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Rosa Crawford

His entire face falls und he almost looks confused for a second, like he's still processing the words I just said

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His entire face falls und he almost looks confused for a second, like he's still processing the words I just said.

My words hang in the air between us and yet it feels like theres not a breath of air around me. There's nothing but a giant lump caught in my throat, and my heart starts beating in my chest roughly- as if its trying to break speed laws.

It feels like an eternity before he says something, "You're- you- you're pregnant?" He stumbles out the words as he takes a step back.

My world starts spinning when he steps back, I've never wished to be able to read someones thoughts as much than I do right now.

I nod shyly- terrified of what he's gonna say or do.

Tears sting my eyes belore I can stop them.

His eyes widen even more and her takes another step back to lean against the balcony railing. Each step away from me he that he takes is like a drop of acid against my skin. It's hurts more than I even know how to describe.

Im breatnless in the worst way possible. The music no longer fills me with warmth, it now leaves me cold and dreadful. I take a forced step forward, even though it feels like as thousand pounds now drag down both my shoulders.

My hands anxiously tangle together and my voice shakes when weakly plead with him, "Charles , please... say something please"

My words seem to snap him out of his daze. He stands up taller, and its then that in the dim overhead lighting I see his glossy eyes.

"Were having a baby? another- Another baby?"

It feels like my world is threatening to crumble down around me and crush me underneath in the process. But still, I nod and look away from his unreadable glossy green eyes. I knew I'd be terrified of what he'd say, but I never thought about how crushing the silence before would be.

Hot tears spring past my eyelids but I cant even focus on wiping them and because Charles quickly strides over and wraps me in his arms. I'm taken back by the intensity of the hug, he pulls me to his chest as if he's scared I'll slip right through his finger tips. After a confused beat of hesitation, I wrap my arms around his shoulders. Holding onto him just as desperately.

My racing heart slows in my chest, the painful drum against my rib cage slows to a steady beat.

We silently cling to the other. But then he shifts and buries his face into my shoulder even deeper, his warm and heavy breath tickles my skin through my white t shirt.

"Please say this isn't a joke" he mutters the words. I can hear the emotions inside his words. I can feel the emotions seeping off his body and onto mine, and it's almost comforting.

I cling to him tighter, a weight to keep me grounded.

"It's true" I breath out the words softly. He pulls back slowly and looks down at me.

"We're having a baby?" He still asks for confirmation. His lips turn to a hopeful smile and I feel the anxiety slowly start to melt off me.

"We're having a baby" I repeat and he pulls me back in, somehow closer than before. He presses a kiss to my temple, then a kiss to my cheek, each time he repeats the words 'we're having a baby Rosie'

I nod along happily, small giggles falling past my lips each time he repeats the phrase.

He pauses, both of his hands now cup either side of my face as he looks at me. His deep green eyes capture mine and for a minute the world seems to fall back together while also fading away. My hearts no longer a lump in my throat threatening to choke me out.

"You're pregnant?" He asks, a smile growing on his face.

"I'm pregnant" I respond as my own face is over taken by a toothy grin.

"We're having a baby?" He asks, leaning in closer.

"We're having a baby Charles" I confirm. He seals his lips against mine in a quick kiss that becomes slower. The initial rush and desperate dissipates when we part for a moment, our heavy breaths mix in the air when our foreheads press together.

A beat passes before he presses his lips to mine, it's much different from the first. It's slow, as if we're savoring the moment before it slips past us. One of his hands holds the back of my head, tangling in my blonde hair as the kiss deepens. My hands cling to the material of his shirt, keeping him close even when we breathlessly part.

There's a silence in the air but it's not the same as it once was. It's not heavy and tense, but light and easy. It feels like I can finally breath for the first time despite breathing heavy after the kiss. My eyes closed as I lean against his shoulder, my arms wrap around his torso and his go over my shoulders. He presses a short kiss to the top of my hair before sighing.

"When did you find out?" He breaks the silence but doesn't move. I squeeze my eyes shut as I respond, "almost two weeks"

He stiffens and I feel awful.

"Do you know the gender or anything?" He asks lowly.

"No," I hug him tighter, "I wanted to wait for you... I wanted you to be there when I found out" I explain and his once tense shoulders drop and I can feel him smile against my hair.

The air settles around us again. I don't want to disturb the peace we haven't had in quite a while. But it's only getting later and Charles has a race to win, and maybe a championship, tomorrow.

Before I can say anything or move, Charles speaks up.

"Do you think... do you think we're gonna be alright Rosie?" He hesitates, I can tell he's holding his breath as he waits for my answer.

I think for a moment before nodding against his chest, "we'll be alright Charlie"

He sighs again and I do too. Because I fully believe we will.

I think we'll be just fine. We won't be perfect because no one can be. I'll make mistakes and so will he, it's human nature. But that doesn't mean I love him any less, I couldn't possible. Because he's Charles, my Charles who I've known since I was fourteen. He took my life and made it better, made it worth living in more ways than even I realize. He gave me Millie, yes, but before that he gave me hope- he gave me a sense of belonging and showed me what love and loss was.

I can't explain it but there's a tether between us, a long one that can stretch (obviously), but a tether nonetheless that pulls me to him and him to me.

So yes, I think me and Charles will be alright.

Listened to Fine Line while writing this and you can deff tell

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