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Rosalie Crawford smiles after looking through the peep hole

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Rosalie Crawford smiles after looking through the peep hole. A wide smile curves into her cheeks as she pulls open the door to see her boyfriend.

Despite the anxiety filling her chest at his distant and weird look, Rosalie smiles at the sight of Charles.

She was actually about to go see him.

"Charles, hey" she says softly, a slight French accent slipping through her words. The small box in her hands is set down and she beacons the brunette in.

Charles looks up at her with a small smile. A weight sits heavily on his chest when she places a kiss on his cheek and wraps her arms around his waist.

His arms quickly wrap around her shorter body, choosing to savor the way her body fits against his like a finished puzzle. He holds her close to his chest and lets her flowery scent fill his nose and mind, regret and sadness already filling his lungs and he hasn't even done anything.

"Rosie, can we talk?" Charles finally says and pulls away from her, his hands that once pulled her against him now reach down to hold both of her hands while his head dips down and they both sit on the couch.

"Yea? Why are you acting so weird mon amour?" Rosalie chuckles, she can feel the tension but she says nothing and instead tries to lighten the mood with soft laughter.

"Uh," Charles starts. The words he practiced on the way over dying on his tongue when he finally looks up to see her chocolate brown eyes staring at him. He can see the adoration and usual happiness in them and it makes his mind spin.

He could so easily say nothing and just hug her again. He could hug her close, say he just wanted to see her, and then leave. Leaving them both happy and together.

But Charles knows he can't. He has to do this or it'll just hurt more in the end.

He doesn't want to hurt the girl he loves more than he needs to.

"Charles?" Rosalie says softly and cups her boyfriends face gently. Charles can't help but lean into her warm and homey touch.

"I got into formula one" he says quietly.

Rosalie is confused. This is good news, isn't it? That's all Charles has ever wanted and Rosalie has been there to support him every step of the way.

"Charles that's amazing!" Rosalie says excitedly and hugs her boyfriend, before pulling back when Charles doesn't hold her back, "isn't it?"

Charles bites the inside of his cheek and looks away from the brown eyes staring back at him, his green eyes focused solely on their joined hands. He brings the joined hands up to kiss the girls knuckles.

"Charlie? What's wrong?" Rosalie asks and her smile begins to dip when Charles looks up at her with tear glossing his green eyes.

"This is great news but um, this is a big commitment" Charles starts and watches confuse contort the girls face.

"Yeah of course it is, but this is your dream? This is what you've been working for your entire life Charlie" Rosalie says, still confused on why the big in front of her seems so sad.

"I think we should break up" Charles says all at once. He figured he needs to pull the band aid off before he chickens out. He wanted Rosalie to get over him quickly, and she wouldn't be able to do that if he let this go on too long.

"Wha- what?" The girl stutters out. Denial and sadness begin to clog her throat and fill her eyes.

"Rosie, this is a huge commitment and I'll be gone so often that it won't be worth it for us to try" the words come out harsher than Charles meant. He grimaces at the way it sounds.

Rosalie's eyes begin to sting with tears.

Did he just say she wasn't worth it? Their relationship wasn't worth it?

Rosalie looks at the small box she set down on the table in front of her. The anxious joy that once filled her chest is now replaced with numbing pain and sadness.

"Charles I- we-" Rosalie doesn't know what to say. She wants to beg him to change his mind, she wants him to see they could make it. That the one year of dating and eight years of friendship wasn't something to waste.

Charles shakes his head, "I don't want to hurt you, but we'll never see each other. I'll be gone all the time and it won't be fair to you"

Rosalie knows he's right. He will be gone way more than they're both use to.

But again, why couldn't she be enough for him to at least try.

Rosalie avoids eye contact as she pulls her hands from his to put them in her lap. She won't be able to change his mind, as much as she wants to use the wrapped up box to try. Tears begin to fall down her cheeks while she looks down at her lap as if it's the most important thing in the room.

"You won't change your mind?" Rosalie ask, her voice wobbly and weak. She hears him mutter a 'no I won't, I'm sorry'.

She nods along and a shaking hand comes up to wipe away her tears.

"Okay, can you please leave" her voice is small,  weak, and quiet. She refuses to look up to see Charles looking at her in conflict.

A war rages on inside his mind but he can't fix anything now, even if he wanted to. His heart and mind are being pulled in two different directions and he doesn't know which pull to give in too.

This'll be good for her, this is the right thing to do, he repeats the words over and over in his head. Who he's convincing? He doesn't know.


"Please leave" Rosalie says as her breath begins to get locked in her throat. The nickname that once sent butterflies to the very core of her being, now makes her want to roll up into a ball and hide away.

Charles shuts his mouth and nods, despite Rosalie still refusing to look up at him.

Rosalie waits until the door closes shut to let a strangled sob fall from her mouth. The sound is raw and filled with pain.

How could he end it so easily? How could he not try and fight for them?

Rosalie clutches her chest as the pain and heartbreak cracks through her body. Holding herself because it seems there's no one else who will.

Through her blurry vision she sees the tiny box. Her body moves faster than her mind can handle as she picks it up and throws it against the wall as hard as she can. The box bust open and the picture frame it hit falls to the ground. The glass covering shattering on impact, letting the wooden frame clatter against the ground and the old picture float against the ground.

The pregnancy test falls from the box as it clatters against the ground, the positive sign only antagonizing the poor girl who's hunched over with heartbreak.

Rosalie looks to the test and then to the picture, it's of her and the man that left only minutes ago. A cute but old photo of them both holding hands at her very first formula one race with him and his dad,who took them. The memory always filled her with so much warmth, it was the best thing that had happened to fourteen year old Rosalie in a long long time. Now the memory only fills her with heartache.

The memory and feelings attached to it patronize the girl further as she looks down with blurred vision.


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