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Important note: I listened to 'Right Where You Left Me' if that's any indication...

Rosalie Crawford

When Millie gets up from the couch to use the bathroom I take this moment of just me and Charles to turn to him

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When Millie gets up from the couch to use the bathroom I take this moment of just me and Charles to turn to him. Even after we talked in his drivers room he still seems down about the race from earlier. It's only been a few hours since the race ended- it's now close to eight pm- but with the way he's been it's almost like it happened merely seconds ago.

And so I speak up, "Charles are you okay? You seem a bit distant"

Charles looks away from the Disney movie playing on the screen, "I'm just a bit tired from today Rosie" is all he says but I can tell there's more.

So without wanting to pry, I bring up what I hope will be some good news.

"On the bright-side once we leave for Paris we'll be getting there to a home instead of a hotel! I still have the place me and Millie use to live in back in Paris to use for times like this." I say happily, the hotel beds are great but I want to be in a place with a warm feeling- a place with pictures on the walls, candles on the shelves, a place I actually know and love.

When I think Charles will be happy about actually being in a home rather than a hotel, he grimaces.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I see his lips form a frown.

"I won't be able to fly out with you and Millie, after todays crash and Carlos' low place Ferrari wanted us to fly to Italy for a quick meeting about the car- to see what we can do to fix the performance" he says and I try not to let it weigh down on me. But still a feeling of uneasiness starts to burn in my stomach.

Charles catches my look of uncertainty, "but don't worry, it's just one day, I will be back the same day as your party. I will be back in time to see the place still getting set up for it" he says and scoots closer to take my hands in his. I try to nod but still something sits heavily on my shoulders.

"Charles if you can't-" it's harder to say the words than I thought, luckily he doesn't let me finish them. He captures my lips in his before I get the chance to say it's okay if he can't come.

"I will be there" he promises.

I nod again, choosing to put faith in his words.

"And I will certainly be there for this one's fifth birthday" he announces with a wide smile, Millie's who's just came back over smiles happily as Charles picks her up to place her on his lap. I smile at the sight of Millie telling Charles of all the things she hopes her birthday will include- of course since I focused more so on planning her birthday than the party, I've made sure every wish was granted without her even knowing.

"Well if that's the case, I will be terribly busy that day, so do you mind picking up the cake?" I ask, finally convincing myself to calm down when there's no reason to be uptight. So Charles won't be there the day before the party and the birthday, he'll still be there for both events.

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