Love Letter

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The intercom blared on, startling Doc awake from whatever daze he was in. Social Studies was lame in Doc's opinion, an easy class to sleep through. That being said, he was not very happy to be woken by the sound. The words that followed the noise made him even more annoyed.

"Hello Mrs. Glenn, do you have Doc in class? Would you please send him to room 104?" The teacher gave a short yes before glaring at Doc as if it was his fault the intercom had interrupted her lesson. Doc just rolled his eyes. The voice in the speaker piped up.

"Thank you Mrs. Glenn!" Click

Doc, confused and annoyed, grabbed his bag and headed towards room 104.. He walked until he found the correct classroom. He immediately recognized it. It was Etho's English teacher's room. Maybe she was done grading Etho's essay and wanted Doc to pick it up for him?

He slowly opened the door and entered the room. There were no other kids in the classroom, it was just him and Ms. Wilson, the english teacher, and she did not look happy. She pointed to a small plastic chair next to her desk and motioned for Doc to sit. He followed instructions and sat , starting to worry. What was going on?!?!

"Doc M, what is the meaning of this?!?!" Ms. Wilson dramatically waved Etho's essay in front of his face.

"Uhhh... of what? Thats just Etho's essay?"

"I'd expect pranks like this from a freshman but not from you! Especially not on someone as shy as Etho!"

"W-what do you mean...?"

"Don't try to play dumb Doc, this is out of line! I thought you were a good student but a prank like this on your friend? Unacceptable."

"I don't know what you mean!" Ms. Wilson frustratedly shoved Etho's essay into Doc's hands. Doc read the title and his face fell.

"Dear DoubleO,"

It wasn't Etho's essay. crap.

"Writing a fake love letter and turning it in as your friend's essay is preposterous! Etho is already quiet enough in my class, you don't need to add embarrassment on top of that. While I do admire the flow of your words in the tiny snippet I read I think that this is highly unacceptable!" Doc scanned the note, his eyes growing wide in shock. This wasn't the essay, oh, no, this was a confession note. And Etho, who has never had a crush, wrote it.

"Doc, I expect to have Etho's REAL essay on my desk tomorrow morning. And I do hope you think about what you've done." With that, the bell rang and Ms. Wilson left to get some papers for her next class. Doc just sat there in shock. He needed to talk to Iskall. Now. School could wait.

Doc bust through the door of the apartment, making Iskall jump up off of the couch in shock.

"DOC! What the heck! You're still supposed to be in scho..." Doc held up the note, cutting Iskall off.

"We need to talk."

The two rushed into Iskall's room and locked the door. The locking was unnecessary but needed anyway. Doc sat on Iskall's bed holding the note, not daring to look at it. Iskall sat next to him.

"Doc, mind explaining what's going on?" Doc shifted a little and started.

"So I went to turn in Etho's essay for him right? Then later I got called down to the english room and Ms. Wilson yelled at me for trying to prank Etho by turning in a fake paper."

"Oh so you got caught trying to pull a prank? Is that the fake essay?!?! Dang man you failed that prank omega big time!" Iskall chuckled. Doc stayed stone faced.

"Yeah, except I didn't write this. And I never pranked Etho. And this note is in his handwriting." Iskall cocked his head like a dog, still confused.

"Well what does it say? Since when does Etho write anything other than school papers?"

"Iskall, this isn't just an essay or some story that Etho wrote... I think it's a confession letter." Iskalls eyes widened and his smile fell.

"Wait... are you sure? Etho? Liking someone? Confessing? It doesn't seem right..."

"Thats what I thought! Until I read the title." Doc passed the paper over to Iskall, whose jaw dropped.

"Doc, we HAVE to read this!"

"Woah woah woah wait a minute Iskall! I found it at the back of his drawer! It clearly wasn't something he wanted people to see...."

"But this is Etho we are talking about! Mr. 'no emotion'! If we don't do a little snooping and read this letter you KNOW he won't open up to us about it on his own."

"I know but it's probably personal. And besides, what if it's old and he doesn't even like Bdubs anymore?!"

"Doc, I appreciate the concern, but think about it! When has Etho ever even considered writing a letter in his lifetime other than for this school essay? And the idea of a note you write to someone that they will never see? Sounds just like something Etho would do!" Doc chewed his lip nervously. He knew Iskall was right. The letter had to have been written recently.

So, with a deep breath, Doc held up the letter and the two started reading.

Dear DoubleO,

If nothing else, I want you to know I'm helplessly in love with you.

Every time you smile, I melt. I can't help but smile back. And everytime you joke I blush. My mask is a blessing because it means I can blush as much as I want without you noticing. And trust me, you make me blush a lot.

I love how confident you are. You're never afraid to be yourself. Everytime you walk into a room people notice. I notice. Your loud personality fills the room and makes everyone laugh.

I love how you get embarrassed when I call you short. Your cheeks go red and you get the cutest angry look on your face. It's endearing.

I love how you make me feel like I'm someone. You invite me to be a part of activities and always make sure I'm comfortable in social situations. You make me feel loved and wanted even when you're not exclusively trying to.

I love all the little things you do. Like tying your hair up with your red bandana. Like collecting and fixing up old watches. Like gushing about your hobbies.

I love your eyes. Such a pretty color. They always seem to sparkle when you get excited.

I love your high energy. When you're loud and proud and making everyone laugh. When you bounce off the walls with joy.

I love your low energy, like how you always go to bed on time. And how you alway wear that oversized moss green hoodie when you're tired so you can be comfy. How you sleep through almost every group movie night.

But most of all,

I love you.

The sad truth of this writing is that I could never actually say any of this, and Bdubs will never see this letter, and I am a sad excuse of a lover for anyone.

Love, Etho


Guys! AAAAHHH! I love love love this story so far! We're getting to the good parts B) who knew Etho was such a sappy love letter writer

Question time: What do you think happened to Etho's ACTUAL english essay?

ALSO: Im gonna write a hermitcraft oneshot book. If you have recommendations, send me a ship (romantic or friendship) and a trope and I'll write it for ya. Nothing dirty though! Alright love y'all buh bye for now! 

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