Remember My Final Breaking Point? (bonus)

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It's like eight o'clock at night and there was a knock on my front door. My mom wasn't home, so I ran downstairs to get it. She's supposed to be staying over at Roman's tonight. I didn't ask why cause... you I asked her if I could stay home alone. I just needed complete silence and aloneness for a little.
Y/n: "I'm coming!"
I opened the door all the way. I was shocked to see both Shaka and Mazzi standing at the door in their pajamas . Mazzi had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot while Shaka looked up from the ground to me. 
Y/n: "Umm hey guys...what are you doing here?"
I said looking directly at Shaka. Mazzi walked right past me and into my house.
Y/n: "Do you want to come in Mazzi? Sure Y/n, I want to come in."
I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. I looked at Shaka and sighed. I slightly moved to the side to let him in. I shut the door behind him and turned around. 
Y/n: "Care to explain why you pushed yourself into my house...and brought him?"
Shaka: "Okay, I haven't even said anything yet."
Y/n: "You don't have to. I'm not in the mood."
I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows at Mazzi.
Y/n: "So?"
Mazzi: "Which one of us do you like more?"
I looked between the two and scoffed.
Y/n: "Are you serious? That's why you busted up in my house? To ask something stupid like that?! I just said I was not in the mood."
Mazzi: "We're just saying like in general-"
Shaka: "We've been fighting about it since Valentine's Day and I've had enough. Mazzi's really starting to make me mad."
He said mugging Mazzi.
Y/n: "So you're telling me, I don't hear from either of you for a week, then you decide to randomly show up at my doorstep, burst in MY house, and say that I haven't seen y'all because you've been fighting over me?"
Shaka: "Yeah"
Mazzi: "Pretty much"
I looked at them like they're crazy.
Y/n: "Well right now... I don't like either of y'all!"
I point at Mazzi.
Y/n: "You were cool until Valentine's Day."
Then I looked at Shaka.
Y/n: "And you... well you already know why I don't like you."
He rolled his eyes.
Y/n: "Why do you even care if I like you more than Mazzi? Why does it matter? You have a girlfriend right?"
I said looking at Shaka confused.
Shaka: "Can both of you guys stop saying that? Finding out that you knew was not a fun time."
Y/n: "Oh trust me, I know."
He mugged me.
Shaka: "Morgan and I broke up."
Y/n: "Ohhh so now that she broke up with you, now you wanna come running back to me."
Shaka: "I broke up with her because I couldn't stop thinking about you!"
He said stepping up to me and grabbing my hand. I quickly pulled it away and looked at him.
Y/n: "You couldn't have thought about that before you broke my heart... for the second time by the way."
I said taking a step back. He sighed and looked at Mazzi.
Shaka: "Can you go outside for like five seconds, please?"
Mazzi mugged for a second, but then he sighed and walked outside. I crossed my arms. I haven't been alone with him in a long time. I've been upset for so long that I've become mad at him, but that doesn't mean I don't have any love for him left. 
Shaka: "Can you stop pretending to be mad at me?"
Y/n: "Pretending? For someone trying not to make me mad, you're doing a terrible job."
Shaka: "Y/n, I'm trying! Okay, I'm trying! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, I got lonely while you were gone. That I didn't know if you were coming back or not! You don't ever think about me!"
Y/n: "Don't ever think about you?"
I said looking down and shaking my head.
Y/n: "I don't ever think about you?! Maybe because I was trying to survive in my own household! You were my outlet! You live in a nice house, have a nice family, have never had domestic problems, and you're worried about me never thinking about you?! In the last couple years, everything that YOU have gone through is NOTHING compared to what I went through. We were racially arrested, I was abused, I got beat up in a place I was supposed to have an amazing hobby, I DIED, was brought back in a coma, then was forced to break up with you, was hidden from you and you never tried to reach out and check on me, the abuse got worse, we lost Principal Glass, I had to go stay with my dad away from you guys AGAIN, and when I came back you acted you like we were all okay just for me to find out from someone else that the person that I have loved for SO LONG moved on and had a girlfriend while flirting with me. Then I find out that the person who I love's brother likes me too? And throughout all of this I STILL LOVED YOU SHAKA. I ALWAY DID AND ALWAYS WILL. BUT THEN YOU ASK ME STUPID QUESTIONS LIKE WHO DO I LIKE MORE AN CAN I STOP BEING MAD AT YOU LIKE I DON'T HAVE A REASON TO BE MAD OR UPSET OR HURT."
I pushed him backwards while trying not to cry.
Y/n: "So I'm sorry if it feels like I never thought about you, or never think about you. I'm literally just trying to stay alive at this point."
I said crying now. He was silent for so long while I cried into my hands. Eventually he slowly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He patted my back a few times.
Shaka: "I'm sorry."
He paused for a second and let me go. He pulled my hands down slowly and lifted my shirt to reveal the vest he got me. I guess he had felt it while he hugged me. I wiped some tears and sniffled.
Y/n: "I wear it every day...even on Valentine's Day."
He shook his head and sighed.
Shaka: "Please Y/n...let me try again. You need me as much as I need you."
He said wiping my tears. I don't even know anymore. I don't even care anymore. I looked away from him.
Y/n: "I'll think about it. Now go... Mazzi's been waiting for a while."
Shaka: "But-"
Y/n: "It's okay...I'll be fine."
He hesitated before he walked to the door. He opened it to reveal Mazzi.
Shaka: "Mazzi..I'm gonna stay here tonight-"
Y/n: "Shaka-"
Shaka: "Can you tell mom for me please? I'll make it up to you I promise."
Mazzi rolled his eyes.
Mazzi: "Fine."
Shaka shut the door and looked at me.
Shaka: "I'm not gonna leave you alone here like this. I'm done doing that. And I'm going to earn back your trust as soon as possible, but if it's going to take baby steps then I might as well start now."
I walked up to him and gave him a hug. After a while, we finally let go.
Y/n: "I hope you weren't expecting to do anything because I'm going to sleep. I have a headache."
Shaka: "I'll get you some water and medicine....uhm where is your medicine?"
I smiled a little bit. 
Y/n: "It's in the pantry on the bottom shelf. You know where my room is."
Shaka: "Yeah"
He said walking off. I turned to my stairs and shook my head a little bit. He broke up with Morgan because of me. I feel bad, but at the same time I didn't technically do anything. I got to my room and opened the door. I immediately got into the bed and laid there. I was almost asleep when Shaka finally walked in. He quietly walked to the side table closest to the side of the bed I was laying on. He set the cup of water and medicine down and then lightly shook me. 
Shaka: "Y/n, you need to take this"
I just moved my head slightly.
Shaka: "No no no, just take it and then we can go to sleep."
He got some medicine and handed it to me. Then he passed me the water and I took the medicine with it. He took the cup from me and set it on the side table. I laid back down before Shaka slid in the other side of the bed. I rolled over and looked at him. 
Y/n: "Thank you"

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