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Rosalie Crawford

My hands felt clammy as I run them down the sides of my dress for what felt like the 50th time that night

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My hands felt clammy as I run them down the sides of my dress for what felt like the 50th time that night.

Charles' hand was at the small of my back as we followed the waiter to the table.

"I asked for a more private table" he says as we sit down.

I smile lightly and nod, "thank you"

This is so awkward.

Me and Charles have been on hundreds of dates and yet this one ranks most awkward. Even more so than our first one, and that could go down as one of the worst first dates in history of everything.

The awkwardness takes me right back to the moment before Charles found out about Millie.

As I sat across from Charles, nerves seem to eat me alive as I fidget in my chair- Charles looks equally as nervous as he does the same.

The silence was deafening, and the tension was palpable. Doubt started to creep up on me, but I pushed it away as I took a sip of the glass of water in front of me.

"So how has racing been going?" I ask to break the unbearable silence.

Charles smiles, probably just as happy as me that one of us has broken the awkward silence.

"Well Max and your sister are definitely giving me a run for my money" he jokes and it looks like his shoulders relax.

"Is the current point leader worried over some redbull drivers?" I joke, my shoulders relaxing as well when he starts to laugh.

"Definitely, how did you know I was the point leader?" He ask.

"Well my sister is a driver" I start and I think I'm imagining the small frown that begins to pull at his lips, "and you know, once a Leclerc fan always one" I feel my face start to heat up at the cheesy comment while a wide smile starts to take over the short lived frown he wore. Thankfully the waiter comes to take our orders to save me for a few minutes.

"Nice to hear that you're still my number one fan" he teases after the waiters left, I shake my head.

"No no, Millie learned how to say Forza Ferrari too earlier on to not be called your number one fan" I tell him with purses smile.

"It was hard to keep her away from formula one when her aunt was one and y'a know, gotta teach them young to be Ferrari fans"

I watch Charles' entire face light up at my words, it makes butterflies swarm my stomach and my body feel lighter. It's stupid the way he can affect me so greatly with just a smile.

"I actually have a picture of her in Ferrari gear, there's a very sour looking Louisa in the back" I rather quickly as I reach into my purse to grab my phone.

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