Remember My Funny Valentine?

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It was the afternoon of Valentine's day and I decided to go to the dojo just to let off some steam. Nobody was there, including Shandu. I was alone which was the best for me at the moment. I put my bag down and dragged a dummy out onto the mat. I stretched a little bit before I walked up to the dummy. I started sort of calm, just a few punches, slices, kicks and stuff. Eventually, I felt my anger building up. I started to use moves that are meant for harm and was breathing very hard. I threw three more are punches before I gasped of exhaustion. I had been so focused that I didn't even notice that Shandu had arrived and was standing in the doorway with his cane. He was so silent too.
Shandu: "Who made you mad?"
He said in that funny tone he always uses. He began to walk towards me.
Shandu: "I haven't seen you in months and then you just show up trying to kill my dummy? You do know that dummies can't die right, dummy?"
I laughed a little.
Y/n: "Yes Shandu, I know."
I went and sat on a bench and started to drink my water.
Shandu: "What's going on?"
I swallowed my water and sighed, shaking my head.
Y/n: "It's just boy problems."
Shandu: "What did Shaka do now?"
Y/n: "Shandu he has a new girl that he was messing with when I was gone. THEN when I got back, he was saying stuff to me as if he wasn't official with her. Supposedly he was going to tell me and told everyone who knew not to say anything cause he wanted to tell me personally. THIS FOOL FORGOT AND WAS TALKING ABOUT HER IN FRONT OF ME. Then the day I found out I went to an escape room with Mazzi and he told me he's been liking me right. And at first I was like, ew, that's weird. But I realized that he really treats me better than Shaka already and we aren't even together so I decided to give him a chance and we're going out for Valentine's day."
Shandu scratched his tiny beard trying to comprehend everything. I shake my head.
Shandu: "So why are you here?"
Y/n: "Well I couldn't keep hitting my house anymore. Like the doors and stuff. I'm gonna break something and I refuse to bring back my mom's wrath."
I said standing up. As I was about to swing, he stopped my arm with his cane.
Shandu: "It sounds like you need to relax. You need to compress that anger. Put that dummy away."
I nodded and dragged it back to where I got it from.
Shandu: "Sit"
I sat in the middle of the mat and crossed my legs.
Shandu: "Steady your breathing, you know the drill."
I went through the whole calming yoga type thing. I haven't done it in a while and it was very soothing.
Shandu: "Now, is your mind cleared?"
I nodded while taking a breath.
Shandu: "Now, gather your stuff and go get ready."
I nodded and stood up. I went to the bench and grabbed my stuff. I walked out of the dojo after saying bye to Shandu. I was already going to walk home when someone honked at me. I looked to my side and saw Shaka hopping out of his mom's car. I took a deep breath. He was not going to disturb my peace that I had just gained.
Shaka: "Why are you walking home alone? And why are you in your gi?"
Y/n: "Use your common sense Shaka"
I said continuing to walk. He walked quickly to keep up with me.
Shaka: "Okay, why have you been so mad at me? I don't even know what I did."
I shook my head.
Y/n: "I don't wanna talk about it Shaka. I just calmed down."
Shaka: "Calmed down from what? Were you fighting?"
Y/n: "You're asking a lot of questions, and no, I wasn't."
He grabbed my wrist which caused me to stop. He lifted it up to reveal my knuckles which were still kind of red.
Shaka: "Yeah, definitely weren't fighting."
He said sarcastically.
Y/n: "I literally just said I wasn't fighting. Didn't say I wasn't training."
I said rolling my eyes and continuing to walk. Stay calm Y/n. We walked awhile without either of us saying anything. He decided to break the silence.
Shaka: "Soooo"
I looked at him.
Shaka. "Are you going to Deloatch's tonight?"
He said looking at me like he was nervous.
Y/n: "I wasn't"
I said looking off. It sounded like he sighed in relief, but I wasn't looking at him completely. He clearly didn't want me to come but I am anyway.
Y/n: "But now I am"
He looked at me quickly as we turned the corner to our street.
Shaka: "You are?"
I nodded.
Shaka: "With who?"
Y/n: "Why does it matter? You have a girlfriend right?"
I said looking forward.
Shaka: "Wait what?"
He looked at me for a couple seconds before he gasped.
Shaka: "I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you. I just assumed that Mazzi had."
I shook my head disappointingly.
Y/n: "Unlike you, Mazzi actually cares about the people he loves and keeps his word. He never said anything because YOU said you were gonna tell me. So when you ask 'Why are you so mad at me', think about that."
I said poking his chest on 'you'. I started walking up the porch of my house.
Y/n: "Oh, and since you wanted to know so bad, I'm going with Mazzi."
Shaka: "You're what?!"
He said right before I closed the door to my house. I was not about to continue to talk to him, especially when I knew my peace was running out.

~ Time Skip ~

My mom was helping me get ready for the Valentine's Day dinner with Mazzi. I had told her that it wasn't that serious because right now she's doing my make up as if I'm going to freaking prom.
Candy: "Y/n sit still! All I have to do is your mascara."
Y/n: "You've been doing my make up for so longgg"
I looked at her through the mirror. She just shook her head before continuing to do my mascara.
Candy: "Sooo what made you decide to go with Mazzi?"
Y/n: "Well he asked. You know he said that he's liked me for a while."
Her eyes widened with a smile.
Candy: "Really? Makes sense, he's always been so nice to you."
I nodded a little. She closed the mascara.
Candy: "Well I want you to have fun. No drama okay. I will be here with Roman if you need me."
She said just as the doorbell rang.
We both walked downstairs. I went to the door and opened it. There stood Mazzi, holding a bouquet of flowers. He stared at me.
Y/n: "Is it the makeup? I told my mom it was a lot-"
Mazzi: "No no no! It's not. You look really beautiful."
My mom peaked over my shoulder as Mazzi handed me the flowers.
Y/n: "Thank you"
I said smiling a bit.
My mom carefully grabbed the flowers from me.
Candy: "I'll put these in your room."
She said with a slight smirk. Roman walked up behind Mazzi.
Roman: "Wow, Y/n is that you? You look different. Like a good different, girl."
I smiled as he hugged me.
Y/n: "Thank you. But we gotta go right?"
Mazzi: "Yeah"
Roman: "Okay"
Candy: "Have fun baby!"
My mom said before Roman closed the door behind me. Mazzi reached his hand out to help me down the porch steps.
Y/n: "Thanks"
Mazzi: "It's nothing"
He said as we walked to get in the car with Ami and Mr. Jeb.

(Not Spell Checked)

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