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Rosalie Crawford

Rosalie Crawford

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"For what is the sixth time on the sixth dress, you look fine" Louisa groans and falls back against my bed. I nod along even though I know imma gonna have to try on another dress.

I can't help it, I want to look and feel pretty. Technically this date with Charles will be my first since maybe a whole year? Cant really remember the last date I had.

Was his name Sean? Or maybe Dean? I couldn't tell you because he wasn't worth my memory. Harsh but he did try to treat my daughter like shit.

"I just want to look nice" i mumble, running my hands down the sides of my dress. I'm about to turn away from the mirror to take the now sixth dress ive tried on, off, but a knock on the door has me pausing.

I'm frozen as reality crashes down on me. Am I seriously about to go on a date with the guy that left me four years ago? The one who made it seem as if what we were wasnt worth it to try and keep together when life wanted to get busy?

I hate myself for only thinking of how he left me when i think of him. Because there was so much more to him than that, so much more feelings he made me feel.

And sure, i wasnt lying when i drunkenly told him i still loved him. Of course i still do, someone who became your home and favorite person isnt easy to just stop loving. Especially not so when you have a little part of them even after they've left. Its crazy that while i raised Millie without him, Millie became so much like him.

So yes i still love him and i think i always will. But im scared.

Its like my mind is in a twisted and sick marry go round. One second im giddy at the thought of my family being whole, at the thought of finally being with Charles- the man that stole my heart all those years ago and forgot to gave it back- and the next second? The second second im filled with panic and fear. Fear that time will only repeat and ill find myself falling without him to catch me.

One second im ready to try again, for not only Millie but for me.

The next second im scared im not going to only get me hurt, but also Millie.

I want her to grow up with a dad, a better dad than mine, and i know Charles could be. But does he even want to be a dad first? I wouldnt blame him for saying no and thats the problem. I couldnt find it fair for him to be trusted into this life without the nine months i had getting use to it.

"Rosa" Louisas voice breaks through the panic of my head. I turn to look at her with a now heavy heart.

She gets up from my bed and walks over to me, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders comfortingly.

"Stop panicking and answer me this, do you want to go on this date?" She ask and I gulp and look down at my feet.

"I dont know, i want to but i am scared and-"

"No, stop overthinking Rosa" she takes a breath and waits till i look back up at her, "do you want to go on this date, dont think just say the first answer that comes to your mind"

"Yes" i say truthfully.

"But-" i start again but she shakes her head.

"No buts Rosa, just relax and go have a nice dinner. You deserve it. Stop letting all your panic ruin your mood and what could be a good thing, for everyone" she says and i feel my emotions get stuck in my throat at her warm and loving gaze. I pull her into a hug and she groans, "ay Rosa, you know how i feel about hugs" she mumbles against my shoulder, despite her complaint she hugs me close as well. Louisa may hate hugs but she never not given me when i needed one, clearly use to my emotional-ness. I'm so thankful for my younger sister, shes never told me to not feel things or to suck up the pain and lead with my head and not my heart. In fact she says my heart is beautiful and i should listen to it more, it was her saying that that helped me open my now successful restaurant in Paris. And it was her that now helps me walk to the front door to greet Charles.

When i open the door my heart skips a beat.

"Hey Rosie" he breaths out before nodding to Louisa who's followed behind me, "and Louisa"

"Bonjour Charles" Louisa says while im stuck with a small smile still on my face.

I let my eyes trail down his body without thinking, but then my eyes laden on something hes holding. My smile starts to widen as i look at the daffodils in his hand. His eyes follow mine and i see red start to creep up on his face as he hands them too me.

"These are for you" he says with a crooked smile.

"Thank you" i say softly and take flowers while becoming him into the apartment, "here ill go put these in water" i say as we walk through to the kitchen, Charles saying in the living room while i venture off to find a vase. Louisa gives me a comforting smile and a thumbs up before retreating back to the guest bed where shes been sleeping over.

After finally finding a pretty vase for the flowers, i set them on the table and start walking back to Charles. Only to stop when i hear the same mix of laughter i heard only a few days ago.

I stop and lean on the doorway as i watch Charles holding Millie to his side as she giggles and he messes with her.

"Are you here to play?" Millie ask as her tiny hands mess with the jacket of his suit. Charles smiles down at her with so much love it makes me want to melt. He's just met her and he already looks at her like this?

I dont even think he realizes hes breaking down my fears one action at a time.

"Oh no im sorry not tonight little one, im here to take your mommy on a date" Charles says it in Millie's ear like a whisper. My little baby gasp and cups both hands over her face, her wide smile still shines through though.

My heart aches as i watch them interact. This could be described as a dream but its my reality, and i cant help but get attached to seeing Charles holding Millie the way he does.

"Does that mean you like mama?" Millie too talks as if its a whisper, both oblivious i can hear every word they say.

Charles nods and tickles her sides while playfully shushing her, "dont tell her okay, thats my job"

Millie giggles and pretends to zip her lips together but not even seconds later shes wrapping her arms around his neck and laughing when she says, "ooh you have a crush! You like mama!"

Charles sets her down but still stays at her level, hes about to say something but then his green eyes catch mine. A large smile takes over his face as he turns back to Millie , pushing a piece of blonde hair behind her ear he says, "i like her a lot, i have show it to her though"


Its crazy how much writers block i had for this :( sorry for the plain filler chapter
Anyway hope y'all like this and thank you everyone for 12k reads! So happy y'all are enjoying reading this book as much as i am writing it! And if your a fan of Lando as well, I'm in the process of writing a book for him!
Anyways part two, remember to comment and vote!

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