Remember the Story M'dear Hates To Tell?

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I walked into the McKellan home because they always leave the door open and I was bored. Jade walked past me to sit on the couch.
Y/n: "Hey family!"
Mazzi: "Hey Y/n"
I saw Mazzi and M'Dear at the table, Moz standing up near them, and Daniel on the phone.
Y/n: "I'll be back."
I said going to the restroom. When I came back Daniel was leaving with car keys. I took his spot and leaned in the seat.
Moz: "Wait, you gave him my car keys?"
M'Dear: "Well you're not going anywhere remember, Señor McLazy-o?"
I laughed a little.
Moz: "Do you want a plate Y/n?"
Y/n: "Sure!"
I hadn't eaten anyway. Shaka came down the stairs on his switch.
Mazzi: "Hey Shaka, you wanna go to The
Macambo room?"
Shaka: "Can't. Morgan's coming over. Told her Dad's gonna barbecue."
I sat up in my chair.
Moz: "Dad who?"
Y/n: "Who's Morgan?"
Jade: "Ooh, a barbecue sounds fun. I could invite Deon."
Moz: "Oh, and you need to find a chef, cause I don't plan on cookin'."
Jades mouth drops.
Y/n: "Mazzi, who's Morgan?"
His face kind of drops and he looks off.
Shaka: "Come on Dad. You're the best on the grill."
He said walking over to the island. Why is nobody answering my question? Mr. Jeb walked into the room.
Moz: "Ah, perfect timing, 'cause if you're looking for the best...I mean the original secret sauce, that would be your grandpa."
Jeb: "What??"
Moz: "You're making your world-famous ribs for your grandkids this afternoon."
Jeb: "What if I had plans? Which I don't...but I could have."
I looked at M'Dear.
Y/n: "Can you hear me?"
M'Dear: "Yes"
Y/n: "So I'm not trippin'"
Jade goes on about how she wants to go vegan, and everyone in the room laughs but me. I hope Morgan isn't who I think she is to Shaka. I completely ignored M'Dear and Jade making a bet and thought. How am I going to react when someone confirms my thoughts?
M'Dear: "Moz, keep an eye on her while Mazzi and I go play Escape from Alcatraz."
Y/n: "Can I come with you guys?!"
I blurted out quickly. It not only sounds fun, but it will get me away from the house.
Mazzi: "Sure! We always have room for you Y/n."
I smiled a little. Shaka stood up as Cocoa walked in.
Shaka: " So dad, when should I tell Morgan to come to the cookout?"
Cocoa: "What cookout? Who's Morgan?"
Shaka: "My girlfriend."
The words I didn't want to hear. How is he going to say he loves me not too long ago and he has a girlfriend. It hurts even more that that girlfriend isn't me. I looked at Mazzi while trying to hold back tears. Shaka walked out of the room and went upstairs without a care in the world.
Cocoa: "Girlfriend? Shaka has a girlfriend? Did you know Shaka had a girlfriend?"
Moz: "Oh yeah. I knew all about her."
Jade: "Me too. Alright mom, is three o'clock okay?"
Cocoa: "Yeah sure, whatever. Tell me more about this Morgan. Did you know Shaka had a girlfriend?"
Jeb: "Yeah."
Cocoa: "Why doesn't anyone keep me in the loop?"
Moz: "Shaka said he was gonna tell you, but you'd ask too many questions."
Cocoa: "No I wouldn't....How old is she? Where does she live? Is she black?"
She said smiling.
Y/n: "So you all knew?"
I said on the verge of tears.
Jade: "Wait so you didn't..know?"
She said looking at me with a soft expression.
Y/n: "What was his excuse for not telling me, huh?"
I said looking at Moz.
Moz: "Uh...."
Y/n: "Nevermind...I'm fine. Carry on."
I said slumping back in my seat and wiping my eyes a little. I don't know why I'm hurt, I should've known.

~ Time Skip ~

The whole car ride to the escape room I didn't speak. I was still processing the fact that Shaka had hidden this from me the whole time. I felt played. He acted like we still had a chance, but now I see that I was wrong. This explains why he was so distant, but it doesn't make sense why he still flirted with me. I could tell Mazzi wanted to say something to me the entire ride, but he never said a word. Nobody said a word. They all knew. Nobody cared about my feelings. Not even Mazzi. I could tell this whole time that he knew something and was struggling hard to not express it. M'Dear decided to just drop us off and have us tell Daniel that he's our alder supervision and she has better things to do like go worship Jesus. We walked into the building and met up with Daniel. Mazzi explained exactly what M'Dear had said. Daniel sighed but eventually led us to the room.
Mazzi: "So what do we do Uncle Daniel?"
Daniel: "Follow the clues that will lead you to the key that will release you from the room. You have one hour."
Mazzi: "What happens if we don't solve it in an hour?"
Daniel: "I'll just let you out."
There was a loud noise and we looked around.
Mazzi: "What's that noise?"
Daniel: "That's the mummy in the coffin over there. If you open the wrong door, he'll snatch your soul!"
Mazzi laughs.
Mazzi: "Cool!"
He said running over to the coffin. I just hugged my arms and looked around. Daniel left and shut the door.
Y/n: "Come on....this seems cool. I'm down for something to distract my mind."
Mazzi: "Oh yeah, about that. I'm sor-"
Y/n: "Not right now. I want to solve the puzzles of this room not the puzzles of my life right now." I said looking off.
Mazzi: "Okay....The first clue is...what has hands and a face but cannot smile?"
Y/n: "I know a clock does, but there isn't one in here."
I said as we both looked around.
Mazzi: "Look! It's a sundial."
We both walked over to it.
Mazzi: "The answer must have something to do with it."
We both looked in the same direction and saw the next clue on the shelf.
Daniel: "uh guys..."
Y/n: "Yeah Daniel?"
Daniel: "The system seems to be malfunctioning."
He said tugging at the door. We both walked over to it.
Y/n: "Well unmalfunction it so we'll be able to get out of here."
He stopped.
Daniel: "I'm sorry it won't work you guys. You're gonna have to solve the puzzle, find the key, and use it to open the door from the inside."
Mazzi: "But there's like 40 clues in here. That could take hours! Just call your boss and tell him we're stuck."
Daniel: "Well yeah, I- I could, but then he might blame me for the malfunction and fire me."
Y/n: "So what? You're used to that at this point!"
I said throwing my hands in the air.
Daniel: "Trust me, I'm trying as hard as I can!"
Y/n: "Uh! Can this day get any worse?!"
I said fighting off my frustrated tears. I sat down and just crossed my arms. It's gonna be a long day.

(Not spell checked ofc 😘)

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