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Rosalie Crawford

It was hard to get up after last night, I can even lie

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It was hard to get up after last night, I can even lie. But I had to be strong for Millie, who when I came last night gave me the biggest hug. It was past eleven so I was pretty mad she was still up but when the babysitter said Millie refused to sleep until I came home, all the anger and sadness slipped away for a moment.

Then she asked me where her papa was. I didn't give her a straight answer and instead he'll be here for her birthday tomorrow. He promised he would be but after last night I don't know how much truth was in his words.

My morning was no picnic either despite knowing everything for the party is set. I woke up with my stomach trying to pour its way out of my mouth. I had to rush out of my bed to let the contents of my empty stomach out, blaming it on the fact I've eaten nothing and still very stressed.

I just went on after like it was nothing, brushing my teeth and slipping on a light blue sundress.

"You okay?" Louisa ask when I walk into the kitchen to see both my sisters and my daughter.

I nod slowly, it's like all the energy I've saved up for this busy week has been wasted. I didn't cry to much last night, forced myself to keep it in and save face in front of my sisters and daughter as much as I could.

"Yeah, it's just stress" I mumble and press a kiss to my daughters blonde hair. I see Louisa and Jo share a look out of the corner of my eye but decide to ignore it. Sitting down next to Millie I push a piece of hair behind her ear and smile, "are you excited you're birthday today?"

At the mention her smile widens and she nods, "very! I'm turning five! I'm a big girl now, like you mama"

I press another kiss to her cheek that makes her giggle happily, "you are a very big girl indeed now!"

"I cant wait to show papa the special dress I pick out, it's red!" At the mention of Charles I have to fight the thud of my heart dropping. Instead, I paint i smile on and nod.

"I'm sure he's gonna love it"

"Yeah if he shows up" Jo mumbles into her coffee, I send her a look that asks her to not say things like that in front of Millie.

"Millie why don't you go get yourself ready since you're such a big girl?" I ask and help her down off her kitchen stool. She nods happily and rushes off to her room.

I stay looking at the stool she was sitting on, the air tense because of what Jo decided to say.

"Has he texted you?" Louisa ask softly, her voice making it sound like she thinks I'll shatter if it's any higher. And maybe I will, I don't know.

"No, he's probably just busy" I hate that I still offer and excuse for him, but it doesn't seem right to not to.

"It's his daughter birthday and he missed your big thing last night, he should be here with enough flowers to fill Paris" Jo grumbles.

"Can you not Jo?" I ask irritated. I look up and see both sisters staring at me, a look of pity on one and a look of disgust on the other.

"I'm just saying"

"I know, I know you're just saying but can you please not?" I quickly snap back, I recoil at the anger in my voice that's not usually there. I don't pride myself on it but I'm well aware out of my sisters I've probably yelled the very least- can't think of the last time I did in fact.

"Rosa..." Louisa speaks up but I don't look at her, i comb my hands through my hair before pulling at the roots.

"I'm gonna go make sure everything's ready" I interrupt and stand up quickly to basically run back to my room.

I shut the door and sit down on my bed, I squeeze my eyes shut and wrap my arms around myself. Screaming over and over internally to grow up and stop being such a baby.

A soft knock on my door has me quickly wiping at my watery eyes. I look over to see Millie standing there in a bright red princess style dress and her blonde curls falling around her.

"Ah mon petit cœur, you look beautiful peu d'amour," i coo and beacon her over. She smiles widely and rushes over to jump in my arms. I chuckle and hold her close as she wraps her tiny arms over my shoulder.

"Do you think papa is gonna like it?" She ask shyly. Her green eyes hopeful about my answer. I fix her hair and cup her cheek before saying, "he's gonna love it peu d'amour"


I'm fixing a flow center piece on the table when my phone dings in my pocket. Since everything's basically done and people should be arriving in a few minutes, I slip my phone out of my dress pocket.

I shield the sun from my eyes as I tap on the notification from Lando, a link attached to a strange message.

My heart plumpest into my stomach when I've clicked on the link.

Charles Leclerc Caught Partying in Italy Last Night!

I bite my bottom lip to avoid the tears that accompanied the crack forming in my heart.

'I'm sorry Rosa' is the message Lando sent as well. I feel bad to leave him on read but I quickly close my phone and set it on the table, braving my hands against the table as I try to catch my breath.

A millions thoughts run through my head, but the only one I ask a million times is Why?

I let out a deep breath full of emotions I'm trying to keep away when I hear people coke through the door of the decorated roof.

Get it together Rosa, I demand myself and stand up straight. Forcing the sad ugly emotions away for the sake of Millie and her guest.

Sorry for the short chapter but I probably update again this week! How are we feeling now that we know what Charles was doing?
Which friend do you think is gonna lay it on Charles?
Max, Louis, Jo, or Lando?

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