The Last Night

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Etho's phone buzzed in his pocket and shook him out of his painting trance. Today he had been painting sea creatures without really any reference so they required more concentration than usual. He figured that because he was leaving tomorrow, he'd have a little fun painting something other than landscapes. It was refreshing to let his creativity flow and relax like he had promised Doc he would.

Etho temporarily set down his brush and picked up his phone. It was a text from Xisuma.

Xisuma: Hey Etho! You wanna come to a Luau with me since it's your first time in Hawaii? Some locals hold one every month for people where they talk about their culture. It's really cool.

Etho: What time? I'm in!

Xisuma: 6:00. There'll be food. Also dress a bit nicer but still casual (just don't come in a swimsuit or sweatpants I figure that's pretty self explanatory)

Etho: Got it see ya

Etho smiled down at his phone. What a perfect way to spend his last night of vacation. And learning about islander culture would be super cool! He couldn't wait.

Etho checked the time and decided he needed to finish up painting. It was 5:00 and he figured he'd need to go shopping for a bit of a nicer outfit. He swiftly packed up and drove to some local clothing stores.

Etho perused the shop, imagining each outfit. Eventually he decided to ask for the opinion of a local shopkeeper on what to wear to a Luau. He didn't want to offend anyone's culture by wearing something wrong.

At the end of his little shopping spree, Etho had ended up with some white shorts and a classic Hawaiian style green shirt with white palm leaves patterned on it. He quickly stopped back at his hotel to change and fix his hair before he had to meet up with X. And after Etho spruced himself up even he had to admit that he looked pretty good. He even felt good enough to leave his mask off for the occasion. Etho couldn't help but smile at himself in the mirror. He felt confident. He slipped on some sandals and headed out the door.

"Etho! Hi!" Xisuma greeted him cheerily at the entrance of the beachside pavilion, "Come on in!" X was dressed similarly to Etho, sporting a purple patterned button up and shorts. Etho smiled and followed him in. 

At the entrance he was greeted by some people in traditional outfits who handed him a necklace made of pukka shells. Etho noticed X was wearing one too. He expressed a very happy thank you to the man who gave it to him before following Xisuma to a table that held what seemed to be his family. His parents and brother all stood up to greet Etho with handshakes.

Once they were all seated, they were treated to a meal of kalua pork, sweet potatoes, fruit, and a variety of drinks. Etho happily sipped on his non-alcoholic pina colada and chatted with the family.

"Thanks for letting me tag along! This is amazing!" Xisuma's mother beamed.

"Anytime honey! X told us so much about you and your painting. I'm glad we finally got to meet." She smiled at both him and Xisuma, who playfully pushed his mom's shoulder.

"I didn't talk about you that much E. She's overexaggerating..." X's brother (who seemed to be his twin) mocked X.

"Yeah, only talked about him like every 2 seconds instead of every second."

"Oh shush." X's British accent caused his voice to crack, making everyone laugh. The accent reminded Etho of a question.

"So, how did you guys end up here in Hawaii if you don't mind me asking? Your accent sounds like it's definitely not from here." X's dad chuckled.

"Well of course we lived in England, but we came over to America because I needed to be here for work." That was the extent of the explanation Etho got. He decided not to pry any further.

Soon, the show performed at the luau started. Etho was amazed. They had fire dancers, legends of how the culture of the island came to be, and all sorts of acts and art displays. By the end everyone was laughing and clapping. X, having seen the showcase before, smiled every time his friend's jaw dropped.

Etho was sure that this was one of the best nights of his life. Surrounded by kind people in a fun environment with good food, and an amazing cultural show. He couldn't help but relax and truly enjoy himself.

At the end of the night he made sure to locate the different performers and compliment them. He particularly liked the Hawaiian art that was displayed. He gave all the performers thanks and congrats on a good show.

"So, what did ya think Eth?" X smiled at him excitedly, downing the last of his strawberry daiquiri.

"That was awesome! Thanks so much for inviting me!"

"Anytime dude!" Etho's expression suddenly changed from joy to melancholy as he realized a sad truth.

"X, this was so cool. I can't leave tomorrow! I wanna stay here forever." X smiled sadly.

"Well hey! I'll keep in touch! And you'll have all the good memories! Also you said I could visit you at home so I'm holding you to that." Etho chuckled and his expression lightened.

"I guess you're right. Thanks for the fun night! I better get going though. I'll stop by tomorrow before I have to head to the airport. Maybe we can surf one last time!"

"For sure! See ya!" They high fived and Etho started walking away, "Oh and E? You look flipping hot tonight. You should totally wear that outfit for your man when ya get home!" Etho turned around and scowled at Xisuma as the blush speedily spread to his face. X just laughed and Etho couldn't help but smile.

"Shut upppppp! Goodnight X!" And as Etho walked to his car, Xisuma watched him leave. X knew that he was gonna visit Etho in his hometown and when he did, he'd finally get to meet the mystery man that made Etho blush so hard. Xisuma smiled. He couldn't wait. 


I've been to 2 luaus and they are legit so fun and cool! The culture there is epic so I figured Etho would enjoy it. It's his last full day in Hawaii guys that means I only get to write one more surfer boy Etho and X chapter aaaahhhh  im so saaaaadddd. But hey! That means we get more

 ~D R A M A~ 

So it's finnneeeee (chugs copium).

But I don't think this it the last we'll see of Xisuma. And I CERTIANLY don't think this is the last we'll see of surfer dude Xisuma wink wink nudge nudge totally not hinting at making another book focusing on hermits going on a boating trip together.... *clears throat*  So yeah we love Xisuma am I right or am I right?!?!??!

Next chapter is Grian and Bdubs... thats all I'm gonna say

Luv y'all stay hydrated love yourself and I'll see ya next time! 

Forgot the QOTC so thanks @ZombieCleoAKAMom for reminding me and Ima use your question!

Do you think Bdubs is jealous of Xisuma? 

(Once again thank you for reminding me)

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