Remember When the Trick Wasn't a Treat?

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M'Dear: "I am not gonna let those demons take my baby!"
Elvis: "We've only got a little time before the portal closes!"
Y/n: "I can't lose my mom!"
M'Dear: "Get my purse!"
We all watch as Shaka tries to grab the purse, but he drops it because it's heavy.
Shaka: "What do you have in here? A brick?!"
M'Dear: "Yes a brick"
She says picking the purse up and putting it on the stool.
M'Dear: "It's a jungle out there!"
Mazzi: "What are you gonna do M'Dear?"
M'Dear: "I am going to fight those demons. I just have to find the right weapon."
She starts digging through her purse. She pulls out a rolling pin, a brick, a ninja star, nun chucks, steel knuckles, and then a perfume bottle.
Jade: "Demons hate perfume?"
M'Dear: "This is holy water. You see, demons, they hide in plain sight. They take possession of a soul and make it do their bidding. All we have to do is find out who that is."
She walks over towards us.
Mazzi: "It could be one of us?"
We all back away from each other.
Y/n: "Well it isn't me. I would know."
Elvis: "That's something a demon would say."
Y/n: "Shut up Elvis!"
M'Dear: "Let's go with the most likely candidate."
She walks over to Shaka.
Shaka: "HEY!"
She sprays him and nothing happens.
Shaka: "See? I'm innocent."
She sprays him again.
Shaka: "I'm demon-free."
M'Dear: "Yeah, I know. That was for you not doing what you were told. Trifling! Just trifling!"
She says spraying him a lot. Then she unsuspectingly sprayed me.
Y/n: "What did I do?!"
M'Dear: "You're his little sidekick."
She said spraying me again.
Y/n: "Okay okay I'm clean I'm clean!"
She waves her hand for us to move. She sprays Mazzi next, and he clenches his face and freezes. He opened his eyes and quickly moved out the way. Next she sprays Jade and she screams, but then she nods her head and moves when she realizes she's clean. M'Dear then sprays Elvis, but he starts screaming and flailing his hands around. We all scream.
Jade: "Elvis is the demon!"
Elvis: "No. You almost messed up the 'fro."
Y/n: "Elvis!"
We all look at Ami.
Ami: "Uncle Daniel's upstairs come on!"
Her voice gets a little high pitched.
M'Dear: "Hey Ami! Uh, I haven't chaecked you yet."
Ami: "Me? The only thing I've got in me is the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!"
She starts praise dancing very convincingly, but I have a bad feeling about her right now.
M'Dear: "Uh-uh!"
She sprays her and Ami falls to her knees.
Ami: "It burns!"
We all scream.
Shaka: "Fight Ami! Push the demon out of you!"
Y/n: "Yeah! What happened to the Holy Spirit?!
She looks up and her eyes are red and she laughs demonically.
Demon: "Too late! She belongs to me now!"
Daniel comes running down the stairs.
Daniel: "I finally got free . What's goin-"
Ami bends backwards into a back bend and starts walking towards Daniel. We all start screaming as he runs past Ami and to us.
Daniel: "M'Dear!"
She then folds in half and leans on her chin. Her legs start going around and around. Then she suddenly stops and crawls towards us.
Daniel: "THATS... NOT... natural ooo"
He passes out in front of all of us.
Jade: "M'Dear do something!"
M'Dear: "Angels of heaven, help us to fight this EVILLL!"
Ami comes back up and looks at us.
Demon: "Thank you for opening the portal and inviting me in."
Shaka,Y/n: "That e-vite was deleted!"
Ami is breathing real hard and now I'm regretting letting Shaka convince me to play. Ami starts walking towards M'Dear.
M'Dear: "In the name of the Father, I rebuke you, you minion of Satan!"
Demon: "It's on like Donkey Kong!"
She said jumping on M'Dear. We all scream as the lights turn off.

We all relaxed once we realized it was just the family.
M'Dear: "Payback is not a mother. It's a M'Dear!"
They all laugh at us.
Jade: "Seriously?"
Elvis: "I think I had a small heart attack."
Y/n: "I think I had 10!"
I said as I realized I was laying on Shaka who had his arms wrapped around me from being scared. He was looking around shocked now.
Mazzi: "That... was... Awesome!"
He went to give the adults a high-five. Shaka lightly move me off his lap, stood up, and moved Mazzi before he could.
Shaka: "All of that just to teach us a lesson?"
M'Dear: "Well, when Ami told me that you were disobeying me, I was about to beat the sense into you, but I thought..'It's Halloween', so I decided to scare some sense into you instead."
Cocoa: "Then M'Dear told us her plan, and we decided that tricking you would be our treat."
I got up and stood next to Shaka.
Y/n: "That's such an adult thing to say."
I said shaking my head. The adults started walking in front of us so we sat back down.
Mazzi: "How did you do it?"
Moz: "Well, we used cameras to appear on TV. Everything else was pretty low-tech. I switched out the TV for one with no back. That way I could reach through it."
He said the last part in a "spooky" voice.
Jade: "Roman, you have some serious acting skills. I mean, you had me convinced you were actually in love with Miss Candy."
Y/n: "Right?"
Well all laughed.
Candy: "Silly"
She said hitting him lightly.
Roman: "Yeah. I am."
He said waving his hands. I have a feeling he meant he actually is in love with my mom. Maybe that'll distract her from me.
Shaka: "You almost scared us to death."
Moz: "Yep, and you guys fell for it, hook, line, and sinker."
Daniel laughed.
Daniel: "I knew it was a prank the whole time. I was just playing along too."
Cocoa: "Oh really?"
Daniel: "Yeah"
Cocoa: "Let's take a look at the tape."
Moz: "Yeah, I mean, we recorded the whole prank."
We all watched the replay in slow motion while shaking our heads.
Mazzi: "Really dude?"
Daniel: "I was trying to get in front of you to protect you. That's the kind of man I am! Uncle Danny love the kids."
He laughs a little as Ami sneaks up behind him.
Ami: "BOO!"
Daniel screams and falls in my mom's lap.
Daniel: "Hey girl. How you doin'?"
She pushes him off of her and rolls her eyes. Shaka and I laugh a little bit and then look at each other.

Oh does it feel good to be back.

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