Waves of Relief

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Noon came too slow for Etho. He paced around his hotel room anxiously, already outfitted in his swimsuit. He watched the clock tick slowly. 10 more minutes Etho, then you can drive over. He knew he would be early, but he at least made a point to not show up an hour early. He sat down on the foot of his bed and opened his texts. Probably shouldn't message anyone yet, they're probably asleep. Curse the time zone difference. Etho checked the clock one more time before putting his phone away. Finally! Time to go!

As Etho pulled up to the beach, he was met by the smiling face of Xisuma who was enthusiastically waving. Etho exited his car and approached X.

"Etho! You ready?!?!"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Here. You'll want this." Xisuma handed Etho a black rash guard, "Trust me."

"Thanks!" Etho quickly swapped his normal t-shirt for the rash guard. He personally thought he looked a little silly wearing black on black but X assured him that he looked fine and that that look was very common among surfers.

The two headed toward the beach where X had already laid out some surfboards of various sizes. Xisuma's family owned a local board rental shop, meaning Etho had a lot of boards to choose from. X talked Etho through picking the right beginner board and he settled on a white and blue one. X had his own custom board so he didn't have to go through the hassle of choosing one.

After talking Etho through the basics and doing some on-land practice, Xisuma led the two of them to a relatively empty part of the beach. Etho noticed that it was the same cove he had painted the day before. They reached the water and began to paddle out.

"X? Is now a bad time to ask if surfing is as easy as it looks?" X chuckled and kept paddling.

"You'll be fine Etho. Just remember the basics we talked about and you'll be up in no time. Now look alive, waves are coming." Etho gazed at the sea and saw a small ripple a ways off. That wave looked way too small to ride.

"X I don't think that one will be big enou-"

"Trust me E, it will." Sure enough, as the wave flowed closer it tripled in size.

"Alright. Now turn your board around and when the wave comes along, paddle with it. You'll feel the wave pick up your board and that's when you can stand up. Got it?"


"Good luck." And with that, the wave came in. Etho had no time to hesitate. He paddled and let the wave take him away. He felt the sensation that X was talking about when he said the board would be 'picked up'. He slowly stood and tried to gain his balance. With the wind in his hair he felt like he was flying!.... And then he was falling. Etho tumbled into the waves. From a ways off he could hear X cackling.

"Not bad for a first try! Next time maybe try to stay on the board though? Your footing was off." Etho shook his head smiling as he paddled back out to X.

"Oh come on. It's not like you've never fallen off your board."

"True, but I dont think I ever looked like I slipped on a cartoon banana peel as I fell." Etho rolled his eyes and X smiled.

"You got it this time. I'll ride this one in with ya." X pointed at a wave in the distance and the two positioned their boards. They paddled and stood in sync, X shouting over the roaring waves to tell Etho how to keep his balance. Etho once again felt like he was flying. Only this time, he didn't fall. He rode the wave all the way until it dissipated into sea foam. He had never felt a more incredible feeling. What a rush!

"YEAH! THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Xisuma ran over and patted Etho on the back excitedly, "I knew you'd be a fast learner!" Etho beamed.

"That was awesome!"

"You ready to go again?"

"Heck yeah!"

The two surfed for a few more hours. By the end, they were bothing exhausted and smiling like idiots.

"Alright E, let's call it there for the day yeah? I think it's time for some lunch. " Not one to disagree to food, Etho nodded and picked up his board. They trudged back to the spot with all the rental boards so Etho could return his. X also dropped his board off to some people at the shop who Etho could only assume were his parents.

"There's this really good seafood place nearby. We'd have to drive but I promise it's worth it."

"Sounds great! Do we need to change out of swimwear first though?"

"Nah, they get a lot of surfers and swimmers there so there's not really any strict dress policy. No shirt, no shoes, still service." X led Etho to his car and the boys got situated. X didn't have the fanciest of cars but it was a good size and was comfortable. Plus it was red so it looked nice enough.

Xisuma drove to the seafood grill and parked, leading Etho inside the restaurant. It was fairly busy, filled with all types of people. X walked up to the desk and got them a table. The girl running the desk perked up when she saw him, making small talk as she took the two to their table. Once seated Etho scanned the menu.

"I'd recommend the fish tacos. They are heavenly. The sunset pasta with shrimp is real good too." Etho nodded.

"I could go for some tacos."X nodded excitedly.

"Great choice." The waiter came over to them and they both ordered the fish tacos.

"So Etho, tell me a bit more about yourself. Like I know the basics but I wanna hear about your hometown."

"Uh well, I live in a little apartment with some friends. They're actually the reason I got to come here! And there's a really good ice cream place run by my friend Stress. Best sundaes in town!"

"Sounds amazing!"

"You'd like it. Maybe one day you can come visit and I'll show ya around." X smiled.

"I'd like that." He paused before continuing, "So, is there some girl back at home dying because you left her for a week to come here?" Etho blushed at the question.

"Oh uh-... I like guys."

"OH! That actually makes sense! Well then are there any guys waiting for you to return?" Etho's cheeks flushed even pinker.

"Wha- no! I mean... I wish but uh.. I don't know...?" X was about to question but suddenly the waitress appeared with their food. Etho sillently thanked the void that the food had saved him of that conversation. He felt relieved to not have to tell anybody about Bdubs. If no one knew he had the stupid little crush then he could ensure that neither him or Bdubs got hurt.

The two ate and chatted, X picking up the bill when they were finished. They drove back to the beach where they parted ways.

"Thanks for lunch! I owe ya!"

"Not at all. See ya Etho!" And with that, Etho left to dig his paints out of his car and set up for another afternoon of painting. Sure he was a lot better at painting than surfing, but he at least had fun trying.


I got the chapter out on time! Almost didn't O.o

I hope yall enjoyed! I live for surfer boy Etho. As someone who has been surfing it was fun to write.

QOTC: Do you think X will ever visit Etho back home?

Follow up question: Do you think X will ever meet/ know about Bdubs?

Aight love y'all! 2 updates next week! (at least I'll try to do 2 ;-;)

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