I mean, last time we were together you ran out of Stress's shop! Now look at you. A month later and you're traveling and making friends. You even have a boyfriend!"

"I mean you're not wrong." Beef smiled.

"I can't help but wonder, what changed?" Etho thought about that. It wasn't the fact that he had a boyfriend. It wasn't the fact that he went on the Hawaii trip. It wasn't even the fact that he had written a love letter. Despite everything he had gone through over the past month, it wasn't any of that. In the end, he knew exactly what changed.

"I guess I changed." Beef raised his coffee mug, clinking it against Etho's.

"Change is a great thing, isn't it?"

"Yes, but familiarity is nice too."

"A comfort zone is a beautiful place my friend, but nothing ever grows there. I'm happy for you. Just don't forget about little old me when you're off with your cool new boyfriend and friends!" Etho laughed.

"I promise I won't!"

"Good." Beef sipped his coffee, "We've got school in a few minutes." Etho glanced at the wall clock in the coffee shop.

"Yeah..." He paused and thought for a moment, "Hey, you wanna get the gang together after school for ice cream at Stress's?" Beef looked overjoyed.

"Of course! That sounds great! Maybe this time you won't run out of the shop though." Beef winked and the two of them laughed. They finished off their coffee and headed to school.

The day went by as normal. Etho still hated English and Bdubs still needed help in art. But some things were different. Doc walked Ren to his classes. Grian didn't make any trouble for once, he was too busy in book club with Scar (even though Etho had never seen Grian read anything ever). And surprisingly, Bdubs stayed awake through all of his classes. Change was a good thing.

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