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Rosalie Crawford

Rosalie Crawford

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I don't know what I expected when Charles said we'd be flying private. I guess it was obvious but that still didn't stop me from being surprised when he pulled his car into an airstrip with a private plane waiting for us.

Sure I've been on one before, I'm not ashamed to admit that when Millie was younger and my restaurant was really taking off I'd prefer to fly just me and her as it'd be easier to deal with a crying baby without the judgemental looks of others. But again, it does nothing to my surprise and almost excitement at being on one.

Millie, who I'm balancing on my hip, also seems pretty excited. Her tiny face lights up with a smile, her two front missing teeth being on display as she looks at the large mode of transportation.

"Do we get to ride on that?" Millie asks, turning to me while Charles has left to get our luggage. I'm about to nod but an arm slides around my waist as Charles pulls not only me but also Millie into his side.

He presses a kiss to my temple while answering, "we are in fact, riding on that"

Millie's smile only brightens as Charles leads us to a short staircase that takes us up into into the plane. The inside surprises me, the fancy-ness of it all just takes my breath away.

Millie wiggles out of my arms to obviously start touching everything, she's always been like this- an explorer that needed to touch everything to make sure it was real. With her stuffed dog in her arms, she definitely takes a page out of young me's book and starts to wander.

"Is she allowed to..." I lead off as me and Charles just watch inspect every corner like it holds some sort of secret.

Charles waves it off with a happy grin , "yeah that fine"


My eyes linger on Millie sleeping in the bigger leather chair. She looks so small compared to it and it brings a chuckle past my lips.

Finally I pull myself away to find a seat. For a moment I almost sit down opposite of Charles and next to Millie but his hand takes hold of mine and softly pulls me to the seat next to his.

Warmth bubbles in my chest at him silently saying he wants me next to him.

"Okay I want to hear it all" he says after a few beats of comfortable silence. I look away from Millie and towards him, confusion pulling my brows down.

"What do you mean?" I ask for clarification and Charles looks from me to Millie before back to me, there's a shine to his eyes when he says, "I want to know everything I've missed"

A small smile starts to fill my face, "where should I start?" I question almost to myself. So much has happened in the four years since I last saw him, obviously.

The Love Circuit ~ CL16 Where stories live. Discover now