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Rosa Crawford

Three weeks later

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Three weeks later

Anticipation filled my chest as Charles parked the car into the hospital parking lot. Today was the day we'd be finding out the gender of our baby that's growing steadily in my belly. 

I took a took a deep breath and started to unbuckle until I realized Charles hadn't even turned the car off. His knuckles about to turn white as he gripped the steer wheel.

"Charles?" I speak up making his head turn towards me. His green eyes, slightly wide with nerves, soften and his tense shoulders relax a tad when i place my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly as he finally turns off the car and sighs.

"Yeah, yeah I'm just a little nervous" he admits quietly. My frown deepens at his words.

"About what exactly?"

"About being a dad- wait no that sounds wrong... I mean like all the new things that come at the beginning. I met Millie when she already knew how to like people and how to do all the people things. You raised her so well... but what if I can't do the same?" Charles rambles and each word squeezes my heart.

"Hey" I speak up, making him look over at me when he's seemingly about to have a panic attack.

I wait for his eyes to focus on mine before pulling his hands away from the steering wheel, he looks close to breaking, so I can hold them in my own.

"You're gonna be an amazing okay?" I wait for him to nod along before I continue, "trust me when I say it's gonna be very hard at times, but it'll be just fine, y'a know how I know?"

He slowly starts to smile when he asks, "how do you know this chérie?"

I bring his hand in mine up to press a soft kiss to his knuckles, "because we're in this together, and we'll help each other figure all of it out"


As we waited, I leaned my head on Charles shoulder. His knee was still bouncing but I was no longer any better as I hadn't stopped fiddling with my rose pedant necklace since we finished filling out the necessary paperwork. I feel him press a kiss to my hair before he slides his hand in mine.

"This hospital is so slow" he grumbles and I let out a small chuckle.

"We signed in ten minutes ago, be patient" i try telling him even though I'm also getting more antsy as the clock over the receptionist seat ticks more and more.

Just then, our names get called, a nurse with a kind and welcoming smile beacon is over when we quickly stand up. Charles' hold on my hand tightens as we follow her through the white doors to the examination room.

Charles could probably feel my' hand trembling in his, he offers a gentle squeeze, offering as much reassurance as he can give.

We enter a small examination room and I- with Charles' hand to help- hop up on the bed making the plastic sheet crinkle. The nurse, probably sensing our growing nerves, smiled warmly and said, "Before we find out the gender, let me check on you, Rosa. How are you feeling?"

I try to smile despite my anxiety, taking a deep breath, i say . "I'm feeling good, thank you. Just really eager to know if it's a boy or a girl."

The nurse chuckled softly. "Well, let's find out, shall we?" She turned towards Charles. "And how are you feeling, Dad-to-be?"

Charles looks over at me before answering, his green eyes sparkle with love and determination despite the anxiety i know he's feeling. "I'm a bit nervous, but excited. I can't wait to meet our little one."

The nurse smiled, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "Alrighty, let's check on the little one" she says and helps me lay back down while Charles intertwines our hands again.

I let out a small gasp when the ultrasound gel touches my bare belly that has Charles rushing to ask if I'm okay and the nurse letting out a soft chuckle before rubbing it around with the device.

I don't know why, but I hold my breath as she looks from my belly to the turned away screen. My shoulders tense up the longer she looks at the screen with an unreadable expression. But finally she starts to smile, a soft grin curves the corner of her lips up as she turns to look from me to Charles.

"Your baby is looking very healthy, they're going to grow nice and strong- I can tell" a sigh of relief falls past my lips but Charles speaks up with a small voice.

"Are you able to tell the gender yet?" The nurse chuckles and nods her head.

"Yes we can, is it safe to assume you two would like to know now?" She asks, again looking from me to Charles with a quirked brow.

Charles' hand slides in mine as I nod, I'm guessing he does as well because the nurse's smile widens and she turns around the screen to show off the ultrasound.

"Rosa, Charles, you two are going to have a healthy baby boy!" She tells us happily and my heart constricts.

"A boy?" Charles says breathlessly, I feel his hand drop mine only for it to grab it again after he's pulled his chair closer to the bed I'm sitting on.

The nurse nods as happy tears fill my eyes, I'm unable to take them off the screen. I trace the outline of the baby on the screen with my gaze- emotions well up in my chest as I do.

"We're having a boy" I repeat softly and turn to Charles to see him already looking at me. His green eyes have gone glossy but his smile is bigger than I've ever seen it. He nods along and stands up to place a kiss to my temple, "we're gonna have a boy" he repeats.

The nurse kindly excuses herself, saying she'll print out the ultrasound pictures and give us a moment. As soon she leaves Charles let's out a deep breath.

A quiet falls over us, both of us trapped in a trance as we look at the screen that shows the newest addition to our family.

"How long until you put him in a kart?" I finally say after I've brought our joined hands to sit in my lap. His thumb rubs over my knuckles soothingly as he lets out a soft chuckle.

"I'll give him five years? Gotta start em young" her jokes. I smile to myself before turning to him, "what if he becomes a redbull fan?"

"If I can change Millie I can change him too" he responds with a dimpled smile.

Hey sorry I've been so inactive but school is whooping my ass rn! We've got one more official chapter for this story (plus a bonus chapter!) and I just wanna say thank you to all my readers!

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