Remember When M'Dear Stole the Show?

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We were all gathered around at the table watching Shaka and Cousin Barron's recent tiktok, but I can't stop thinking about this whole Shaka thing. He wasn't paying attention to me at all, but it's even worse now that Cousin Barron is here. Don't get me wrong, I love Cousin Barron, it's just Shaka...I heard Cocoa gasp which brought me out of my thoughts.
Cocoa: "Oh my gosh! Drake just shouted you and Barron out. Drake! I freaking love Drake!"
We all look at her.
Cocoa: "I mean, Jade loves him. I'm way too old and married to love him. I like him....a lot."
I mean who doesn't like Drake?
Barron: "Listen, he's a cool cat. Sidney introduced us."
Sidney: "Yeah, Drake and I go way back. I'm an honorary member of OVO."
I raise my eyebrows. Shaka's family is so cool and knows so many cool people. Jade makes Ami get up so she can sit next to Sidney.
Jade: "Me and you, we need to talk. We're gonna be best friends."
Cocoa: "Not so fast, bestie. Tomorrow's opening night. Have you learned all of your lines?"
Jade: "Most of them"
This already seems bad.
M'Dear: "Well, as the understudy, you need to stay ready in case the star, that's me, can't go on."
It just got 10x worse.
Jade: "As you've told me a thousand times."
She gets up and Mazzi leaves with her to go to the couch. Mr. Jeb, Cocoa, Moz, and Shaka go to the island while I sit down at the opposite end of the table right beside M'Dear. Ami walks in the middle of Cousin Barron and Sidney so they stop laughing.
Ami: "So, what's the tea? Are you guys dating? Spill it!"
I look at the two smiling a little. I figured they were, but it's not abnormal in our world now. Plus, it's their business and they seem happy. I'm not against it.
Moz: "Ami, that's none of your business! Sorry."
Barron: "It's okay, it's okay."
He sighs while everyone gathers back around.
Barron: "Sid and I aren' We're engaged!"
They said holding their hands and their rings up. This is so cute! They genuinely smile like they make each other happy and they're proud. I thought everyone was happy for them until-
Jeb: "You're engaged?!"
Shaka: "But you can't be engaged. You're not gay."
Barron: "Well, actually I am."
I look at Shaka's face. He looks sad, betrayed, and angry at the same time.
Cocoa: "This is fantastic news!"
Sidney: "That we're gay?"
Cocoa: "No, that you're getting married. But it's great that you're gay too."
We all laugh a little except for Mr. Jeb and Shaka.
Jeb: "What is everybody so happy about? And why are you celebrating a sinner?"
All of our smiles fade. Sinner? That's a little harsh, but Mr. Jeb is a pastor and hard core christian.
Barron: "And this is why I never came out to my family. You know, I was afraid that you guys might not accept me, and now I see that I was right."
He looked so upset.
M'Dear: "Boy, what are you talking about?"
Y/n: "Yeah it's okay, we accept you."
M'Dear: "You are loved, and anyone you love is welcome here."
Jeb: "Don't speak for me, Melly. You know I don't believe in this, and I'm not having any of it."
He said walking off to his room. It was oddly silent. Everyone was looking down a little, including Shaka whose energy had completely changed in the last 10 minutes.
Cocoa: "So will Drake be at the wedding?"
Jade looks at me from across the table and we both smile while looking away and trying not to laugh. Shaka walked upstairs while everyone off broke off. I was kind of alone, and I knew that Shaka was alone, so I wanted to check on him. Whatever reason he won't talk to me can wait. I walked up the stairs and stopped in front of his room. I knocked softly.
Shaka: "Come in"
I opened the door and he sat up on his bed looking at me. I slowly closed the door.
Y/n: "Are you okay?"
Shaka: "Yeah"
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Shaka: "Okay, I'm not."
I softly sat on his bed beside him.
Y/n: "I think I know why."
He looked down. It feels weird, like awkward. Normally he just opens up to me, but he's holding back.
Y/n: "Are you going to tell me or no?"
He shook his head. I'm here trying to help him but he's acting like this.
Y/n: "Fine. I'm going home. Let me know when you're going to talk to me again."
I said standing up. He didn't say anything, so I continued on my way and walked out the room. I went downstairs and grabbed my stuff. I'm not going to keep trying if he doesn't want to talk to me.
Mazzi: "Woah, Y/n where are you going?"
Mazzi said walking over to me.
Y/n: "Home. Clearly I'm not wanted here."
He looked at me knowing what I was talking about.
Mazzi: "But I want you here."
I slightly smiled at him.
Y/n: "I know, but I can't stay knowing that he doesn't."
I gave him a hug.
Y/n: "See you tomorrow."
He watched me walk out the door. I went straight home and plopped on my bed. I'm not going to stay where I'm not being acknowledged. I opened my script and went over the cues for tomorrow.

Love Thy Neighbor ~ Part 4Where stories live. Discover now