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AN ACHE TOOK OVER CANDY'S BODY THE NEXT MORNING. After last nights escapades with Happy, she knew her body would be sore from how rough the tattooed biker had been — not that she was complaining in the slightest. It was exactly what she wanted.

It had been a while though since Candy had been with a man that intense or that had pleasured her that much. Most of her ex boyfriends were either too busy getting high on pills or only cared about their own pleasure to care if she got off or not, but not Happy — he made sure Carmen got off more than once.

A small hiss escaped from Carmen's lips as a dull pain shot through her thighs as she exited the warm shower. She could only imagine the smirk on Happy's face when he noticed how stiff she walked. As much as she would have loved to stay in bed all day and relax, she couldn't.

Carmen had offered to do the grocery shopping for the clubhouse, desperately needing some fresh air and a day out. Of course a prospect would accompany her, but it was better than nothing. Though, had she know what her and Happy were going to do last night she would of never offered.

The brunette quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top before pulling her hair up into a messy bun, taking a look at herself in the mirror before exiting the room once satisfied with how she looked.

It was funny to Carmen that back in New York she cared so much about her appearances, but in Charming it was different. Sure, she still wanted to look good and feel good about herself, but here she was fine wearing shorts and a tank top while in New York she would never be caught dead going out in something so simple. It was refreshing to be honest.

"Morning, Jake." Candy greeted the prospect with a smile as she walked into the main part of the clubhouse. "Have you seen Gemma?" She asked, wincing slightly as pain rattled through her body.

Jake had only been a prospect for a few months. He was in his twenties with dark hair and tattoos. Carmen thought he was a nice guy, but she wasn't always the best judge of character when it came to men.

"Morning, Candy." The dark haired prospect smiled, his eyebrows raising slightly as he stared at Carmen. "She's in the office." He added.

Candy nodded, ignoring the look on his face. "Thanks. I'm gonna go get the list from her and then we can go." She told him before making her way towards the exit not bothering to wait for his response.


Happy's raspy voice made Carmen jump slightly as the clubhouse door closed behind her. She heard a small chuckle escape his mouth as she turned around on her heel to face him.

"Way to give a girl a heart attack." Carmen rolled her eyes as she stared at the biker with a small smirk on her face.

"I didn't think you scare so easily." Happy shrugged as he pushed off from the wall and walked towards her. His dark eyes stared at her with no emotion while his face was stoic as usual.

Carmen could feel her heart beating against her rib cage as Happy stood in front of her, staring at her. She found herself wishing they could have a repeat of last night, but she didn't know how he felt. Was it just a one time thing? Did he regret it?

"Where are you going?" He questioned while chewing on the toothpick in his mouth.

A small smirk formed on her lips. Happy always wanted to know where she was going and who was going with her. The old Carmen would of found that fucking annoying and told him to fuck off, but this new Carmen kind of liked it. It made her feel wanted in a weird way. No one had ever cared that much to know where she was going or if she was safe — besides Quinn that is.

"I offered to go the grocery shopping for Gemma. The prospect is coming with me." She assured him noticing a small twitch cross his features.

"Jake?" Happy questioned in his raspy voice.

Candy nodded. She wasn't sure, but she didn't think Happy was too fond of the prospect. Maybe it was because he was a bit of a jokester in times when it wasn't needed or maybe it was for a totally different reason. She wasn't really sure.

A grunt left Happy's lips as he placed a hand on Carmen's hip. "Be careful. He's a fucking idiot." He rasped as he rubbing circles on her exposed skin.

"Don't tell me you're worried about little me?" Candy smirked, enjoying the feeling of Happy's calloused hands on her skin.

Happy grunted again as he applied a little pressure onto her skin. He knew the game she was playing and she was damn good at it too.

"Be careful, little girl." His tone dark as his eyes noticed the bite mark he had left on her shoulder from last night. "You think you're in pain now." He smirked. "Just wait." He promised, whispering into her ear.

Of course he noticed her stiff walk. His ego of course inflated at that the moment he saw it. Happy couldn't even describe how much he enjoyed last night. It had been one of the best nights of his life. Carmen was everything he wanted and needed. This wasn't just a one night thing for him. He needed her again and he hoped she felt the same way.

"I'll do my best." The brunette smirked before walking away from Happy.


CARMEN HUMMED TO HERSELF AS she walked the aisles of the store. She had convinced Jake to take one half of the list while she took the other half that way they could finish shopping quicker.

The cart she was wheeling around was growing full with the items Gemma had written down and she had forgotten just how much grown men could eat. It looked like she was shopping for a frat house with all of the food she had. In a way SAMCRO was like a frat — a very illegal one, but still.

"Of course Tig wants Twinkies." Carmen mumbled as she rolled her eyes continuing down the aisle with her head down.

"Hello, Carmen."

Carmen's blood run cold at the sound of Beau's voice. She looked up with fear in her eyes, staring at the smiling man standing only a few feet away from her.

"I've missed you." He smirked.


Oh damn, it's Beau 👀

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