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"Baby, you're pacing again." Bdubs put a comforting hand on Etho's shoulder to stop his worried pacing. Etho sighed and sat down on the airport bench. Bdubs joined him and held his hand.

"Sorry. His flight is just late. I know he's probably fine but it's stormy and he's thousands of feet in the air and-" Bdubs kissed Etho to shut him up.

"And he'll be fine." Etho blushed, clearly taken off guard. He leaned slightly into Bdubs's side.

"You're right."

"Always am."

A few more minutes passed before the intercom came on and announced that the plane had landed. Etho visibly relaxed at the news before getting very excited. He stood up and bounced on his toes. Bdubs thought that it was extremely cute.

"ETHO!" Bdubs turned his head and saw a man running towards Etho, suitcase trailing behind. Etho ran to meet him and the two hugged. So this is Xisuma eh?

"X! Oh my gosh you're here! Did you have a good flight?"

"Yup! A little bumpy but hey, nothing can keep me from my best friend!" Bdubs watched as the two caught up, both equally energetic. It was weird seeing Etho so excited. He was usually pretty nonchalant. Xisuma made him happy. Do I make him that happy? Maybe X would be a better boyfriend than me...

"Bdubs! This is Xisuma! X, this is Bdubs!" Xisuma smiled and held out a hand. BDubs shook it, simultaneously shaking the thoughts out of his head.

"Pleasure to meet ya Bdubs!" Xisuma turned to Etho and smirked, "So is this the cute guy you were talking about? Because I can totally see it." Etho blushed deeply as X laughed. Bdubs smirked and kissed Etho's cheek before speaking.

"I should hope so! I'm his boyfriend. If he was talking about anyone else I'd be jealous!" Etho covered his flustered face with his hands as the other two laughed. Eventually, X patted Etho on the shoulder.

"Congrats! Why didn't ya tell me you got a boyfriend?" Etho shrugged, still blushing.

"I guess it never came up?" X shook his head. Bdubs butted in.

"I love this conversation we're having guys, but can we take it to go? I wanna get home before dark." The two nodded and they all found their way out of the airport. 

Once in the car, the conversation was light. Etho and Xisuma filled each other in on the time they were apart and Bdubs added his two cents wherever he could. Bdubs found himself taking a liking to Xisuma almost immediately. It was no wonder why Etho had made friends with him, he was a very interesting person. Bdubs also noticed that both X and Etho were wearing their matching earrings. The thoughts came back into his brain. Etho and Xisuma fit so well together. Do Etho and I fit that well together?

"Aaaand we're here! Welcome to my humble home!" Etho held the door open for X and Bdubs as they entered the house. The boys all took off their shoes before entering further.

"ISKALL! DOC! Xisuma is here!" Etho yelled. There was a light shuffling from upstairs and eventually Iskall came down. He looked slightly disheveled and worried, but had plastered a smile on his face anyway.

"Why hallo! Nice to meet you Xisuma! I'm Iskall, Etho's housemate. I've heard so much about you! Nice to see you again Bdubs." Bdubs gave a little wave to Iskall. Etho looked puzzled.

"Where's Doc?"

"Oh uh... Doc's a little busy... Let's just say there was a certain situation. He'll be down in a little while." Etho's curious expression morphed into a worried one. Him and Iskall shared a silent conversation with their eyes before Iskall nodded. Etho seemed to tense a bit before taking a deep breath and throwing on a fake smile. Iskall disappeared upstairs and Etho turned back to his two very confused guests.

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