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Rosalie Crawford

"You switch up fast" Louisa jokes when I walk into the redbull garage

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"You switch up fast" Louisa jokes when I walk into the redbull garage. I roll my eyes before looking down at the Ferrari jacket I'm wearing.

"If it means anything I did show up with a redbull one on, and so did Millie" I respond with a shrug of my shoulders. Louisa rolls her eyes at me this time before motioning her finger to the Ferrari jacket hanging over my shoulders, "so I have Charles to thank for this disgusting get up"

My lips purse and I shake my head, "disgusting? I thought the jacket was cute"

Louisa let's out a fake laugh, "red has no place in this garage" she jokes, shushing me when I point out there's a 'red' in the name 'redbull'.

"I'm guessing he's changed Millie's usual outfit too?" Louisa asks, clearly hoping for the opposite.

"Well..." I start.

"No no, cher Seigneur, he's been here what a week?" Louisa groans.

For a second I think she's serious and start to feel bad, "I'm sorry Louisa, I should thought of you before he dressed her up in a bunch of Ferrari stuff-"

"Rosa," she stops me with a wide smile, "I'm only joking, you look amazing in red and so does Millie. I'm glad he's showing you both off like you deserve" she tells me warmly.

I finally smile.

"Got her a Ferrari teddy too"

"She already has a redbull one" she reminds me. I bite thé inside of my mouth before responding, "yeah he shoved that one inside a suitcase"

"cet enfoiré"


I forgot the feeling of watching Charles race. Sure I'll admit I'd watch him on the tv when it was playing, but I wouldn't allow myself to look longer than a few seconds at a time before forcing myself to look away.

I'd distract myself with Millie before Louisa or one of the other guys comes back on screen.

Mostly because it hurt to watch him and be taken back to the time where I'd watch from the sidelines, cheering him on as my boyfriend and best friend. It was painful to realize I was now watching him from a distance when I use to be the one he'd run to after he finished a race.

But how time changes things even more. It felt like I was back to what I thought my life would be.

I loved Millie and I never once regretted having her because I thought it would be easier getting over Charles. If anything, my daughter made it easier to tackle the clearly impossible task. Having her made me feel less alone in a situation I know I'd feel so very alone.

Said daughter breaks me out of my thoughts when I feel her tiny hands messing with the necklace around my neck. I look down at her and feel my body light up with warmth at her shining green eyes focused on the golden metal.

"A flower" she mumbles, the words coming out softly. My daughter was never a big talker, at first it worried me when she was one and a half and she still had only said a few words, but then upon further inspection with therapist and doctors- we came to realize she's fine, she just doesn't talk much. But she's slowly talking more and more and it makes me so proud.

"That's right my love, it is a flower" I say and move to balance her on my hip more comfortably for the both of us.

"Did papa get it for you?" She questions, still messing with the rose charm in her fingers.

My heart skips a beat at the mer mention of him, it makes me feel like a school girl with a crush.

I nod and smile down at her, "He did"

"When?" She questions before looking up at me.

"A very long time ago, when we first started dating" I tell her, the memory of when he gave it to me still engraved into my mind like a carving in a stone structure.

"It's very pretty mama" she mumbles softly before looking up when the sound of engines roaring fill the already chaotic air.

"Is papa in that car?" She questions, her curious personality showing present as her green eyes shift from every moving object and sound.

I look at the red car, making sure it's not Carlos but instead Charles in the formula one car with the prancing horse.

When I see the number '16', my smile widens and I nod.

"That's your papa alright"

"Where's he going?" She asks me and i don't think I could wipe the smile off my face if I tried.

"He's going to race like auntie Louisa and uncle Max, Lando, and Daniel" I explain and she tiny lips morph into a smile as she turns back to me.

"Is he gonna win?" Her eyes alight with joy and even a hint of pride.

I hold up crossed fingers before saying, "your papa is an amazing driver so I wouldn't say no"

"Is he better than auntie lou?" She ask and my eyes widen.

"I'm not answering that little one" I say and distract her with a tickle to her side.


Sorry I didn't update last week! Have some grace bc I'm just a highschool student who does a sport that takes up a lot of time- I'll try to update whenever I can but thank you so much for the support you give!!

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