Painted Waves and New Faces

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The ocean breeze blew calmly over the bay, drifting that beachy smell all around. The midafternoon sun shone down and lovingly grazed the sand, making it sparkle like a million little specks of gold. Sandcastles and footprints dotted the beach accompanied by sounds of laughter. Yep, this is officially heaven.

Etho kicked off his shoes and let his feet sink into the sand. He smiled as he set up his easel in a nice shaded area away from all the commotion of the beach. It had been a long time since he'd seen the ocean, and he was loving every second of it. He'd worn his black swim trunks in case he wanted to take a dip but for now he was just enjoying setting up to paint the scenery.

He unpacked his paints and started working on the beautiful sight in front of him. Glittering waves, tall palm trees, and soft sand seemed to dance across his canvas. Every brush stroke adding little details. Etho continued to work as the day grew later. He paused only momentarily as a surfer decided to catch the wave right in front of him. He made a split second decision and added the surfer into the drawing.

After 3 hours, his masterpiece was done. Etho had almost forgotten how much he loved to paint (and how good he was at it). He smiled and put his paints away, giving a small satisfied sigh. You've done it again Etho! Doc would be impressed. And I finished just in time for dinner too! Etho pulled out his phone and took a quick picture of the painting, making a mental note to send it to Doc later.

Etho walked his paint stuff back to his small, white rental car and carefully placed it into the trunk. He decided that instead of driving somewhere to get food, he'd walk to the little oceanside tiki bar that was located a little farther up the beach. He still had his shoes off so Etho walked down along the shoreline, letting the cool, salty water wash over his feet.

He walked up to the mini restaurant and peeked at the menu, deciding on some sort of pork sandwich. He walked up to the counter and placed his order before finding a seat on a picnic table set up nearby. While waiting he shot Doc a quick message.

The Goatman


Etho: DOC


Etho: DOC

Etho: I did a thing

Etho: Look

 *insert watercolor picture of a beach here cuz author was too lazy to actually find one*


The barista called his order number and Etho closed his phone and went to retrieve it. He hadn't heard much from Doc, but he hoped that he would at least check his messages later. Etho grabbed his food and sat down to eat. He took a bite of his fresh pork sandwich. Snappers this is good! Just as he was about to dive in for a few more bites Etho felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a man who seemed somewhat... familiar? He was tall and sported dirty blonde hair. His eyes seemed almost purple in hue. He was wearing greenish gray swim trunks and a black long sleeve surf shirt. Oh! This is the surfer guy I saw when I was painting, right?

"Hello, uhh, sorry to bother you but were you the guy I saw painting on the beach earlier?" Etho couldn't help but notice the surprising British accent that laced the man's words.

"Uh, yeah...?"

"I know this is kind of weird but I was wondering if I could see the painting? My sister used to be really into painting on the beach and I always begged her to paint my surf spot but she never got around to it before moving." Etho thought for a second before nodding and pulling out the picture on his phone. The man stared in awe.

"That's absolutely lovely! You got the cove just right!" Etho shrugged.

"If it means anything to ya the surfer in the picture was supposed to be you." The man's jaw dropped.

"REALLY?!?! I'd love to hang that on my wall! Any chance you're selling it?"

"Eh, wasn't gonna but I'm willing to part with it. Let me finish my sandwich first and then I'll see about you getting that painting. Oh, I'm Etho by the way." The man's eyes lit up.

"Xisuma, but you can call me X. Pleasure to meet ya!"

Etho ate and chatted with X for a while before the two headed back to Etho's rental car to retrieve the painting. Etho gave it to him for $50 ( which was fairly cheap to be honest). He was sad to part with the painting, but it made Xisuma so happy! And seeing someone love his work so much made Etho's sadness disappear.

"Thanks again Etho! I really owe ya one!"

"Nah nah, you paid for it. You don't owe me jack squat." X paused and seemed to contemplate something for a moment.

"Etho, how would you like to learn to surf?" Etho, caught off guard by the question, just stood there, eyes wide.

"I mean you don't have to, but you're obviously not from around here and it's really hard to get a slot with a good teacher and renting boards is always a hassle if you're a tourist and I've taught a few friends to surf and I think it could be fun an..." Etho cut X off to stop his nervous rambling.

"Sounds great! I'm totally in! When were ya thinking?" X smiled instantly, excited at Etho's response.

"I was thinking tomorrow around noon? We could get lunch after if ya want and that way you'd still have time to paint if that's what you were gonna do tomorrow." Etho smiled.

"Awesome! See ya tomorrow X, can't wait." With that, Etho and Xisuma parted ways. Etho drove back to his hotel, happy that he'd made a new friend. He had never been surfing, but Etho was more excited than ever to try his luck at taming the waves of the restless sea. 


Hey guys! Xisuma is here! B) thats right he's a surfer dude! And before you all ask: no. Xisuma and Etho going surfing and to lunch is not a date. Etho is still head over heels for Bdubs. X is just content being friends with everyone. They just going surfing together cuz they're homies now. 

Anyway! how you all doing? Here's the QOTC (Question of the chapter): Who out of the hermit gang would be the best at surfing (Other than surfer boy X)? 

Aight love y'all thanks for reading! Oh and btw! next chapter is back into Iskall, Bdubs, and Doc drama so stay tuned! Also also the oneshot book is underway. I got LOTS of ideas for it. And thank you to anyone who suggested things! I've been having a great time brainstorming them. If anyone else has oneshot ideas they'd like me to write hit me up! Aight BUH BYE! 

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