Coffee and Crushes

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It had been two days since Etho and Bdubs had had their conversation. They had both agreed that they wanted to keep their relationship on the down low. But even if not many people knew about it, Bdubs and Etho were officially dating. And Etho couldn't be happier.

Etho made his way down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. It would be his first day back at school since his trip, not to mention his first day back as Bdubs's boyfriend.

He quickly grabbed some breakfast and headed towards the door. All he had to do now was wait for Doc. And after five minutes of waiting, Doc was still nowhere to be seen. Etho decided that the best course of action was to yell at him. If there was no answer, he would be left.

"Yo Doc, it's time to go!" He heard a faint grumble from upstairs. A few seconds later a very tired looking Doc was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Well you look like the walking dead." Doc scowled.

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"You wanna stop for coffee before school? I don't mind being a little late." Doc nodded and made his way down the stairs and out the door. Etho followed curiously. The two climbed in the car (Etho driving of course) and started on their way to the local breakfast cafe.

"Any particular reason why you look like you haven't slept?" Doc shifted in his seat to try and get comfy.

"Was up late helping Iskall with some stuff." Etho shook his head.

"Nice try. Iskall went to sleep early last night. Said he wasn't feeling well. What were you actually doing?" Doc huffed in annoyance.

"Fine. I was chatting with Ren. Happy?" Etho smiled.

"Very." If Etho had a nickel for every time Doc denied that he and Ren liked each other, he'd be rich. Sometimes he wondered if they'd ever actually date. At first it seemed like no, the flirting was just for fun. But lately they'd been getting closer. Etho chuckled. If he could get a boyfriend, why couldn't Doc?

The two pulled up to the coffee shop and hurried inside to order. Etho decided to order two extra coffees besides his own.

"Dang E, I knew you were a coffee addict but I didn't know you needed THAT much caffeine... "

"They're not all for me idiot."

"Who are they for then?"

"I get one and I'm taking one to Bdubs." 

"Well then who's the third one for?" 

"That one's for you to take to Ren." Doc looked at Etho, shocked at what he was suggesting.

"Are you really trying to set me up right now?" Etho laughed.

"Am I?" Doc sneered.

"And what about Bdubs? You trying to woo him with coffee?"

"Nah he's just always tired. Likes the coffee to wake himself up." Doc sighed. He had to tell Etho that he knew about the love letter to Bdubs. Doc waited until they got their coffee and returned to the car.

"Hey E? I got something to tell ya..." Etho looked at him curiously while starting the car.


"I... uhh... I accidentally read the secret letter you wrote to Bdubs confessing." Doc forced himself to meet Etho's eyes. He knew Etho would be angry...

"I figured as much." Doc's jaw dropped as he sat in shock.

"How did you know? I mean I put it back where I found it and-"

"Bdubs told me he read it." Doc was even more stunned than before.

"How?!?! I had the note the whole time you were gone. The only person who has a copy is... GRIAN! THAT PESKY BIRD!" Etho laughed, watching as Doc angrily cracked his knuckles.

"Calm down Doc."

"Calm down!?!? I'm confused how YOU are calm!?!? Your roommates saw the letter and BDUBS HIMSELF saw the letter! I'd be freaking out more if I was you!" Etho just shook his head and smiled as he parked the car.

"You don't get it do you?"

"Don't get what?" Etho turned to face Doc directly and smirked.

"Bdubs and I are dating Doc. That letter scored me a boyfriend." Doc blinked a few times, letting the information sink in. After a few moments, Doc's jaw fell once again.

"SINCE WHEN! Why didn't you tell me!!!" At this point, Etho was full on cackling at Doc's response.

"Saturday night when I came home, Bdubs and I talked. That's why he stayed over so late. We basically just talked about the letter, he told me he felt the same, and we discussed boundaries. Hence why I didn't tell you right away because we agreed to keep it kinda secret until we went on a few actual dates." Doc looked dumbfounded. He shook his head.

"I can't believe you and Bdubs are dating." Etho just chuckled.

"And I can't believe you and Ren aren't." And with that, Etho grabbed his two coffees and exited the car, leaving Doc alone and very speechless.

Doc mumbled curses underneath his breath. Etho was wrong. He wasn't falling for Ren! He just loved spending time with him. And he liked talking with him late into the night. And he didn't feel right when Ren wasn't around. And his stomach felt a little funny when Ren play-flirted with him. And- Oh.

Doc covered his face with his hands as blush crept onto his cheeks. Curse you Etho Slab. Doc grabbed his coffee before eyeing the extra drink. He sighed and grabbed it too. Hope Ren likes lattes.

Etho smiled as he saw Bdubs waiting for him. The smaller looked very tired, but happy nonetheless. Etho decided it was the perfect time to pull out the flirting.

"Bubbles! I brought you coffee." Bdubs brightened up at the mention of the drink and blushed at the nickname.

"Really?!? Thanks!" He walked forward to take it but Etho held it above his head. Bdubs frowned and crossed his arms.

"Sorry short stuff, gonna have to try harder than that~" Bdubs blushed and frowned. He then thought for a moment. He wanted to get the coffee, but he also wanted to catch Etho off guard. So, without hesitation, Bdubs stood on his tippy toes and kissed Etho on the cheek. He watched as the taller's face flushed red. Bdubs grinned and took the opportunity to pull Etho's arm down and claim his reward. Bdubs sipped on his coffee happily, realizing something. Hey! Etho remembered my order! What a good boyfriend. He smiled adn looked back at Etho.

Etho was still stunned, but he slowly walked past the smirking Bdubs to open his locker. Bdubs just laughed.

"That's what you get for trying to keep me from my coffee."

"Then I guess I'll have to keep your coffee away from you more often because that was something." It was Bdubs's turn to blush. The sentence had implied that Etho wanted Bdubs to kiss him again. And, admittedly, Bdubs didn't think that that was a terrible idea.

"Earth to Bubbles? Hello? We gotta get to class." Bdubs realized that he had zoned out and quickly regained his composure. Today was gonna be a long day, but as long as Etho was by his side, he was happy.


Lil bit of fluff, lil bit of rendoc, lil bit of chaos. A perfect mix if ya ask me.

QOTC: Do you think Ren and Doc will get together sooner or later?

Thats all from me! Love y'all! 

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