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THE CABIN BEAU HAD BOUGHT CARMEN TO was a few hours away from Charming

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THE CABIN BEAU HAD BOUGHT CARMEN TO was a few hours away from Charming. Carmen wasn't sure exactly how far away it was or what town it was in, but she knew they had been driving for at least two hours.

It was secluded back away from the road and the small town they had driven through that Candy was certain that Happy and the club were never going to find her — which was exactly what Beau wanted.

Carmen was his and only his. That trashy tattooed biker would never put his hands on her again. It made his blood boil just thinking about them together. How could such a beautiful and classy woman allow such trash to touch her in such ways?

Beau needed to remind Carmen of what she deserved in her life — the finer things.

"What do you think of the place my love?" Beau questioned with a smile on his face as the car pulled into the long driveway.

The delusion that was Beau Harrington scared Carmen more than anything. He seriously thought everything he was doing was alright and that they were just some normal couple on a sweet, loving vacation.

"It's nice." Candy nodded as her brown eyes stared at the two story log cabin. In all honesty, the cabin was beautiful, but now wasn't the time to admire the cabin's beauty.

"Nice?" Beau questioned with offense in his tone as he sucked on his teeth. How dare she say it was just 'nice' this was much more than that lowlife biker could ever do for or would do for her.

Carmen removed her eyes from the cabin. "It's beautiful." She smiled sweetly at the angry man. "My words aren't coming out right because I'm so excited." Carmen voice was sickeningly sweet as she put on her best loving act towards Beau.

Beau nodded as his face relaxed into a smile. "Of course my love. I'm sure all of this excitement has you exhausted. Let's get inside and I'll run you a hot bath and then we can relax." He placed his hand on top of hers, leaning in to place a kiss on her cheek.

Carmen could feel herself finch at Beau's kiss. She reminded herself to calm down, hoping Beau didn't notice the change in her demeanor. She quickly placed a smile on her face and placed her hand on top of his, hoping the gesture was enough for him.

The Harrington man smiled at Carmen's small gesture. "Lets get inside." He said once again, rubbing the side of her face with the back of his hand for a moment before exiting the car.

A sigh left Carmen's lips as she nodded to herself before following behind Beau. She needed to remind herself to stay calm and not anger Beau, make sure to be sickeningly sweet to the man. She needed to play by his rules — no matter how much she didn't want to. If she didn't it could cost her her life.


HAPPY SAT IN THE CLUBHOUSE WITH an open bottle of whiskey next to him. The day kept wasting away, he and the club were nowhere near closer to locating Candy.

He looked down at his bruised knuckles from the beating he had given to the prospect and felt a smirk take over his face. It had felt good to beat the shit out of that asshole. He was the reason Candy was gone, and had Happy been allowed to kill him he would of.

Candy had come into Happy's life and made him feel something in such a short time, something he had never felt for another woman besides his mother, and he was on the verge of losing it as quickly he had gotten it.


Happy looked up from his bruised knuckles, his dark eyes looking at Juice standing a few feet in front of him with his laptop in his hands.

"What?" Happy grunted as his dark eyes stared at the young tattooed Puerto Rican.

"I'm gonna try and narrow the search down again." Juice heaved a sigh. He had been searching on his laptop for hours for places Beau Harrington could of taken his sister and so far all leads were dead ends.

"Wanna help?" He asked while taking a seat at one of the empty tables. Juice could see how much Candy's disappearance was taking a toll on the Tacoma Killer, the open bottle of whiskey that sat near him was half empty and he was more on edge than usual.

Happy let out a grunt as he grabbed the bottle of whiskey and made his wait towards Juice. He had felt useless since Candy disappeared. Every lead was a dead end, and there wasn't much he could do until they found out where that sick fuck had taken her.

"I'm gonna kill that fucker once we find them. I'm gonna make him wish he had never been born or put his hands on her." Happy's raspy voice promised as he sat down next to Juice.

Juice nodded at Happy's dark promise. He knew the Tacoma Killer would take out Beau once Candy was found and no one would stand in his way. Juice could see the love in Happy's eyes whenever he talked about Carmen, and while it was shocking to see the usually emotionless man show emotions — especially love. He knew his sister was in safe hands.

"What are you doing?" Happy questioned as he watched Juice type some shit into his laptop. Yeah, Juice was an idiot when it came to certain things, but when it came to computers the guy was a genius. Happy never understood anything Juice did with computers but it always amazed him.

"Uh, making the search smaller. Checking all secluded rentals recently in a two hour radius." Juice explained as he typed away on the laptop.

Happy grunted at his words. That sounded like a far fetched idea and a waste of time. There had to be at least a few hundred of rentals in a two hour radius.

"Alright there's four rentals." Juice stated as he eyed the screen. "Two are thirty minutes outside of Charming which I doubt he'd bring her there, but we should still check it out, and another one is in some small town called Port Starling."

"Where's the last one?" Happy questioned as his dark eyes stared at the small dots on the screen.

"Lake Sierra."

Happy nodded, he knew exactly where Lake Sierra was. He quickly stood up from the chair and made his way towards the exit. "I'll check out Lake Sierra." He told Juice. "You make sure the others check out the other three places." He ordered before exiting the clubhouse.

Happy was gonna find his girl, and he was gonna kill Beau Harrington slowly and painfully once he got his hands on him.



I'm sorry it took me so long to update! I feel like I say that after every update. I will be going away on vacation from the 13th — 20th so I'm gonna try and update before I leave.

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