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Rosalie Crawford

Rosalie Crawford

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"Miss Crawford, I'd like to inform you that you're pregnant!"

My ears are ringing like a bombs been dropped, I guess one technically has. My chest starts to hurt, each breath harder to get to my lungs as the words continue to repeat in my head over and over again.

The nurses face is filled with so much professional joy that I almost feel bad about my poor reaction. In one single sentence my life once again begins to crumble.

Can I catch a fucking break?

The nurses smile drops just a little when she sees me on the verge of tears, and not the good kind. The kind that say 'my life is ending with this news'. She continues like a trooper, going over the technical things I've already heard before, just a little updated.

Truth be told, I don't hear a single word she says. My mind still broken from the news.

Im pregnant?

How? Why? Well I know the how I guess, but why?! Me and Charles were careful that night, I distinctly remember. I mean I guess condoms break all the time but why did it happen to me again?

I ask the doctor to bring in my sister after she's stopped her muffled talking. She gives me a understanding look before nodding.

A few minutes later Jo walks in with Millie in her arms, my daughter wiggles out of my sister grasp and runs over to me. Concern fills her tiny face and it makes my heart hurt more, I wish she wouldn't see me this weak.

"Mama what's wrong?" She ask softly as I hold her to my chest, her head lays between my jaw and shoulder. There's a pressure on my chest as I try to keep it together.

"Nothing baby, nothing I'm alright" I'm not only trying to convince her but also myself. I look up and find Jo frowning with a confused pull between her brows.

I nod over to the piece of paper the nurse laying out, hoping it has the confession I don't feel strong enough to make.

She walks over as I hold Millie tighter, her tiny hands grab at my clothing as well in a comforting hug.

"Is this true?" She ask after gasping. Her eyes scan the paper what looks like a million times.

I nod as my eyes fill with tears I'm trying to keep in.

"I'm sorry Rosa" she quickly says and rushes over to hug me as well. Her warm embrace makes everything feel more real. A small gear falls past my eyes as I squeeze them shut.

This is gonna change everything.

Also this story will be ending soon <3
@MaraSolPerroni gets a shout out because she guessed it correctly, here's a medal 🥇

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