Remember When M'Dear Stole the Show?

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I was just in my room, prepping for opening night tonight. I had my window open and I was going over my cues on my bed. The breeze was nice today, so my room felt good. I was minding my business for when I heard the McKellan's door shut. I looked over and saw Cousin Barron walking out onto the McKellan porch. I followed his gaze and saw that Shaka was sitting on the bench. He had been sitting so quietly that I didn't even know he had been out there. Cousin Barron taps Shaka to get his attention.
Barron: "Hey. Take those off?"
Shaka reluctantly took his headphones out his ears.
Barron: "Yeah. Now, let me show you this new step that I learned from Chris Brown-"
Shaka: "Not interested."
I'm so confused with Shaka right now. Not just because of him ignoring me and stuff, but also at the fact that less than 24 hours ago he was so excited for Cousin Barron to get here. Now that he is, he doesn't want to be around him.
Barron: "Hey, woah, hold on Shaka. I know you're upset that I'm gay, but it's still the same me. Hm?"
Shaka is mad because of Barron being gay? I slowly and quietly moved closer to my window as Barron went and sat by Shaka.
Barron: "Look, nothing's changed."
Shaka: "Everything's changed."
Shaka got up and started walking away towards my house. I quickly moved from the window and hid behind the wall. Not too long later the doorbell rang.
Candy: "Y/n, can you get that?"
Y/n: "Yes ma'am."
I ran downstairs and to the door. When I opened it, there was Shaka who took his headphones out his ears. I had only opened the door a little bit, so I opened it a little more.
Y/n: "Um, hey."
Shaka: "Hey."
I looked at him with my head tilted.
Y/n: "What do you want?"
Shaka: "I don't know. Normally when I just show up you let me in and then we just hang out."
I furrowed my eyebrows. Is he really acting like everything is normal? Cause it's not.
Y/n: "Yeah, but I don't know."
Shaka: "Come on Y/n, you're my best friend and I need someone to talk to."
Best friend? I don't know if I'm overthinking it but I thought we were more than that, just without the label.
Y/n: "Uh huh...."
I said nodding a little.
Y/n: "Well, I'm kind of know tonight's opening night so..."
He just looked at me, then he sighed.
Shaka: "Yeah, I understand. I guess...I'll see you later."
Y/n: "Yeah, see you later."
I said slowly closing the door. When I turned around my mom was standing there. I jumped a little bit.
Y/n: "You scared me!"
I said laughing.
Candy: "Y/n, you know you're not busy."
I shrugged.
Candy: "In the last year, I've literally been struggling to keep him away from you. Now that I let you be around him, you're pushing him away. And for what?"
Y/n: "Mom he's got his own stuff going on and he's been acting weird around me."
Candy: "I guess I hope everything works out. He kept you happy."
She said walking away. My mom? Admitting that Shaka kept me happy? My mother? Candy? Hmm that's different, but maybe she's right. I guess we'll see at the play.

~ Time Skip ~

I was just setting up my area backstage while thinking about Shaka and how I treated him. I just added to whatever he has going on by not letting him talk to me.
Mazzi: "Y/n! Are you okay?"
I looked at him.
Y/n: "Y- Yeah. My bad. I'm just thinking..."
I said moving some wires. He walked and stood beside me.
Mazzi: "You're stuttering so it must be important."
I shook my head.
Y/n: "I'm good. I was just in my head. You know I do that a lot."
He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I just nodded. Before he could say anything Cocoa called everyone together. We all circled up to hear what she had to say.
Cocoa: "I just want to say thank you all so much for your hard work. This isn't just my show. It's our show. Please, don't mess this up for me."
M'dear looked at her crazy.
Cocoa: "I mean us. Um, everyone put your hands in, and on three, break a leg."
We put our hands in, but Shaka put his on top of mine. We made eye contact before looking away.
Cocoa: "One, two, three"
E-Cocoa: "JESUS!"
Cocoa: "Or that. All right, everyone, places! Come on! Come on! Let's do this."
Everyone gets to their spots and I go to my podium. I put my headset on and look across the stage to the opposite wing.
Y/n: "Check check."
Moz: "We can hear you."
Y/n: "Jade lights up, Mr. Moz curtains"
I saw him nod and they both did what they were supposed to. It revealed Ami and Mazzi. I looked at M'Dear.
Y/n: "Good luck."
M'Dear: "Luck? Baby I don't need luck. I have Jesus!"
She said walking onto the stage. I just laughed a little bit. I glanced slightly behind the three onstage and saw Shaka looking at me from the opposite wing. I looked back for a little before walking away when I saw Moz walking to him. I listened to the show, waiting for my cues. It was kind of boring to wait, but when I was needed it would b a lot at one time so I stayed alert.
Y/n: "Curtains......Hello....Mr. Moz?"
Cocoa and I both went to look across the stage.
Y/n: "He's distracted by Shaka and Jade's headset is off and she's on her phone."
Cocoa: "I better go get them."
She said running behind the backstage curtain. I sighed.
Y/n: "I do my job.."
It was intermission, so I took my headset off and sat down. I've been standing this whole time. I go on my phone just to see what's up.
Shaka: "Y/n"
I look up to see Shaka.
Y/n: "Hey"
He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me.
Shaka: "Look I'm sorry for the other day. I was being weird I guess. It was just new information to me."
I sighed and shook my head.
Y/n: "It's not that."
Shaka: "Then what is it?"
I looked at him.
Y/n: "I don't know. You just aren't acting the same around me. You're like distant. You've never been like this, even when I wasn't allowed to see you."
His face kind of softened.
Shaka: "Oh..."
Y/n: "What?"
Shaka: "Nothing. I'm sorry. I didn't realize the timing. I definitely didn't act the same as when you left, but you were gone from everywhere so I didn't know you would be the same either."
I felt like he wasn't telling the full truth.
Y/n: "Mhm...Well we both know what the other was thinking. Can we just go back to how we were before?"
Shaka: "Yeah, that's all I want."
He said shrugging. I smiled a little.
Y/n: "Then we're good."
He smiled.
Shaka: "Good cause I can't lose you over something like that."
I looked away smiling.
Y/n: "Whatever Shaka."
I said standing up and putting my headset back on. I was still uneasy about if he was telling the truth or not. He stood up too.
Shaka: "What's wrong? You still look stressed."
I looked at him.
Y/n: "Well yeah, I'm stage manager."
I said laughing and playing that feeling off.
Y/n: "We're back. Lights and curtain up."

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