Success, Who's Next?

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"Guys, Etho's been back for 5 days and he still hasn't ran to me saying that him and Bdubs are dating. We failed operation Ethubs." Stress sighed at Iskall's words.

"Well, they might not have gotten together as soon as we hoped, but at least Etho and Bdubs seem to be getting closer? Thats a start right?" Doc rolled his eyes and Grian giggled.

"This isn't funny Grian! This is an omega problem! We were supposed to have gotten them together by now! We haven't even told Etho we've seen the note like we promised we would!" Grian couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. He burst into a laughing fit. Stress looked at him confusedly.

"G honey, what is so funny about this?" Grian choked out a response between giggles.

"You guys really don't know!?!? HAH! Tell em Doc! You gotta know right?" Doc looked up from his phone, annoyed. Iskall and Stress were both staring at him. Doc sighed and spoke.

"Etho and Bdubs are already dating." The sentence hung in the air for a moment, slowly sinking in. Iskall broke the silence.


"They wanted to keep the relationship on the down low..."

"Then how does Grian know?!?!" Grian smiled.

"Because I broke your silly club rules and gave Bdubs the love letter. I got them together! Kinda...."


"What?!?! It worked didn't it?"

"THATS NOt... I mean.. I guess..." Iskall slumped back in his chair, speechless. Stress just smiled.

"I'm glad they got together after all." Doc nodded in agreement. Just then, Etho treaded down the stairs into the room.

"Uhh hi guys? What are you doing? And why does Iskall look like he's seen a ghost?" Grian answered before anyone else could.

"Hi Etho! Congrats on your relationship! I was rooting for you two to get together. You guys won me so many bets!"

"Uhhh... thanks? I think?" Iskall crossed the room to Etho.

"E, why didn't you tell me you and Bdubs started dating?" Iskall looked slightly hurt. Etho sighed.

"We haven't even been together for a week, Iskall. We also kinda wanted to keep it low key... guess that's not really an option anymore now that all you guys know..." Doc grumbled a small sorry before returning his attention back to his phone. Iskall sighed and returned to his seat.

"Ok. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Iskall." Etho smiled and walked toward the front door, "Oh, and speaking of my new boyfriend, he and I are going on a dinner date. I'll be home later. Bye guys." The four left in the living room all muttered goodbyes as Etho left. Stress spoke once Etho was gone.

"Well, there you have it. Guess our plan worked after all! Meeting dismissed!" She happily hopped out of her seat and donned her shoes. Grian smiled mischievously.

"One more order of business. Doc?" Doc looked up from his phone again and met Grian's cheeky smile.


"Expect that IOU to be used soon." And with that, Grian pranced out the door. Doc stared after him worriedly. Iskall just laughed.

"You should have never given him that!"

"Yeah. But hey, it got Etho a boyfriend. I can live with the consequences." Stress finished pulling on her shoes and spoke.

"True! Etho does indeed have aboyfriend! So boys, this mission is done right? That leaves one question..... who are we setting up next?" Iskall thought for a moment before smirking.

"What about Doc and Ren?" That got Doc's attention. He shot out of his seat and slapped Iskall, who was now bent over laughing.

"Ren and I are friends! JUST FRIENDS! How many times do I have to say it Iskall!?!?!" Stress chuckled from the door before adding her two cents to the conversation.

"You're a terrible liar Doc. I see how he flirts with you." Doc turned to glare at Stress.

"Ren flirts with everyone Stress. That's nothing new." 

"Not like that honey, open your eyes." Doc tried to protest but she was already out the door. Iskall was still laughing. Doc sighed and stomped up the stairs, fed up with being around people. He wanted to be on his own.

 Ren didn't like him like that. Ren would never like him like that, no matter how much he wished he would. Ren flirted with everyone. Ren could pull any guy or gal if he wanted to. There's no way Ren would like me out of everyone else who likes him. Yet here I am falling head over heels. Nice going Doc, you're on the train to heartbreak station. 


Hi gamers! So sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out! I've been really busy and decided to take a mental health week cuz it was my bday and I was running a kids drama camp. Thanks for being patient! 

QOTC: There's an important character coming into the story soon, who do you think it will be? (It's one of the hermits if that wasn't obvious)  

Love ya! Have a wonderful day/night! 

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