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Jimin's POV

Last night did not treat me better.

I was tossing in pain all night.

The two across slept peacefully.

Jungkook would occasionally groan and cringe from pain, but I was up all night.

Not until the sun started to rise was when I started to drift.

"Good morning! Here's your morning cup!" The same guy that checked Bin's vitals chimed in.

On a trolley was 5 cups for each of us.

Bin received one and immediately downed it.

I was then handed one and I stared at it before it started to whisper to me.

Drink me~

I refused until I couldn't help but bring it to my nose to smell.

I can't-

I shouldn't-

But what the heck.

I drank it.

In one go.

Forgetting about the pain from the other day.

I waited to be hit with pain, but nothing came.

I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I look over at Jungkook who was already staring at me.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

He looked back at his liquid before taking a sip.

Then downing it in one go just like me and Bin.

He groaned before falling onto the bed.

The strange man walked over to Jungkook and injected him with some fluid.

He then turned around and noticed I was staring.

"Oh hello there, I'm Jin. And you are?" He asked me and I nodded.


"I-Uh..Jimin" I replied and he smiled.

"I'm the head doctor. I asked to see if you remembered your name, and thankfully so! If you're feeling any pain please tell me" He said and I could only nod.

He then made his way across the room to the others.

Both ignoring the cup of blood.

Guys trust me it tastes good.

"Please drink, or else we will have to remove you from the deal" Jin spoke and my ears perked.


What deal?

Why do we need to drink this blood?

"No! Why should we?! So you can poison us?!" The one beside Hobi yelled.

"Haechan, you clearly haven't gotten your memories back, so please work with us" Jin spoke and my head titled.


Who's Haechan?

Wait is that his name?!

"T-That's my name?" The person who I assumes name is Haechan questioned.

"Yes, now please if you drink, it will help the process and hopefully jog your memory" Jin spoke and the duo hesitantly took a sip before both downing it.

Immediately they were in pain like Jungkook.

They were then chained like the rest of us before being injected with fluid.

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