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Rosalie Crawford

Rosalie Crawford

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I walk back into the living room after putting Millie down for bed. Louisa is spread out on the couch shoving a piece of my homemade pizza into her mouth while she talks to our eldest sister on the phone.

"Lou I'm trying to congratulate you, stop shoving pizza into your mouth" Josephine groans and pretends to throw up. Louisa shrugs her shoulders and only brings another piece to her mouth.

"Bonjour Jo, when are you coming back to Monte Carlo?" I smile and say as i plop down on the couch next to my younger sister.

"It's the middle of my season Rosa" Jo says and gives me a small frown, "I'll be able to come to like three races though"

"I think I'll be able to come to a few matches as well Jo" Louisa says and sets my phone on the couch in between me and Louisa as I grab the remote to turn on a movie I know all too well.

"parfaite" Jo says and I can hear the sound of shuffling coming through the phone as she get comfortable in the bed she just woke up from.

"Jo, Millie has been asking when she can see her other auntie again" i say and lean forward to out my face in front of the camera with a wide smile.

"Oui oui, bring her down to Florida I miss her!" Jo says happily, I nod along and finally click on a movie.

"No Rosa we've watched this a million times!" Louisa groans loudly and lets her head fall limply against the back of the couch when the beginning title of 'Princess Diaries' begins to play.

"Oh hush it Lou" Jo says.

"And we'll watch it a hundred more times" i add as well.

"It's not even that good of a movie" Louisa says and I immediately scoff.

"oh chut, tu mens, nous savons que tu aimes ça" i mutter quickly and grab a piece of pizza to start eating.

"Oh zip it Lou, we know you love it. None of your racing friends are around you don't have to act so macho" Jo says along with me.

"I don't, actually though," Louisa says. Again I roll my eyes at her flat lie. She's quick to say she hantes the movie but as soon as it starts, she's yelling at me and Jo to stop quoting it so she can actually hear it. And sometimes I look over and see her quoting it with a smile as well.

I look down towards the screen to see Josephine already looking in my direction. Shuffling sounds come from Josephine way, "then let's turn in something else before I get up for the day" she says.

"No no, it's already on" Louisa quickly grumbles as the movie starts to play. I smile to myself and take another bite of my pizza.

"Jo you need to come back to Monaco so we're not having to wake you up early just to watch a movie" I say sincerely, feeling bad she's usually the one having to wake up early to have sisterly time with us.

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