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Charles Leclerc

I shift the sleeping Millie in my arms so I'm able to knock on my door

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I shift the sleeping Millie in my arms so I'm able to knock on my door. I try not to wake her up best I can. Thankfully, when I knock on the door she only mutters words, too softly for me to hear, and then nestles her face back into my shoulder.

The door opens and I'm met with Rosa, her eyes soften when she sees us and I can't help but smile at her. Her eyes drift from me to Millie before seemingly shaking out of her daze and stepping back to open the door wider.

"Here, you can just bring her to bed" she whispers softly and I nod silently, following her to Millie's room. Millie mumbles nonsense in her sleep as I lay her down in her bed.

Rosa carefully helps me by taking the crooked crown on her head and even wipes away the little hints of makeup on her face before we step back.

We're standing closer than I realize. I look over and see her standing right next to my side with her arms wrapped around herself. She probably feels me staring because she looks over at me with a small smile.

I can't explain it, but this moment feels nice. Putting our daughter to bed together is such a simple and domestic thing that I can't help but crave more of.

Our gaze stays locked a little longer before she clears her throat softly and nods towards the door.

I follow her lead out of Millie's room and to the door.

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but she beats me to it. When she opens the door, before opening it wider for me to leave, she pushes and turns back to me.

"Can we talk?"

She looks up at me with wide and hopeful eyes. As if there's any chance I'd say anything but yes.

"Of course" I try not to say it too quickly but I fail. Her face soften and she nods along before walking out of the door.

I, again, follow her out.

We walk side by side to the stairs and then onto the roof where so many things have happened in the past two months. A slight chill in the hair mixed with memories of the last time we were up here leave my heart heavy, i wonder if Rosa feels the same heaviness that hangs in the air.

I look over at her and see her shiver ever so slightly. I frown and shrug my suit jacket off without much thought, wrapping it over her shoulders before she can even process it.

She looks up at me and whispers a soft thank you, pulling the jacket tighter over her shoulders as she does.

We stop walking when we're next to the brick wall that lines the rooftop. Rosa leans against it, looking out at the Paris nightlife twinkling. While she looks out at the view, I can't not look at her. The better of the views in my opinion.

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