Airline Food

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 Airport security was always a big hassle. Metal detectors and bag checks everywhere with lines of people impatiently waiting. Etho adjusted his mask as he made his way out of the last checking line and headed towards his terminal, B7. He hastily made his way over, eyeing up all the small shops lining the halls of the airport. B7 wasn't too far away, but Etho hurried so he could ensure he wasn't late for his flight.

Etho had only been on a plane a few times. Once to visit his cousin, once to go to Disneyland with Beef's family, and a handful of times for family reunions. Even after having been on all those trips, flying still made Etho nervous. And flying on his own multiplied his nervousness by 10. It wasn't like he couldn't manage flying on his own, he just liked having company to distract himself from the worry of plummeting out of the air to his demise. But of course there was a 90% chance that wouldn't happen... right?

Etho fidgeted, trying to push the thought out of his brain as the flight attendant started calling groups for boarding. He waited patiently until he could enter the aircraft. Etho quickly found his seat, 23D. An aisle seat. He sighed as he sat, silently thanking his lucky stars that Doc had picked out the seat farthest away from the window. He definitely didn't want to see the world spiraling below him when the plane took off.

More passengers boarded, and eventually Etho had to momentarily stand to let the other people sitting next to him access their seating. His seat-mates looked to be a young couple or maybe just best friends? Etho wasn't quite sure. Both smiled at Etho and waved before going back to their conversation about muffins.

Finally, the safety videos played and the pilot announced that it was time for take off. Etho took a deep breath and shut his eyes. Once he was in the air, it'd all be smooth sailing. Until then, Etho would try his best not to panic.

The plane rumbled as it shot down the runway. Soon, wheels left the ground and the plane soared into the sky, slicing clouds. Once they were in the air, the plane stabilized and the shaking of the ascent ceased. Etho sighed.

About two hours into their flight, the hostess came around and offered Etho a drink. He accepted a sprite with a quiet thank you. The pair next to him also chose out a beverage before the hostess moved on. Etho lowered his tray to support his drink and instantly felt his stomach rumble. In a rush to get to the airport, he had forgotten to eat breakfast. He pulled out the on board menu from the back seat pocket of the chair in front of him. It was early enough and a long enough flight that they served food during the flight.

Etho quickly scanned the menu, his eyes landing on a simple blueberry muffin and some toast. Airline food was never good but it'd have to suffice. He'd find a more substantial meal when he landed. When the hostess passed by his seat he waved her over and asked if he could order some breakfast. She smiled and took his order.

"That all for ya hun?"

"Yes thank you. Just the muffin and toast." One of his seat buddies perked up at the mention of the muffins, Etho made a mental note to offer to share.

"Alrighty sugar! I'll go get those for ya! Just wave to me if ya need anything else!" Etho handed her a few bucks to pay and went back to sitting, deciding to try and take a little nap before his food came.

Etho was woken up by a light tap on his shoulder. He noticed it was the hostess lady once again, but this time she had his food. He quickly took the food and thanked her yet again, placing it next to his long forgotten sprite. He pulled his mask down and took a bite out of the muffin. For airplane food, it surprisingly wasn't bad. He continued to eat, remembering to offer a bit of his muffin to the boy sitting next to him, who gladly accepted.

Etho finished his food and pulled his mask back up. Only a few more hours to go. Sure he was eating airline food now, but soon he'd be eating all sorts of tasty things like shaved ice and pina coladas. He smiled at the thought. Maybe flying wasn't so bad after all. And maybe, like the surprisingly good breakfast, this would be a surprisingly relaxing trip. And as Etho leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes, he drifted off once again, dreaming of lovely blueberry muffins.


Hello! When I started writing this story I didn't really know where I wanted them to live but I've finally decided. I wanted a place where fanfics aren't usually set so Etho and the gang now officially live in Portland, Oregon. This means his flight is about 6 hours and the time difference is 3 hours. Idk, DD (Dear DoubleO) fact I guess. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Speaking of questions: 1. Other than get food, what's the first thing Etho will do in Hawaii? and BONUS QUESTION! Do any of y'all know the people who sat next to etho? 

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