Chapter Twenty Eight

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They followed the car, the sun beginning to rise but they were wide awake- finally parking and running to find some place to hide.

Of course Ruby scanned the area, counting and seeing what would be their best plan, but she was coming up short.

She shrieked as Kiara and Pope came up behind them, JJ immediately pulling her against his side to calm her down.

Only he wasn't expecting her to reach into his bag and grab the gun- but once she nodded towards one of the tanks he agreed, watching her go.

A few seconds later there was a loud boom then Ruby ran over with a cheerful grin, immediately hugging him as he opened his arms.

The two stared at the storage container and Ruby shook her head, already feeling the claustrophobia.

But this was about Sage and Sarah so she pushed it down, grabbing JJ's hand and allowing him to pull her inside.

They all found somewhere to get settled and then it was go time, everyone staying quiet as they waited.

So Ruby took the opportunity to cuddle JJ, kissing his shoulder and praying that this plan would work.

Suddenly the door was locked and they were being lifted in the air, after that it was a smooth ride.

But being trapped together could only last so long, JJ and Pope arguing while Ruby sipped her can of cherry coke.

She slipped off her jacket, rotating her shoulder and cringing from how stiff it was, JJ immediately coming over and rubbing it.

" Do you think this is gonna work?" She asked," I hope it does.." He said and kissed in between her shoulders.

After that it only got hotter, Ruby pacing around and fanning herself with her hands- this was absolute torture.

She paused, staring up at the vent, it looked pretty big, " guys come here!" She called out, pointing up to the vent.

JJ picked her up and set her down before climbing up and undoing the screws, eager for a taste of freedom but John B stopped him.

" don't. I'll find Sage and Sarah. Pope, Kie you two get the cross" John B said and Ruby scoffed, " what about us?" She asked and crossed her arms.

" there's a hundred percent chance you two will do something stupid" Pope said, " oh cool we're B team" JJ scoffed and walked away.

Ruby just shook her head and followed after him, sitting next to him on the floor and placing her hand in his.

" hey.. everything is gonna work out babe.." she said quietly, " and then what?" He asked, " we get our surf trip.." she said and booped his nose.

He scrunched his nose, finally cracking a smile, " bamboo hut.." he said quietly, " surf all day, catch our own food.." she said, allowing him to pull her onto his lap.

" my girl right by my side.." he said and cupped her cheek, " it's perfect.." she said with a happy sigh.

There was always an up side..

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