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Rosalie Crawford

I can feel Jo looking at me from the doorway, I try to ignore it the best I can as I look out at the city of Paris through the slightly fogged over window

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I can feel Jo looking at me from the doorway, I try to ignore it the best I can as I look out at the city of Paris through the slightly fogged over window. The sky, much like my mood, is gloomy and gray. Thunder clouds and rain paint the city gray, not helping to lift my mood at all.

"You feeling any better?" She asks softly, the sounds of the tv playing a show for Millie and her occasional speaking up fills the otherwise silent apartment.

I nod slowly, it's a double sided question and I lie about both.

She chooses the easier topic and I thank her for it, "we're you able to eat any more of it?" She ask, hinting towards the bowl of soup I managed to eat maybe two bites of it before my stomach emptied itself in the toilet. I think I'm coming down with something, what a fantastic time for it to happen.

"Not really" I mumble, my eyes never straying from the sad looking city. Even when one of Jo's cats, Lisso, meows and climbs into my lap, I still feel awful.

"You should probably see a doctor Rosa" her mother tone comes out.

I sigh, finally looking away from the window to my sister. Her understanding brown eyes making everything hurt worse. Tears spring into my eyes and Jo is quick to stride across the room, sitting next to me on the large bed pushed up against t the window. She pulls me to her side and i wish I could say I fully break down, but I don't. A few tears fall but it seems that's all I have left.

Her fingers gently play with my messy blonde hair, soothingly running her hand up and down as I lean into her. Holding her as if she's the only reason I won't fall down completely.

"You were right" I whisper the heartbreaking words. Only a few months ago Jo was telling me to guard my heart and protect myself, and yet here I am.

Pathetically crying over the guy I told her I could trust with the delicate thing. I feel so stupid. I defend him to Jo, to Louisa, to everyone who told me to be careful.

The worst part is that I miss him. I miss his smile, his green eyes that felt like home, his laugh, everything. I hate that I do, but I can't stop it. 

Millie's asked about him. Asked when we're seeing her 'papa' again. It hurt to tell her I don't know. She hasn't asked to watch Tangled and I know it's because it was their movie.

Jo pushes a piece of hair behind my ear and sighs, "I know petite soeur, I know"

I can bring myself to say anything else as another tear drops down my cheek.

"I want to hate him, but I can't, I- can't do it Jo" my voice breaks as I confess. I expect Jo to coke back with deep disappointment or maybe even anger. But she just kisses the top of my head, "and that's okay, it's hard for people with kind hearts to hate someone."

I let her words hang, not knowing what to say. My body and mind to fragile and even weak to come up with a response. I don't know if the events that have taken place or if it's this sickness I'm feeling, but it feels like my body is giving up. It's hard to get out of bed sometimes and it's pathetic. I have to be strong for Millie and here I am, weeping on my sisters shoulder over a man everyone warned me about.

It's my own fault. Who was I to think I'd stand a chance beating out the world of racing in his heart. He did it once, I guess it's one me for not thinking he could do it again.

Double update bc this is a shorter one
Made me want to cry while reading it lol

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