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CARMEN'S BODY WAS FROZEN IN PLACE as Beau walked closer towards her with a smirk on his face. Her mind was screaming at her to run, scream, do anything really to get away from him, but she couldn't.

"My dear, I have missed you so much." Beau murmured as rubbed Carmen's cheek with the back of his hand. "You had me scared, Carmen. You left without saying a word and you've made me track you all the way to this shit town." He spoke with disgust in his tone as he grabbed a tight hold of her upper arm.

The brunette cringed at Beau's touch. His touch made her skin feel dirty, it wasn't anything like Happy's touch. Carmen liked to believe she was a strong woman, yet when it came to Beau Harrington she was weak. The man had a hold on her that she couldn't explain. He terrified her and all of her fight instincts immediately left her body whenever he was around.

"Do you know the amount of money I wasted finding you, Carmen? Why would you do such a silly thing like this? You know that cop came to my home and told me all about you trying to file a complaint about me." The older man said as he tighten his grip on her, an amused laugh leaving his lips.

Candy's eyes widened as she looked up into his brown eyes. She had once found his eyes attractive, but now all she found them to be were evil.

"Let's go." Beau demanded as he pulled her towards the exit of the grocery store, keeping a charming smile on his face to the random people passing by them.

Fear filled Carmen's body as Beau dragged her towards the exit. She looked around hoping to see the prospect close by, but Jake was nowhere to be seen. She knew to the other shoppers that her and Beau looked like a happy couple just ready to leave the store — no one could have noticed the sinister truth.

Beau stopped in front of a black SVU and quickly opened the door for Carmen, pushing her inside of the car before he quickly got inside himself.

"I found us this cute little cabin that you're going to love, my dear. We'll take a few days for a vacation for us before we go home." He smiled while leaning over to buckle the seatbelt over Carmen's body. "I love you." He placed a kiss on her lips before buckling himself in and quickly driving off.

Silent tears fell from Carmen's eyes the further Beau drove away from the main town of Charming. Why had she been so stupid to suggest splitting up from Jake? Why hadn't she just yelled of ran away? Now she was stuck with this evil man and she had no way of getting away from him. Of course her bag had been left behind in the shopping cart and her phone was inside of it.

Carmen was truly fucked.


JAKE SPED INTO TELLER-MORROW WITH fear in his chest. After he found Candy's shopping cart abandoned along with her bag he knew something bad happened. The prospect questioned a few shoppers if they had seen her and an old couple told him they saw her leaving with an older gentleman.

Jake knew he fucked up. He knew Happy was going to kill him for letting Candy get taken. It was so fucking stupid of him to agree with her idea of having them split up to do the shopping, but he like her didn't want to spend hours doing grocery shopping either.

Jake DeMarco was a dead man walking.

"Woah prospect what the fuck?" Tig questioned as watched the prospect practically run into the clubhouse like his ass was on fire. "Who's sister did you fuck?" He laughed.

"Where's Candy?" Happy immediately asked in a deep voice as he eyed the nervous looking prospect.

Something was wrong. Happy stared at the man with his dark eyes narrowed as he waited for the idiot speak. Where was Candy? Why wasn't this piece of shit helping her with the groceries?

"Look, I didn't mean for it to happen." Jake started as he avoided making eye contact with Happy.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Happy growled as he quickly closed the gap between them. "Where the fuck is Candy?" He demanded as he grabbed the front of Jake's shirt.

"Hap, calm down man." Tig quickly stood up and made his way towards the Tacoma Killer and SAMCRO's newest prospect. "You can't kill him, Hap." The curly haired man reminded as he stepped in between the two men, hoping to calm the situation.

Happy grunted as he reluctantly let go of the prospect. "You better start fuckin' talkin." The tattooed man demanded as he pointed a finger in the younger man's face.

"Look, it was her idea for us to spit up. She said we'd get the shopping down quicker and I didn't want to be at the fucking store all day so I agree."

"You fucking idiot." Tig muttered as he shook his head.

"When I came back from getting my stuff on the list she was gone. The cart was abandoned and her purse was there. I looked everywhere. I asked a few people if they saw her and this old couple said they saw her leaving with an older man." Jake explained as he run a hand over his hair.

Before Jake could say another word or Tig had time to stop him, Happy jumped on the prospect, throwing punch after punch to the man's face. Blood poured out of Jake's face as Happy continued to let his rage consume him.

"Hap!" Tig yelled as he grabbed the man off of the prospect with the help of Jax and Bobby. "Hap, you're gonna fuckin' kill him."

"Good." Happy growled as he spat on the floor. "If she fucking dies." He warned not finishing his words as he pushed Tig's hands off of him and walking off.

"What the fuck happened?" Jax questioned as he told Bobby to quickly call Tara.

"This idiot let Candy's stalker get her." Tig shook his head as he looked down at the bloody and beaten prospect.

"Fuck." Jax sighed as he ran a hand over his face. "Tell Juice. We need to find her."

Tig nodded before walking off to find Juice. They needed to find Carmen and quick. Not only for her safety, but for Happy's sake.


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