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Charles Leclerc

Charles Leclerc

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I shut my phone off when I hear my name get called, the verification sent to me eases my mind as I put in my headphones before pulling on the baclava.

"What was taking you so long?" Andrea asked as we move through the Ferrari garage. I focus on fixing my helmet over my head as we walk.

"Just had to check something" my words muffled by the helmet. I know how it sounds but I don't mean it in the way one might think. Andrea takes it the wrong way when he gives me a pitied look, shaking his head he says, "I'm sorry they're not coming"

If I didn't have my whole groveling plan in place that would've ruined my day. But I did.

I wave him off while fixing my racing suit, "i know, don't worry about me"

Andrea looks at me with an unbelieving look and I don't blame him, I've been moping around all week before I thought of something.

"Go out there and win buddy" are his parting words, he taps my helmet before I move to get into the F1 car. The pressure of the race finally getting to me. Out of instinct i accidentally look over to where they usually would stand together, if I try hard enough to imagine it I can see Rosa holding Millie, pointing her towards my car before they both smile and wave.

"Don't do that Charles" i chid myself, shaking my head before following the signal to pull out of the garage.


The race went great, it felt good to stand on the tallest step again. Looking out at the adoring fans and proud pit-crew workers, it felt good.

Well not really. It was nice to win after the shut show last weekend, but it didn't feel right.

It didn't feel right because she wasn't there. Because they weren't. I had gotten so use to seeing them in the crowd, Millie on Rosa's shoulders as they yelled out my name, widest and proudest smiles I'd ever see. My usual happiness on the top step was dampened and I could tell others knew it.

The podium celebration was nothing sort of a sick joke either. Of course I shared it with Louisa and Lando, i don't know how either of them didn't bash my head in with the champagne bottle. I know I would've if someone hurt Rosa the way I did.

After the race some asked me to come out with them but I just denied. If didn't feel like a real victory worth celebrating.

Though as soon as I got to my empty hotel room I immediately regretted setting myself up to stay alone.

Turning on one lamp the room was lit up with soft golden light. I couldn't even blame anyone else for the reason why I sat alone on the bed in the quiet room. It felt too large without the other two people I got use to having around. Too quiet without Rosa's humming or Disney movie playing at the request of Millie.

I tried to fill the silence by shuffling through channels to find something to watch absentmindedly. But when I saw the preview for the movie Tangled, i turned the entire thing off.

After taking the saddest shower of my life, eating the loneliest meal ever, and laying down on a bed I'm now realizing is too big for just one person, i called it a night.

The silent darkness only fueled my mind with pathetic thoughts. To fill the void I did what any guy missing his family would do, at least I think they would.

I pulled out my phone, shifting through the pictures I collected on the device. Each one a doubles edged sword of pain and pleasure. Seeing the past I screwed up hurt me in the present but I fueled the fire the get them back. The fire that burned solely to make myself fix it. I got a addicting taste to what it felt like to have Rosa back, to have Millie in the first place, and I wasn't exactly gonna let it go easily.

Before I finally went to bed, a ding came from my phone. A notification surprised me, i didn't even know she still had my number. I was expecting a long paragraph cursing me to hell and to never show my face around her, her sister, and her niece- but it wasn't anything of the sort.

I couldn't help but feel proud of myself when I saw the text from Josephine Crawford.

'Nice job with the flowers I guess'

If it helped my case with Jo ever so slightly I couldn't help but be optimistic and think it helped ever so slightly with Rosa.

It wasn't much but it helped me falling asleep in a room fit for a family rather just one person.

Jk no there's just gonna be a lot of short chapters because there no longer in the same spot and each deserves their own moment.
Anyways i wonder how Charles I'm gonna fix this (i say this knowing exactly how)
Fingers crossed Rosa will forever him!
Also get ready for a mother fucking plot twist lovelies xx

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