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We walked back into the McKellans' house and all plopped down in the chairs, seats, and the couches. I laid my head on Shaka's shoulder when there was a knock on the door. Mazzi got up and opened the door.
Mazzi: "Mrs Candy?"


Mazzi closed the door a little.
Mazzi: "Y/n's not here."
Candy: "Yes she is. I see her right there."
Mazzi opened the door.
Mazzi: "I tried."
Candy: "I need to talk to Y/n outside, right now."
I looked at Shaka and stood up. He grabbed my wrist.
Y/n: "I'll be fine, I hope."
I said walking outside with my mom. I shut the door behind me and turned to her. She didn't look mad but she looked sad.
Y/n: "Umm"
Candy: "Listen I was wrong...way wrong. I'm your only parent here and I'm not setting a very good example for you. It wasn't Shaka's fault or even yours. I'm the reason you did those things. I should let you live and I should have NEVER put my hands on you. I realized that the McKellans have been more of a family to you than I ever was. I'm so sorry."
She said reaching towards my face. I flinched at first, but she just moved my hair from in front of my face.
Candy: "See now you flinch around me. I want you to stay over here until you're ready to come home."
I didn't know what to say. I was in complete shock. Like I said, life is short.
Y/n: "Uhhh yeah okay."
Candy: "And I know they heard me because they're all staring out the open window."
I turned around as they all moved and pretended to be doing something else. I looked back at my mom.
Y/n: "Thank you."
Candy: "You're welcome. I'm going to go home and unpack..."
She said turning around and leaving. I stood and watched as Cocoa came outside and stood beside me.
Cocoa: "You want to explain what she's talking about?"

Love Thy Neighbor ~ Part 4Where stories live. Discover now