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Rosalie Crawford

Louisa looks up to me as soon as I walk in with Charles following behind me

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Louisa looks up to me as soon as I walk in with Charles following behind me. Her hazel eyes narrow at the man behind me before turning to me.

I just give her a smile before walking over to sit next to Millie, she looks away from her stuffed dog Rufus to give me a crooked grin. Her big green eyes look at me and remind me so much of the guy behind me.

"Hey Mills," i start softly. She looks to Charles behind me for a second before turning all her attention back to me.

"Hi mama" she says with a giggle.

I look to Louisa for help but she only quirks an eyebrow so I turn back towards Millie as I sit down next to her. She automatically crawls in my lap with her stuffed animal held in her small hands.

I look down at her, pushing a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear as I try to think about what I'm gonna say.

"Millie do you remember when you asked about why all the other little girls had papas and you didn't?" I ask gently, avoiding looking at either of the two other adults that I can feel are both looking at me. Instead I look down at Masie and push a piece of her blonde hair behind her tiny ear., her big green eyes look back up at me. I can't help it and wrap my arms around her tiny body, letting the comfort of her little giggles keep me grounded.

Millie nods her head yes with a tiny pout, she looks up at me when I loosen my hug, "you said that mine was just gone for a little" she says, her heavy yet quiet French accent showing up as she messes up some of the words.

I finally look up to see Louisa has excused herself to the kitchen and Charles is standing there frozen. His eyes solely focused on Millie until he finally looks towards me. My eyes sting with unshed tears as I nod for him to sit next to me.

He quickly does and Millie shifts her attention towards him. She looks back at me and whispers, "mama who is he?"

I try to smile but my chin wobbles, "Millie this is... this is your papa" I say and watch her eyes light up. A smile pulls at her face and shows her some of her missing teeth.

"He's back?" She ask excitedly and turns over to Charles.

I nod, unable to get the words I want to say to come out of my mouth.

"Yeah baby, he's back" I say gently. I didn't think it was possible, but her smile gets even wider as she starts to squeal and move towards Charles.

He looks at me with wide eyes, I can see the uncertainty in his eyes so I go against my mind and place a hand on his. His green eyes soften before he turns back towards Millie, his hands reaching out to catch her when she stumbles his way.

"Now you can come to my recitals" she says, her youth showing in the way she says her words in weird ways.

Charles nods and I watch as his green eyes become glossy, "now I can come to all of them" he says with a small smile.

The Love Circuit ~ CL16 Where stories live. Discover now